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Posts posted by Mirian

  1. Oh, I love Persuasion - my favourite Austen book. I'd take Wentworth over D'arcy, any day!


    Does that mean I can have Darcy? :D


    I like Persuasion too, there's a melancholy or something in it that's missing from the other books. Perhaps its just that it's built around missed opportunity.


    I loved the Illiad. Read it to and from work for a while, and I missed my stop a few times. ;)

  2. I find Anna quite a mystery still. Sometimes I think I get why she chooses how she does, and sometimes I'm sure I don't get her at all. But she seems very real to me. But I see what you mean about Anna and Wronsky. The first time I read the book I thought that Anna and Wronsky was the relationship you thought you'd want, but it could never last. And Kitty and Levin was the one that seemed a bit boring, but had a depth that you needed to get close to understand.

  3. I've never been interested in as much of a career in books.. But more of having a library in my house when I'm older. Somewere I can sit and curl up with a great book and maybe even start a collection. Obviously this would cost a lot of money and I'm to young to be thinking about that at the moment. Nevertheless, we have got to have our dreams. ;)


    A library room for myself would be perfect. For now I'm just drawing my own bookshelves - and I've had two of those built. But I sometimes think it would be nice working with books.

  4. I have several. I've got lots of booksmarks that people have given me, and they end up i my law books, my fiction and everything else. There's a celtic themed one I'm very fond of and one of green leather.


    Though my most used bookmark is my sofa - I just hang the book open on the back of the sofa and pick it up and continue next chance I get. :)

  5. I live close to two branches of the public library. Both are meant to be a local library, while the big library is in the city center. I loved my local branch when I was younger, and I remember most kids did. Even now the two branches focus on children a lot, but they don't just do books. Oh, no.


    There's storytelling, reading from books, family days, youth corner (where teens pick the books). There's music and films, magazines... computer access. Both branches do regular topic tables - books about a war, a person, a genre, for readers.


    The libraries also organise reading-help - recruiting booklovers who do volunteer work by reading at hospitals, homes for the elderly and ill and generally where people can't read themselves.


    I still like going there once in a while and get some book advice, but generally the local branches don't have that much of a supply. But - you can order whatever you like and have them delivered to you local branch. That is something I really like.


    It's great to browse the big libraries as well.

  6. I watch some, the ones where there's a bit of fact involved. Learned a few tricks from cooking reality, and sometimes it's a fun way to study humanity. I tend to check out an episode of a new concept to see what it's about.


    But really I'm bored by them. It's predictable who'll disappear after a while and reality gets boring. Then I usually pick up a book.

  7. I've reread the series a few times and I always seem to spot a new hint early that J.K.Rowling leaves. I agree with Binary Digit about the final books.


    Can recommend the series to anyone, unless magic in books really annoys you. The characters are well written, the books are easy to read and the story is good.

  8. This isn't one of my favourites, but I'm glad to have read it. I was so annoyed with Becky Sharp for the first half, then I started to pick up that she was the most interesting character. And Amelia is naive. The book had me commenting on the behaviour of the characters to myself, so it draws you in.

  9. I went straight on Wikipedia after I finished reading to find out more about Amy Robsart Dudley, this book made me curious.


    It was interesting to see Elizabeth not as a great Queen yet, but both ambitious and regal, yet vulnerable and a bit overwhelmed.



    The part where Elizabeth and Cecil stand outside the Palace and are both too nervous to enter is good.



    The different viewpoints made the characters more real to me, as you could see how the other mains reacted.

  10. I was browsing the web looking for something to read when I came across this forum. So I joined.


    My name's Marianne and I read a bit of everything these days. My favourite authors changes with my moods, but Jane Austen, Tolstoj, Agatha Christie are among them.


    Looking forward to talk books :lol:

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