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Posts posted by Fev

  1. On a related matter, can people tell me what their experience is of browsing for ebooks? I don't have an e-reader yet, preferring paper for now, but I'm curious as to how people's book choices are affected by using the new medium. Obviously the vendors still attempt to group titles into categories such as thrillers, fantasy, etc., just as they would on physical shelves in a real shop. but my own eye is so easily caught by a pretty cover and then very much influenced by the heft and feel of a book (for this reason I rarely look on websites like Waterstones, even while I love to go in their shops) that I don't know that I'd get on very well with choosing ebooks, unless I were to do the actual browsing in a real shop and then go home and download my choice! Golly, such a stick-in-the-mud aren't I... I'm not actually anti-e-reader and might very well invest in one some day soon for holidays and the like, but I do think browsing books is another part of the reading experience that will be lost somewhat. Any thoughts? Thanks x

  2. ...that when books were invented someone had had the foresight to standardise book cover layout in terms of the title and author - I don't mean at all that I would want to reduce the variety of beautiful and eye-catching designs on display in shops and shelves, but it does make it difficult to browse when there aren't any conventions as to which comes uppermost and which below on the spines, especially when the font size and alignment can vary so much...


    Incidentally, I saw a stall the other day that was selling bookmarks made from the spines of old books, you know, the leather-bound sort - the butchers! Good thing I am not a veggie too, my friend hates leather in the first place so she might have fainted at the sight of this double-barbarism ;)

  3. I was browsing in a second-hand book shop today and found a copy of Notes from an Exhibition by Patrick Gale; there was a picture of the author inside the cover and someone had written on the opposite page,


    'The book might be rubbish, but at least the author's pretty tasty - enjoy!'


    Made me chuckle :)

  4. A few years ago I found a fiction book called Freshers that was based around my halls of residence at uni! It wasn't exactly a classic or even a title that I'd heard of before, but I couldn't believe it, so random. The characters went to all the same pubs and old haunts as me and my chums too... Hm, guess me buying the book was sort of the reverse of literary tourism :)


    Other than that I have visited Top Withens (lots actually, one of my fave places to go walking, up on the wild moors), Whitby (don't forget it's also the setting of the Whitby Witches, as well as Dracula!), Bristol (from whence Jim sets off for Treasure Island - think there is a Spy Glass restaurant but the pub that the one in the book was based on is actually called something entirely different), Chatsworth House (filming location for Pemberly in the 2005 version of Pride & Prejudice and where they still have the marble bust of Mr Darcy from the film!). Oh and last year I also holidayed in Crete and went on an excursion to the island from The Island (by Victoria Hislop). To be honest that last was the only one of those locations that could be classed as literary tourism, the other places I just happen to have been visiting and had the famous links pointed out to me whilst there.

  5. I have read both Rebecca and Jamaica Inn and loved them both, so when I was in a 2nd hand bookshop recently I didn't hesitate to buy another of her books, The Glassblowers, even though I had never heard of it before. Unfortunately I was quite disappointed with it as it gets a bit too bogged down in the historical context and so the plot is very slow. She's an absolute master of suspense though and so nevertheless I will definitely read more of her thrillers; I'll just have to read the blurb a bit more closely next time to distinguish from her other styles!


    Having never been to Cornwall I had no idea that Jamaica Inn was a real place - though possibly seeing it for real would spoil the vivid mental picture the book conjured in my head. Funny you should mention about the perception of moors being a Yorkshire thing too; I actually live very close to the Bronte moors and have visited the supposed Top Withens, but even with that bond I really couldn't get into Wuthering Heights, even though in many respects it is very similar to Jamaica Inn, which I loved...

  6. Those of you who enjoy the book, can you please tell us a little more.. what it is you like, favourite characters and why, etc.


    My favourite character is definitely Dickon - he takes such an innocent pleasure in all things to do with nature, but also seems so wise and mature, introducing Mary to the new surroundings that are so unlike the Indian home she has left behind. He is care-free and easy-going (in contrast to nearly all the other characters) and even Mary likes him, despite her sense of superiority and his being 'only a common moor boy'. In short, even in print he's a charmer (quite literally, when it comes to the birds!)

  7. I went in my local library today for the first time in about a year and so noticed just how much it has been reduced in that time. There were lots of shelves where the books were laid flat and showing their covers outwards, presumably because they wouldn't otherwise have enough books to fill them - or perhaps I'm being too pessimistic and in fact all those missing books have in fact been lent out. Certainly they are cutting back though, as there were only 2 computer stations where there used to be 5, and they have also started charging for audiobooks, which is a shame - I must have borrowed more of those than actual books when I used to go there as a child.


