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Status Updates posted by lovelygirl18

  1. Sorry for the delayed response! Finals were this week and I barely spent time on the computer. I have never heard of your college before, what did you major in?

  2. haha that's awesome :) so you didn't sleep at all tonight? i'm about to go to bed because I have class at 8:30 in the morning and its almost 12 now and I commute to school (bummer i know) but im doing okay, just got over this past weekend into today, it was crazy with working and school work...ahhh one more month, i can't wait. how are you?

  3. haha that's awesome! what team? I'm pretty good, currently at school now and off to work soon..yuck!

  4. Oh really? I will remember! What was the Cup for?

  5. Oh i agree :D you should give Matthew Good a listen, he's wonderful :) He's rock/mellow music as well. It's hard to describe because so many artists sound so different now a days

  6. November 4th, 1988 :) only a day later lol idk why it says November 3rd. odd, but thank you so much :)

  7. isn't newfoundland in canada? but, florida, thats it?! you must come back there is so much more to see and i believe florida doesn't leave the best impression with most people! and yeah i now see why you would get turned off of it

  8. Long story, but to make it short: we met online through a game site playing pool online (i know creepy you are thinking) but we then went to talking on msn and then one day he just drove down and that was that and we have been together for over 2 1/2 years now :)

  9. haha, i can't believe you were up so late. (you probably still are awake and never slept :P) birds pecking? really? i'd kill them, what an annoyance lol and hot chocolate that late at night? you're hilarious! and one month, i meant, left of this semester. i still have 2 more years (darn :() i'm so over school already lol

  10. I'll have to give Elbow a listen :) but, from all the other musical influences, I can tell you and your band were/are all excellent :D I love RHCP and Radiohead so much!! You teach those instruments, like at a school or you have your own studio?

  11. I'm wonderful :) and how are you? Yes, settling in well, its easy to with so many nice people

  12. Yeah we see each other quite often. After the first time he came down in Nov of 2006 that christmas he came, then in february, then my spring break for a week and then came to my prom :) then stayed with me for the summer (3 months!) then i went to Rutgers University that fall and he came to see me for my birthday in Nov and then that christmas i went there for the first time for 3 weeks then he came back in feb to my college again and then I stayed with him last summer. Then i took off last semester and we didn't see each other until i went there for christmas again and haven't seen each other since but he's coming here for 4 mons for the summer :)

  13. Good evening Mac :) take your time, as I know you are quite busy throughout the week. I am doing better than I was before, thank you. I hope you are doing well too! xoxo Kate

  14. It's pretty good. I transferred to a new college this semester, but i miss my old one :(

  15. might be :D he just left his work and came down here the first summer (we didn't really think about it too much lol) and then the rest of the times he came his work would just let him have off or he'd miss a few classes when he went to school to come see me and catch up when he got back. but like now for this summer he "quit" technically but they are giving him his job back when he gets back in Sept.

  16. Hey Mac! Of course I am :D Nothing is better than being with my boyfriend who I rarely see! He's here for 4 months :) How have you been doing?

  17. haha yeah learning is cool, i guess lol. just kidding, i love school :) it's just a pain with the work sometimes. you seriously walked to get milk? do you live by yourself?

  18. p.s. i'm so addicted to this thing, that im on it in my school's computer lab before i go to work and sent you the 1st message today in between classes lol

  19. Yeah, he has had good luck with the jobs he has gotten. Aw why doesn't he want to move back?

  20. eh, my day has been so so. i had to get up at 7am, after 6 hours of sleep, which was not enough, obviously :P and my first class, perception, was boring, we just met with our groups to go over our presentation stuff. then i had my second class, memoirs of mental illness, and we peer reviewed people memoirs. i was thoroughly disappointed at the writing ability of the people in my class, but oh well. but i commented all over their papers, i hope they don't think i'm mean! ahhh and i have to work tonight. ugh i hope your day has been better than mine is going lol

  21. Aw well good luck with the job search!!! And I hope everything works out how you want it to :)

  22. when's your birthday? i used to read my horoscope but often times they get it wrong :(

  23. ahhhhhh I'm gonna walk for Andrew in the Light the Night cancer event :D My team name is Team Andrew :D haha

  24. It's not TOO much work, but I could use a break. And I don't work with the idiot tonight haha. I actually work with my boss (which can be good sometimes and bad others, i never know with him) Good luck with your work, and enjoy your tea for the both of us, i wish i had some! i also wish i had time to read like you always seem to :(

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