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Posts posted by daurigon

  1. Hello,

    This is my first time posting on this forum so I thought I should ask about one of my favorite novels (actually a graphic novel) called Persepolis. I found entire novel to be captivating story of Marjane Satrapi's experiences growing up in Tehran, Iran. The experiening the eventual fall of the Shah of Iran, the Islamic Revolution, and war between Iraq and Iran really sculpted Satrapi to the person she would become later in life. I understand that throughout the novel, Marji attempts to figure out her identity while at the same time trying to preserve it.

    But there are somethings about the book that I have yet to understand and I was hoping that maybe someone here could potentially give me some insight on the questions I have.


    Questions :

    1) Why is this graphic novel called Persepolis? I understand that Persepolis relates to the ancient Iranian city but why name the graphic novel after this? How are the title and the novel connected?

    2) How does the author utilize the conventions of the graphic novel genre to communicate the significance of Persepolis both to Iran and to Marji?

    3) How does Marji's story relate to the history of Iran? An extension of this question is how is Persepolis and Marji connected (other than this book being her autobiography of her life accounts in Iran)

    4) How would you parallel Persepolis to Marji?

    Your thoughts?

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