    Incidentally, I took a peek in the kids' section today just out of interest: the shelves in there were still packed, and they had a much broader range in terms of publication date. In the adults' fiction section they seem to withdraw books as soon as they are more than about 5 years old (not counting the Classics, although there wasn't a dazzling selection of these either). I suppose it's good that they evidently are keeping the stock up to date, and indeed there was plenty that caught my eye - however as I've challenged myself to plough through the BBC Big Read list that was compiled in 2003 this isn't so useful to me, and I hate having to rely on ordering books in as you're not then able to browse before making a selection.


    Still, I was reminded what a comfortable and friendly atmosphere it was in there, and mean to start using my library more frequently again.

  8. I have just finished Great Expectations and, in the end, enjoyed it, though it was very hard going at first. I already knew how it started, which is possibly why I just wasn't gripped by the whole saga on the marshes, but it wasn't until (trying to think of a description that won't spoil it for any yet to read it) the arrival of Mr Provis that it seemed to engage my interest. Think I will give Dickens a rest for a while before returning to him though, not least because the language style demands too much concentration from my poor brain! :)

  9. BBC The Big Read Top 100 Books


    How many of these have you read? Which do you agree / disagree with?



    Obviously nobody listed here yet but is there actually anyone out there who has read the entire list? I'm about halfway through [3 years and counting] and just wondered how much longer I can expect to still be at it [even disregarding all the other terrific books that keep distracting me from my task!] Even a vague idea of how long it has taken someone else would be good haha.

  10. Well so far I am enjoying the series, despite the realisation that of course it inevitably spoils the plot of any of the books that I have yet to read [which wouldn't be a problem given the enormity of the TBR pile under which they are already buried - I could very easily forget the spoilers by the time I get around to them - except that of course the enthusiasm with which the guests talk about them would otherwise make me want to open them immediately :D]


    The other thing that strikes me is the shoddy way in which the books are frequently handled, with the primary culprit being Anne when she hands them across the table open at a quote page, flapping from the bent cover - bad form Anne, very bad form :( Kudos to Clare Balding though for acknowledging the special sensory experience of reading a book :) Hm, may just have to read myself a bit of a Roald Dahl picturebook for a bedtime story [seeing as I already know how they all end in any case!]

  11. I had lately noticed an upsurge in the theme of Literature on the Beeb's programmes schedule, but not realised that it's actually a current 'season' of theirs. I just saw Anne Robinson on the One Show this evening though, talking about an upcoming series she'll be presenting called 'My Life in Books', where celebs talk about the authors and works that have influenced and inspired them the most.


    I think I am most looking forward to the Giles Coren and Sue Perkins episode (the bods who recently relived The Good Life), but also intrigued by the juxtaposition of PD James and Richard Bacon of all people in the first episode. Possibly the more intrigued even by the second half of that pairing - what kind of books would a crack-head childrens'/bawdy breakfast TV presenter read?? Joking aside, he was on the payroll of Blue Peter when my particular generation were of the age to watch, so I do actually love him unconditionally, as I do them all (go Bonnie, Kari and Oke!)


    Anyone caught any other programmes from this season, or particularly looking forward to one of the documentaries?

  12. I am new on this forum, just joined, have become a real book reader, used to read alot years ago, but just started up again.


    I started a Nora Roberts book last week 'River's End', could not put it down, now I am hooked on her books.


    I am just wondering if any of you readers have read any of her books and which are the best ones, feel now as if I will have to read all of them.


    I would recommend The Irish Trilogy, which consists of Jewels of the Sun, Tears of the Moon, and Heart of the Sea (in that order - I didn't realise that they were actually part of the same series until I read the blurb on the reverse of the two later books, which gives gives away what has happened in the first one, oops!) You can just hear the lovely lilting accents and practically see the lush landscape, plus there's a bit of a historical fairy-tale aspect to it. Lovely :)

  13. Edit: Thanks for the interesting thread Fev, it's been intriguing to read how others like to do their bookshopping :D


    Hehe, you're welcome! I'm finding it fascinating too. Wish I could afford to buy as many books as some of you guys, but on the other hand like I said, it's a special treat for me and I treasure all my new books.


    (Forgot to say I also tend to get quite a few new books for Christmas and birthday - I'm easy to shop for :D)

  14. Okay, I went into Waterstones today and actually bought a book. This might seem like a strange statement from someone who professes to love reading (and who spends an awful lot of time browsing shops like Waterstones), but the fact is that I rarely buy brand spanking new books.


