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Posts posted by elizabeth12617

  1. College Major: Neurology

    Thing You Keep Hidden: Notes

    Something Sticky: Now and Later's

    Famous Duos or Trios: Nick and Aaron Carter

    Hobby: Needlepoint

    Things Found in a Purse: Nickel

    Things With Spots: Notebookes (cheap, but couldn't think of anything else :lol: )

    Part of the Body: Nostril

    Things Found in the Kitchen: Nectarine

    Type of Clothing: Nightgown

    Type of Beer: Natural Ice (jersey trashy beer)

    Athlete: Joe Namath

    Historical Figure: Nixon

    Type of Tool: Nuts and Bolts

    Appliance: Nightlight

    Things Found in a Classroom: Nametag

    Sport: Nnnnn...... don't think there is one?

    Music Artist: Never Ending White Lights

    TV Show: NCIS

    Junk Food: Nutter Butters

    Types of Candy: Nerds

    Store/Company: Nordstrom's

    Brand Name: Nike

    Something With a Tail: Newt

  2. College Major: Journalism

    Something You Keep Hidden: Jockstrap

    Something Sticky: Jelly

    Famous Duos or Trios: Jonas Brothers (ewww)

    Hobby: Jetskiing

    Things Found in a Purse: JewelryThings With Spots: Jaguar

    Part of the Body: Jaw

    Things Found in the Kitchen: Jugs and Jars (DOUBLEEEE)

    Type of Clothing: Jacket

    Type of Beer: Jever Pilsener

    Athlete: Jesse Jackson

    Historical Figure: Andrew Johnson

    Type of Tool: Jackhammer

    Appliance: Juicer

    Things Found in a Classroom: Jump rope

    Sport: Judo

    Music Artist: Jack Johnson (DOUBLEEE :()

    TV Show: Jon and Kate plus 8

    Junk Food: Jujubes

    Types of Candy: Jawbreakers

    Store/Company: J. Crew

    Brand Name: Jelly Belly

    Something With a Tail: Joey (a baby Kangaroo)


    *we felt the need to do two, because there were two of us :lol::irked:

  3. College Major: International Affairs

    Something You Keep Hidden: Infidelity

    Something Sticky: icky things

    Famous Duos or Trios: Indigo Girls

    Hobby: ice skating

    Things Found in a Purse: ibuprofen

    Things With Spots: insects (lady bugs :irked: )

    Part of the Body: index finger

    Things Found in the Kitchen: ice cube tray

    Type of Clothing: Indian (middle eastern or Native American)

    Type of Beer: Icehouse

    Athlete: Allen Iverson (76ers)

    Historical Figure: Icabob Crane (headless horseman finder...)

    Type of Tool: Icepick

    Appliance: Inverted gas light mantle

    Things Found in a Classroom: ink

    Sport: Ice Fishing

    Music Artist: Incubus

    TV Show: Intervention

    Junk Food: Ice Cream

    Types of Candy: ICE

    Store/Company: iTunes

    Brand Name: Impact Confections (candy brands)

    Something With a Tail: Iguana



    **please note that lovelygirl18 and I had a few drinks while doing this and gave some less than supreme answers due to this (and the fact that I is the worst letter to do scattergories with)



  4. Thanks ;)



    Hi, and welcome, Liz! :welcomebcf: We're glad you're here!

    What genre of books is your favorite?


    It definitely depends on my mood at the time, sometimes I like reading mystery or murder books, other times I like reading love stories. I usually read fiction and more modern books but when I get recommendations I check them out too, like my dad recommended a pretty decent non-fiction historical book and I also like reading memoirs.


    Hiya Liz and welcome to the forum! :o Snowboarding must be so much fun, I've been wanting to try it for many years now but lack the courage (and am too lazy to actually go and try it out). My male friends who are into the thing also say that beginners could do with instructions and teachers, and I'd just want to go ahead and do it and laugh at myself while getting bruised! :D



    Snowboard is definitely fun, I recommend just going out and doing it (with friends of course). I actually started it by taking lessons (all my brothers and sisters made the switch from skiing to snowboarding at the same time) but I think I was too young/uncoordinated to actually snowboard rather than just snowplow down the mountain so I switched back to skiing for a few years. Then my parents bought me a snowboard for Christmas one year so I didn't have a choice (haha) but after I really got the hang of it I absolutely loved it. So much fun :P

  5. I've seen the movie and read the book and loved them both. I saw the movie first, even though the book had been in my house and then that summer I read the book. I've also read several other books by Nicholas Sparks and I really like his style of writing. His stories are always moving but the books are easy to get through. If you liked The Notebook I definitely would recommend The Wedding and Dear John. They were both love stories, and easy reads but very different from the Notebook.

  6. If I had to pick just one it would be my mom's Lemon Chicken which is usually served with a salad, some kind of veggies (steamed broccoli or green beans with almonds), and rice.


    But my back ups would be noodle soup with mashed potatoes, tacos, mac and cheese, pizza, and bagels :smile2:

  7. I used to use a note that came with flowers from my (now ex) boyfriend as a bookmark or pictures (of family members or friends), but recently I've just been using scraps of paper that are around the house. I don't think I've ever actually used a real bookmark... hmmmm.. :smile2:

  8. Hi everyone,


    Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Elizabeth, but mostly everyone calls me Liz. Just joined the forum tonight after recommendations from my friend Kate. I live in New Jersey and grew up by the beach. I'm 20 years old and I'm currently in the process of transferring to a nursing school so I've had a lot of time for reading recently. :smile2: Hmmm... other things about me... I like snowboarding, going to the beach, listening to music, reading (obviously), traveling, and meeting new people :irked:.

    If there's anything else you wanna know, just ask :)

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