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Status Updates posted by Genevieve

  1. I found your comment concerning talking to yourself very intriguing. And I just read your biography, truly you ARE a biography waiting to be written , oui?

    Any way have a good day and I am looking forward to reading more of your comments.

  2. Darling Nici, how much you have been on my mind.

    So I had to come and visit you and give you a hug and tell you I miss you oui, and hope that things are going well for you?

    What have you been up to that Genevieve should know about eh? :)

    Well, it is bed time for me and so I will say good night mon ami and take care of your sweet self.

  3. salut and how are you eh? This is a lovely page and I am thrilled at the number of people who love you as well as me! I am only coming on once in a while now, but you all remain in this heart of mine.

  4. Bonjour,

    Happy birthday Peachess,

    May this day be perfect, oui, and may the year to come be filled with peace and joy and fulfillment.


  5. And hello to you too dear one. I am well and restless and sleepy and who knows why eh? I am sending you a wish come true, it is not my own to give but I caught it and am sending it on to you. Have a beautiful day, night , I cannot remember! hugs.

  6. salut and what have you been up to then? something I am thinking very brilliant and good. I think sometimes of you and wonder what your life is holding for you at that moment and the possibilities make me smile. a hug to you!

  7. I am thinking of you and hope that you are happy and well little one.

  8. Salut!

    I tried so many times to write your name in the little box and then press thelittle button to say oui, you shall be my friend. But it kept going blank, so I do not know if I did things properly.

    But merci, I accept. I do not come on so much, but I will read your posts with enthusiasm.

    Genevieve Murielle

  9. ah me, I worry over you and hope you come back just once in a while and tell us how you are.

  10. You are not here and I am wondering how you are little bubble girl!. come back when you can and tell us.

  11. such a powerful picture mon ami, that of a human with her little dog. And how are you doing I wonder, busy eh? Conquering the world, I think you could do it! Me, I have been quite ill and had some sorrow, but everyday is a new page oui, and I like todays page very much. A hug to you.

  12. salut! I think, along with many, that it is time to come and tell us how you are doing cheri, what do you think? hugs and hoping you are very well.

  13. hello mon ami, I am dropping in to say hello and that you have been on my mind. So you are looking into medieval torture devices eh? And me, I have to go to the dentist next week, so I hope my doctor is not also reading with joy torture! Have a good day.

  14. My dear Mac,

    I love the new picture.

    I am also tres busy, how does it ever end eh?

    I am so thrilled that you are looking forward to a time of relaxing, that is wonderful, I am so excited.

    I have been thinking about the wonderful story you have started, oui, and I am thinking I will do, in acrylics the scene with the moor and the candles and the windows. I cannot get it out of my mind, so the best thing to do is paint it!

    I had the nightmare, so terrible it was. I dreamed I was somewhere else and I washed my hair, oui, and when I dried it and looked into the mirror it was dark red/brown. I nearly fainted! I think that color is so beautiful, but not on Genevieve. My hair is very fair, oui , i looked like a bad puccini.

    I am thinking, like my dear Mac, I require some rest. :)

    a hug to you and have a great day.

    Oui, and to all your dear friends on this page also.

  15. salut Mountie Man, and how are you? Chasing the buffalo down the street on the way to the mall, or just being your charming self?

    Any way I was thinking about you and hope you are well and happy and doing what fulfills you. have a good day.

  16. Forgive the intrusion, but I shouted when I read you are missing the Commodore!

    We have two brand new computers, we keep upgrading oui, but a friend gave us an old Commodore and all the books with programs and spy vs. spy and all that. at first we could not understand much, but the more we read the books the more fun it was.!

    We would sit up at night making animation, oui, and it was the most fun. Pokes, and sprite and on and on reading the notes and putting on memory. And then voila, we had such charming animation. My favorite was a scene of floating balloons and maybe a clown was there and others and I shivered with excitement.

    We don't find the ii or xbox or anything as much fun or modern computer programmes. The people that created the Commodore , to me they were such geniuses and I miss all that now.Something on our Commodore does not work now and we cannot find anyone to repair.

    ah well..........................thank you for bringing back the joyful memories. :)

  17. I was so happy, oui, to see your words on the haiku thread. You have been missed very much.

  18. I disagree, if that is your picture you are beautiful and look almost , if not perfectly identical oui, to my little sister. In fact, I called the little one over and said , 'who does this look like anyone to you ? Her eyes became wide and she said 'oui, Rochelle'.

    How amazing.

    I see that are fond of Wuthering Heights, and of LOTR eh? And Oscar Wilde. WE love them here too oui, we are great fans.

    well mon ami, have a perfect day.

  19. Ah me, I wish I had that energy ! and style too. :)


    I am thinking of you, oui, and hopint and praying you will have a summer of peace and mental rest and some very good things to happen to you mon ami. :)

  20. Salut


    How are you doing little one, great I hope.

    It is faerie tale weather here, mist and brooding clouds, trees bending to the whims of the wind. Me, I love it!

    Have a happy day eh and be good!

  21. Bonjour,

    I am wanting to see those pretty purple pj's, they sound wonderful.

    I was looking over your bio, oui, and I am confessing that I have not read books by one, not one of the authors you mentioned. Ah me, I must get going eh or miss out.

    well , have a wonderful day lexiepiper. :)

  22. cheri, who cares when you answer, I just want you to know you I am here for you, even though it is only me. I pray for you always little one and I applaud all you do, you are brave, oui, and pretty and kind. have a good day eh?

  23. Salut,


    I have a question for you, are you a gourmet cook, or anyone in the family? Some of the meals you mention oui, seem to be very gourmet and special. There are chefs in my family for three generations and I am intrigued by what you eat!

    Have a good day. :)

  24. salut our little sweetheart, and how are you doing these days? Are you getting at least here and there some peace and enjoyment and freedom from 'the bad guys of life eh?

    You are much in my heart and when I think of you of course I must smile. It is so good to have you in this world cheri. hugs.

  25. ah dear one, whenever I visit this page , me I think I am at home and I love to linger and look at everything. I hope you are dong well and are enjoying some good weather.

    A hug to you and here , a little cake I made-I am baking today. So eat it, it is really yummy(forgive the bragging) with my best regards. :)

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