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Posts posted by TeaBag

  1. I am currently reading The Secret By The Lake by Louise Douglas. I have read a previous book by the same author which I enjoyed so thought I’d give this one a go. 

    A nanny returns to help out a family whose husband has recently been killed. The mum and child are left behind and are struggling to cope. They lose their house in France and have to return to the mum’s childhood home in England, but the childhood home has lots of family secrets and appears to be haunted by unwanted ghosts from the past.


    I am also enjoying this and think the author conjures up the creepy, uneasy atmosphere very well with a likeable main character.


  2. Anyone read this book? I started reading it yesterday and nearly halfway through it. It's a great story so far! I feel like welling up at some parts of the story, as well as being frustrated with the main character for her naivety! The story demonstrates that you'd do anything if you're completely blinded by love..

  3. I enjoy reading plays. I recently read Hedda Gabler by Ibsen. I loved how the whole plot tangled up all the characters. I went to see A Doll's House not so long ago in the theatre as well, so that will be the next play I want to read! :D

  4. I've only read it once and can't say I was overly keen on it. I found the characters so annoying and half of the time I was just thinking to myself "get a grip!" towards some of the characters. However, I guess that meant the story still drew me in. The only character I found remotely interesting was Heathcliff himself - he seemed to have so many layers, an enjoyable enigma.

  5. Oh dear, I didn't think of the spoiler thing! ooops, is there any way I can edit it?! Sorry!


    I think you make a valid point regarding WH. I think the reason why I prefer Jane Eyre is simply because I loved and cared for the characters. In WH, I found it a struggle to actually like any of the characters, in fact, I found them so annoying! I did however think Heathcliff had so many layers to him and he was an enjoyable enigma.

  6. I love Jane Eyre. I read Wuthering Heights straight after and didn't enjoy it as much as I did Jane Eyre.


    The story is just beautiful. Strangely, I do prefer the start of the book when we see Jane as a child, growing up. We follow her journey of growing up and I found myself caring for her by the end.


    One of my favourite lines of the whole book is

    "Reader, I married him"

    So brilliantly simple and heart warming :D

  7. I've read A Midsummer Night's Dream, King Lear and Macbeth and thoroughly enjoyed them all.


    I went to see A Midsummer Night's Dream in the theatre too which helped with my understanding. After watching it, I have to rank A Midsummer Night's Dream as my favourite Shakespeare play. Just brilliant.


    I also thought King Lear was great just to read too.

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