    I buy a lot second-hand, but more than this I tend to think I should make the most of the hundreds of books already in my parents' house or the public library first. It's not because I'm stingy (well, maybe a bit :)) but it makes buying a new publication a rare treat, and I have to really want whatever book it is.


    Out of curiosity, I was wondering how many books other people bought new in an average year...??

  15. I sometimes read introductions after finishing the book ('cause I'm backwards like) if I can be bothered, but am wary of reading them beforehand now...


    My particular spoiler experience was Rebecca, by Daphne Du Maurier. After the first "Oh, think I would have preferred to have read that for myself", I carried on reading, thinking that that would be an exceptional slip of information... Oh no! Spoiler after spoiler was revealed so that eventually I was simply ploughing on just to see how far it would go. By the end of the introduction I literally knew THE ENTIRE PLOT, ending and all! I was fuming.


    Fortunately, it wasn't a book that I'd been especially looking forward to reading but rather had been given it for Christmas, so simply shelved it for about three years, and then read it when I had managed to forget the plot all over again. So it was a happy ending after all... Or was it?!?! :)

  16. If i get hold of a scrap piece of paper i put a arrow on it to point to which page.


    I don't quite understand what you mean by this but it reminds me of that bit in the film Labrynth where she lipsticks an arrow on a paving slab to tell her which way she's already been, and then a little creature sneakily swivels it round to point somewhere else. Amusing :)

  17. Ooh, I visited Whitby the other week. Happened to go down one of the random little streets at the bottom of the hill rather than heading straight up towards the abbey as usual, and there is an amazing-looking little bookshop down there! Sorry I didn't catch its name and was unable to go in myself at the time :) all I got was a glimpse through the window of literally every inch of wall and every surface stacked with books, all muddled up (I'm sure that would be annoying looking for something particular but it added to the alluring prospect of rooting and rummaging for me) In fact you could only just see in through the windows as the stacks were even looming there...

  18. I also enjoy knitting socks and cross stitching. :lol:


    I have a bit of an obsession with socks and would love to make my own! Alas I haven't got a clue about knitting. I also really would like to go to pottery classes again. My Mum used to volunteer at a group as she was the only person who knew how to fire things in the kiln - when I was little I used to get dragged along in the school holidays but actually it was great fun, chatting with all the old ladies and squishing clay :)


    Hobbies I actually do maintain include hiking, origami and keeping tropical fish, they're so pretty and fascinating :lol:

  19. My favourite play is Pygmalion (aka. My Fair Lady) by George Bernard Shaw. I studied linguistics so I always wanted to be 'Enry 'Iggins with his 'hear' for 'haccents'!

    Having obviously seen the film though, reading that is such a different experience to reading Shakespeare, Marlowe, even Hobson's Choice, as I never saw any of those acted out so the imagery is purely in my head... (compl with all singing, all dancing embellishments... haha, I kid) :lol:

  20. I read this a few years back and ultimately must have decided that I didn't like it as, very unsually for me, I deliberately left it behind when I moved flats.


    It was the plot that bothered me, specifically the slow cave bit followed by that crazy ending - I just felt as though Suskind had deliberately tried to think of the most *sensational, controversial finale he could (a bit like The Lovely Bones but then that book was drivel from beginning to end as far as I was concerned) and it irritated me a lot.


    I think another reason why the ending jarred with me was because it twisted the behaviour of 'everyday' people, suddenly removing the sense of realism from the fiction as a whole, which had been disturbing yet plausible (and so even more disturbing) up to that point. Unfortunately you do get monsters like Jean-Baptise in society, and there are arguments that we all have in us the potential for extreme and destructive behaviour; but not en masse, at the flick of a switch as it were! It just annoyed me that in one swift scene Suskind's protagonist went from an insane ousider to being somehow an all-powerful superior... meh, it's tiring trying to express my muddled head!


    Anyways, after having said all that, I really regret giving the book away now because, although I didn't enjoy it as such, I would like to read it again. It's a clever idea* and I remember the use of language was utterly brilliant in parts, and I wonder how my experience of it has changed now that the unexpected plot direction won't detract and spoil it for me...



    * I wonder if that is why Suskind was not exactly prolific after that success, because he'd only had this one really striking, if not actually unique idea: basing a novel on smells, so difficult to capture in words


    (This is why I could never be a wine conoisseur - "This glass has a fine bouquet of... to be honest, it just smells like, well, wine!!!" ;))

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