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Status Updates posted by BookJumper

  1. No such thing as too much kindness, especially as directed towards a lovely woman who deserves as much serenity as you do :friends0: hope you get to feel better soon, I'm here if you ever need an ear or shoulder along the way.

  2. Double the priority to get Little, Big read sooner then :) and don't worry, there shall be a review. I can't promise how long it will take me to read it 'cos I'm swimming in high deadline water, but I'll do my best. A bit late for wishing you a good day too, so please have a lovely night's sleep.

  3. ... someone's pulling your leg I'm afraid, 'beast' is 'bestia' and 'pieru' isn't even a word in Italian XD good to be back, by the way!

  4. Whoa :|... I'm not sure I can take this much praise in one go... *brain melts*!! I'm honoured to be hailed as the official restorer of your mojo, especially when even St. Victor had failed. Cannot wait to read your further comments, they sound like the kind of thing I'd print off and refer to in times of lost writing mojo (those ugly, ugly moments when BookJumper thinks *woe is me, I cannot write, I shall go jump off an Elsinore cliff*).


    :) you have just made my day (for the rest mostly made up of essay editing), artistically speaking :) so I'm thanking you as much as you're thanking me...!

  5. Why hello :) had a bit of an evil-flu-ridden Xmas but apart from that (and being stuck at Heathrow for days), I did have a lovely Xmas :) hope you did to xx

  6. Why hello :D don't be shy, everybody's really lovely I promise!

  7. Don't mind at all, in fact - thank you for taking the time to check and let me know! I am very particular about editions, especially when a books looks like something I'll want to keep and re-read so such information is of immense value for me :)!

  8. But of course :D re: Koontz, Frankenstein 1 is getting stupidly good. That makes me happy - I specifically chose the Frankenstein series to try Koontz out as the original Frankenstein is one of my favourite books of all time and I am, as you know, deeply fascinated by modern reworkings / sequels etc. I wasn't impressed by the cops-talking-tough beginning, but if it keeps getting better at this rate I'll be glad to have persevered!

  9. Hey :)


    I have been... interesting, let's put it that way. Am still alive though, and slumming it on Jobseeker's excuse for an Allowance while I peruse the grim world of work - fun times. What about you, are you enjoying university and that? Was the move a relatively un-traumatic experience?


    I was rather wondering what had happened to you you know! While you were away I decided to get serious about getting this book written so you may notice a lovely thread I employed to raise a focus group I could send a chapter or two to every month - I wanted you in on this (in fact, your helpfulness and eagerness re: my prologue were amongst the things that inspired the whole idea) but you weren't there :cry2:!


    Nice to have you back and - if you're ever in Real London :tong: we should catch up.

  10. I don't like cops and crime novels either, so it's safe to say that if I'm enjoying Koontz' Frankenstein that's not what it is :).

  11. Hello :)


    I did indeed go to the H2G2 thingy (towelsome piccies are linked on Giulia's Book Finishing Quest thread) and it was fantabulous, although not as fantabulous as it would have been with you there. If you're feeling like making it up to me re: your presence and cackness (I kid, as I've been extra-rubbish also), there's a Terry Pratchett book club reading mit the pointy hat himself scheduled for December 14th - see the man's thread for details. I will of course be in attendance... what's poverty when you can meet the wizard or wizards?, it would be lovely to see you there.


    Forgetting about me (as I'm quite rubbish in the other sense as well), how are you? x

  12. Happy Birthdayage :D so glad you're enjoying Neverwhere, it's my favourite Gaiman by a mile and one of my favourite books in the whole wide world! Hope you had and are still having a lovely day xx

  13. Talking about catching up and that, you do know there's a Hitchhiker's Convention going on at the Southbank Centre this Sunday? If you become a fan of the centre on Facebook you even get buy one get one three tickets so you could bring the girlfriend too if she's interested :D! I know I'll be there in my PJs and dressing-gown, towel at the ready...


    Glad uni and the flat are so successful; keeping my fingers crossed for your imminent jobhunting - I admire your determination not to stay stuck in a soulless job so, go you for that! I'm at the point where (since I'm done with studying) I can't expect my family to support me anymore so I don't really have a choice, the first soulless job I get offered will be the first soulless job I take... wah :cry2:.


    As for the novel, well... it's always here ;)!

  14. Alas one of the reasons I'm having trouble locating an occupation is that I cannot do waiting or bar work (leg problems mean I can't stand up for very long), thanks for the thought though!


    Hoping to see you at the HitchCon 'cos if you don't come down you're a meanie - I mean, what else is going to keep you occupied for a whole day in London for less than

  15. I just thought I'd confirm that I'm not a ghost, zombie, T800 or evil doppelganger - it is really me, I am back... not to mention so sorry for making you worry so :blush: please do forgive my spazness:lurker:?


