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Posts posted by DayDream

  1. Hi DayDream. :blush: Some interesting books in your list.



    I read this earlier this year and thought it was really good! Did you enjoy it?


    I quite liked it, not at all what i expected. I liked the fact that none of the characters were 'over the top'



    A lot of varied books there. We seem to have pretty similar tastes in reading. :)


    What did you think of The Scarlet Pimpernel? I have that on my TBR pile.


    I love it, i try to read it at least once a year. It's got everything in it. It also helps that i'm a completely hopeless romantic and the relationship between Sir Percy and Marguerite leaves me sighing like a simp on several occassions.

  2. I loved Wideacre, it kept me enthralled all the way through, imagining what new lengths Beatrice will go through to get what she wants. Although admitedly i did think after all the detail that went into the story itself it was wrapped up a bit too quickly.

    Am not sure how i feel about the series though it seems a bit too 'Virginia Andrews' for my liking. (not that there is anything wrong with Virginia Andrews i just could never take to them)

    Although if anyone has read the series and feels that they can sway me i would be more than happy to acquiesce.

  3. 1 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen

    2 The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien

    3 Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte

    4 Harry Potter series - JK Rowling

    5 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee

    6 The Bible -

    7 Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte

    8 1984 - George Orwell

    9 His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman

    10 Great Expectations - Charles Dickens

    11 Little Women - Louisa M Alcott

    12 Tess of the D

  4. luckily i'm quite nuerotic and keep a list of the books i've read anyway, so can recall all the way back to the beggining of the year


    Frank Skinner - Frank Skinner

    IT - Stephen King

    1984 - George Orwell

    Dancing in the Darkness - Frankie Poullain

    Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson

    The Hippopotamus - Stephen Fry

    Mister B Gone - Clive Barker

    Schindlers Ark - Thomas Keneally

    Wideacre - Phillipa Gregory

    Making Money - Terry Pratchett

    Dead Witch walking - Kim Harrison

    Middlemarch - George Elliot

    The Liar - Stephen Fry

    Day of the Triffids - John Wyndham

    The Scarlet Pimpernel - Baroness Orczy

    Venus in Furs - Leopold Sacher von Masoch

    Selected letters and poems of Keats - Robert Gittings

    Hangover Square - Patrick Hamilton

    The Gargoyle - Andrew Davidson

    The Slaves of Solitude - Patrick Hamilton

    The new uncanny - anthology edited by ra Page

    Elizabeth - David Starkey

    Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame

    Eats shoots and leaves - Lynn Truss

    Persuasion - Jane Austen

  5. I have ooodles of bookmarks, in fact i think i may even be collecting them now.

    However sometimes my nuerosis takes over and i use a plain strip of paper, write on it the name of the book and author, what date i started it then what date i finished it. Then do the same for the next book till the strip is filled.

    I also have another method of writing down the number of pages, then how many i read that day, and how many i've got left. Sounds strange i know, but i have a drawer full of strips of paper dating back years that always amuse me to look back at.


    I blame my mother! :she:

  6. I'm the same. I bought Duma Key over a year ago, read the first few chapters but really could not get into it. Put it on my shelf and its been there since, which is a shame as i'm quite a big Stephen King fan and have never had to be in the 'right frame of mind' to read any of his works before

  7. I can't quite remember my first fantasy I think it was 'Lord of the Rings' although it was my dad's book and i think i may have been too young to really appreciate a lot of it. First one that impacted me was 'Pawn of Prophecy' by David Eddings.


    First Horror was 'Slugs' by Shaun Hutson. Oh dear god never again! that book seriously gave me the heebie jeebies. Also I remember after reading one particularly graphic scene, being immensley grateful that i wasn't a man. eurgh!!

  8. Did anyone see it, i missed it. I loved what they did with 'Dangerous Lady' i just hope they managed to do this justice too.

    It's been getting quite a lot of hype round here, the Metro did a mock up front page article about the characters, i thought it was some momento front page from the 80s like they sometimes do. wasn't until i read the article i realised it was 'The Take'

    When i grow up i want Martina Coles publicist

  9. my music tastes are all over the place, but one that has stayed with me is Bryan Adams (i've been n love with his music since i was six)

    Although according to LastFm my current top 5 are


    1. The Brute Chorus

    2. Butterfly Bangs

    3. Bryan Adams

    4. AC/DC

    5. Medi

  10. A friend of mine (completely manic Torchwood fan) went to a screening of the new series and Q&A, apparantly they not saying yet when it's airing, but my friend has a theory.


    They said at the Q&A that they're still not saying when the 3rd series airs and that they won't confirm or deny that it'll be on at the same time as BBC America.


    The intention was that it would air after the radio shows, which we now know are on radio 4 1-3 July.


    The dvd release of Children of Earth is 27 July.


    So they should be airing it between those dates! That's my theory anyway!

  11. thank you all


    What books does he do... as in can you name some titles i might have a gander :D


    I was started off on the Belgariad series, i got so involved that by the time i finished them i put the last book down and i realised i missed all the characters as though i actually knew them. That was the first time a book had made me feel like that, which is probably why i ventured down the fantasy path


    and hi daydream welcome hope you enjoy it here... on the writers part , it is well slow on weekends xd. do you like to write ?
    I do write too, am unfortunately not brave enough to have published anything though. Although i am a member of a few communities where we post our stories and get feedback and ideas. Which is a lovely environment to be part of and is helping to build up my confidence.


    I also apologise in advance as have come to realise lately that because i live a lot through my phone and on the internet, i have become quite lazy with my spelling and punctuation. Am trying to remedy that though :D

  12. Hello all, i'm 29, live in London and am a major bibliophile.

    I'm a free spirit at heart and do move around a lot but one thing that always remains with me is my extensive book collection.


    I've been an avid reader since a very young age (can remember many a school playtime taken up by me sitting on a step with my dads rather dog eared copy of 'lord of the rings') and would read anything and everything, but what really stirred my passion is when my dad introduced me to David Eddings. Since then i mostly lean towards Fantasy and Sci-fi, however i am always open to new experiences.


    i look forward to having many good discussions, and learning many new things.

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