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Posts posted by Shannon

  1. I read all 12 of them, and I must admit, pretty good!

    I really enjoyed the way he used his words to describe the childrens unfortunes. It's much better than the film!

    In the film they put all the books together and mix it all around! So In my opinion the books, as always, beat the film!

    Great read though, I'd recommend!:friends0:

  2. Oh!

    I also read this very sad book called - Life on the Refridgerator door.

    It's literally a bunch of notes left on a firdge door between a mother and daughter! It was really sad and I read it all in one day. I almost cried at the end of the book. :friends0:


    Has anyone else read these 2 books? :razz:

  3. I started to read it, but then put it down.

    I don't know why...

    My sister told me to read it as she thought it was amazing, she finished all of them so it must have been good. I liked the small chapters, and the way it was written, and a really good plot! My favourite people were:





    and Max

    I liked Nudge but she wasn't my favourite person!

    I really liked it though and I might pick it up again, don't know... :friends0:

  4. Not so long ago, I read this brilliant book called Elsewhere.

    It won the Bay Book Award 2007 and I found it really good!:tong:

    It's about a girl who gets run over and dies. Good start I know!;)

    But then she goes to Elsewhere and lives there.

    In Elsewhere you live time backwards, and exit there as a baby, flowing down the stream. I thought it was exellent , typical girls book!

    Try reading it somtime, very good I must say! :D:friends0::razz::lol:

  5. I absolutley LOVE this book!

    The orange pages are fab, there are 3 books so far.

    Skulduggery Plesant

    Skulduggery Plesant - Playing with Fire

    Skulduggery Plesant - The Faceless ones.


    I love all of them as they are funny and Skulduggery is very sarcastic!


    A brief on the book -

    Skulduggery is a detective who came back to life in skeleton form.

    Stephanie's Uncle Gordon just died and she is given a large amount in his will. ;) One night Stephanie gets burgled, but nothing is taken, a bunch of (as I call them) maniacs try to get somthing from Stephanie. Skulduggery and Stephanie then get together and start solving mysteries with magic and sorcery! Thats not even everything! It's a brilliant book! Read it NOW! :friends0::lol::D


    Has anyone read this book! ? :razz:


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