    Hope you're fed-upness has eased off a bit and you feel a bit chirpier now :):friends0:.


    xx Giu

  16. Hello :friends0:


    Awww, your protectiveness makes me go all fuzzy inside :blush: I've loved all the Gaimans I've read so far so I must admit that I am disinclined to re-home my copy of American Gods; however I shall keep bumping it down the TBR until such a time arrives when such things no longer bother me - I have so many books waiting to be read/bought that that shouldn't be particularly hard :lol:!


    [Quick preview of my prospective email: yay for productiveness :D well done!]


    ... the ECS/kiss symbol is the one that has decided to be stuck today so (((((((((hugs)))))))))

  17. My, you do sound eager :D! Tell you what:


    As the minions I already have are growing impatient, I can't ask them to wait longer than they already are for chapter one; HOWEVER, if you really are a fast reader and pinky promise to read and comment on the prologue before chapter one is due out (September 23rd), you're on.


    If that's acceptable, please do PM me your email address and I'll email you the prologue asap.


    Dare I say, welcome aboard?

  18. Thanks for the hugs hun :friends0: it still affects me as I have no doubt it does everyone who's had it happen to them - pretty much every issue I have today stems from those 16 years of cruelty (from day 1 of kindergarten right up to the last day of high school).


    Still, I do know that what you say is true; the people who tormented me didn't come from happy balanced homes like mine was, I know that. It just seems like a bit of an expensive price to pay for a caring family, is all.


    As you may have noticed however, I have not lost the tender heart :) that's one of the few things they couldn't strip from me. I don't just smile at people I think I need it, I run at them and hug them (starting from the famed Liverpool goths). It's good for the huggee, but it's also good for the hugger :friends0: you take care.

  19. Hello


    Weather's surprisingly good here also, lots of sunshine which (alas!) a surplus of uni work and a yet again injured ankle mean I can't really bask in. Bleh. Apart from that (hence being a bit bored) I'm alright thank you, my reading mo and jo are very thin on the ground at the minute but I seem to be slowly regaining my writing mo and jo - hopefully one will inspire the other!


    Hope the fairy-tale weather keeps up and you get to enjoy every last second of it; have a lovely day you special, gorgeous, inspiring person that you are.

  20. Hello


    Glad to hear you're not hating your novel yet.


    I'm currently in the throes of trying to finish Chapter 4; however Chapter 3 hasn't been sent out to all and sundry yet due to me still needing to finish collecting comments on 1 & 2 - I can resend everything up to Chapter 2 to your new address for your perusal, however:


    I need to know if my readers are committed if I'm to stick to my masterplan (I rather want to have most of the thing in 'sendable to agent' form by the end of the year) so I just want to make sure you think you can promise me unfaltering loyalty even with your own book and uni to be getting on with?


    I really want to get Chapter 3 out in the open as soon as is humanly possible so I'd love to hear your thoughts, but I'd really need them, like, yesterday if that's alright?



  21. To be honest I'm not excellent and tickety-boo (injuries and deadlines and an inability to run out and enjoy the rare British sunshine are making sure of that); however I sense an improvement in my writing mojo... which to be honest is probably a function of the generalised lack of excellence, so not all is lost. At least, literature isn't lost!


    Plus, the word "tickety-boo" (which I must admit, I've never encountered before) made me smile :) so thank you.


    And how are things with sir?

  22. Oooh, some sort of Word document with feelings as general or specific as come natural would be perfect :D it would make my relationship with my printer a lot easier too, printing straight from Hotmail confuses the poor dear!


    As we speak the story so far has been bunged (unsure whether that's the right declination of the verb 'to bung'?) your way to that end :D the day before yesterday sounds good to me, I hope it fills the void at the end of your days too - that would be two people made happy!


    I'm intrigued as to what your book's about, by the way... or is it a big secret, perhaps even from yourself, at this stage?



  23. First of all, sorry for the lateness of this - t'internet providers at my parents' house decided to cut the power for the weekend so...!


    I'm so glad to hear your sister's doing better and that, consequently, you yourself have been feeling less overwhelmed. Thinking of you both, I hope things keep on improving and you can both relax soon *huggle*.


    I'm better than I was, home for ten days for mine and my Dad's birthday, am still a bit troubled/sleepy but compared to how you last heard I was I'm practically treading rainbows with Gerald, so I shall be ok.


    Love and things xxxxxxxx

  24. Aw :) I had a nice chilled day with strawberry cake and everything, thank you. Hope you're feeling better now xxx

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