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Posts posted by momo

  1. Guilty as charged too! I buy far too many more than I can read. I wish I had four pairs of eyes! :blush2: I also blame the Kindle Daily Deal I mean how can you resist some of them at 99p each. I don't see myself cutting back though.


    I recently got a Kindle and am finding the "daily deal" the most difficult of all to resist! Even if I had not up until now thought of reading it, what if I pass by a Daily Deal and subsequently decide I did want to read it after all? Eeeek!

  2. Thanks for turning the link into a photograph, Janet. The second one was someone else's Flickr pic, so maybe that is why it would not work.

    I am glad the pictures brought back some memories, Chaliepud :smile: One of the benefits of the restricted hours that Hertfordshire Libraries now have is that I now travel round to different libraries according to which is open on the day I want to go. I had mostly used Stevenage Library until recently. I have now also explored Hitchin, Letchworth, Welwyn Garden City and St Albans. They all have their different characters and I enjoy the variety.



    I'm reading Dark Echo by F G Cottam at present. I fancied an eerie ghost story and having recently read Brodmaw Bay by him, I thought I would have a go at another of his books. So far so good.


    Did you enjoy this? You have just reminded me about F G Cottam and I will look out for this to read. I really enjoyed 'The House of Lost Souls".

  4. I have read Charlaine Harris's Harper Connelly series (as suggested by Frankie) and think they could be what you are looking for, as Harper uses her special insight to help solve murder investigations. They are, though,'teen' novels and as such an easy read. I have also enjoyed: Seeking the Dead (Joe Plantagenet #1) ,Playing with Bones (Joe Plantagenet #2) ,Kissing the Demons (Joe Plantagenet #3) by Kate Ellis. They are crime novels with supernatural overtones and link historical events to a modern day investigation.

  5. I have really enjoyed the Joe Plantagenet Murder Mysteries series by Kate Ellis. The three books so far have been about serial killers in York (although it's not called York in the books). They also have a historical/supernatural element to them. They are quite a light read (as serial killings go) , so not for those that want lots of dark psychological tension.

  6. Maggie Tulliver in George Eliot's 'Mill on the Floss'. She has always been one of my favourite characters. She rebelled against the restraints of the society she lived in. It is supposed to be one of Eliot's most autobiographical novels


    As a girl, Maggie would not have generally had access to many books, but her father indulged her by giving her some. I always wonder what Maggie would have made of modern society, with our easy access to books.


    "...everybody in the world seemed so hard and unkind to Maggie: there was no indulgence, no fondness, such as she imagined when she fashioned the world afresh in her own thoughts. In books there were people who were always agreeable or tender, and delighted to do things that made one happy, and who did not show their kindness by finding fault. The world outside the books was not a happy one Maggie felt. If life had no love in it, what else was there for Maggie?"

  7. My fairy name is Columbine Goblintree

    She brings riches and wealth.

    She lives in mushroom fields and quiet meadows.

    She is only seen when the first leaves fall from the trees.

    She wears lilac and purple like columbine flowers and has gentle green wings like a butterfly.


    I have the same fairy name when I put in my maiden name too :smile:

  8. Have you read Before I go to sleep, S.J. Watson? It is a great debut novel recommended by Richard and Judy. It is also a tv book club choice.

    I have just read 'Before I go to Sleep' and found it fascinating. As well as the psychological thriller aspect, I still keep wondering about what it must be like to live your life without any memories.

  9. I never really followed the forum when I joined, but am hoping to have time to keep up to date with things now :smile:

    Recently I have been hooked on Crime/Thriller novels but generally enjoy a range of different types of books. I have been browsing the forum and found lots of interesting threads to catch up with.

  10. Is this part of a series? If so which is the first book as I have to read in order :smile:

    It is the third book in the Wesley Peterson series. The first one is "The Merchant's House". I like to read books in the order of the series too. I have read and enjoyed the first two and am now ready to read this one. I like the way Kate Ellis links the modern day mystery to events from the past.

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