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Posts posted by Sarahlou

  1. Hi,


    I've just joined this forum and i'm really looking forward to sharing my reading experiences.


    I have to be honest. I'm not a big reader at all. Simply because i never set aside the time to read books. I'm 25 and i always seem to have something else to do, whether it be work or socialising. However.....now and again I will sit down with a book and i then remember why i love reading! You cannot beat a good book!


    And so I am determined to make reading a regular thing from now on. Before bedtime and whenever i get the chance. Less tv and more reading!


    My favourite author is Sophie Kinsella. I LOVE the Shopaholic series! So funny and so lighthearted. I do love to read a funny chicklit book.


    However, I have also been engrossed by good thrillers and classics.


    A book that has always been a favourite of mine is 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. I read it at school and still love it today.


    My downfall is i'm not a very patient person. So if a book is slow to start with I tend to give up and move on. I do love a book to grip me from the start.


    Looking forward to sharing and reading with you!



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