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Status Updates posted by Mac

  1. Good morning, there. Please, where is Lake Pontchartrain? The name is intriguing. Hope you're well.

  2. The pictures of where you live look very lovely. The problem with where I live is that it is slap-bang in the middle of the country - I miss the sea! Still, can't complain, can I?!? I've been to the west coast of the States several times (LA, San Fransisco, Las Vegas, Boulder, Phoenix, San Diego and Lake Havasu), and Dallas twice. That's the extent of my American journey's. Have you ever been to Britain? Hope you're okay, mate. Pip pip.

  3. Good morning, Genevieve. How has your week been? Mine has been very full and I'm just about to toddle off to work again. The sun is shining here, the sky is very blue with an occasional cloud and the birds are singing their hearts out. It's quite lovely.


    I've got a busy weekend with two Twenty-First birthday parties to attend and a wedding. If I'm honest, I'm feeling a little freaked out at how much I've got to cram in to the weekend, and wish I could have some 'Me'-time, but one can't have everything one wants, eh? I have Tuesday off and my plan is to concentrate on recording some new songs, so that'll focus me in a very good way. It's quite cathartic, getting music out of you and onto something solid.


    What is happening with you? How are you doing? :friends0:

  4. Mac

    Norwegian Wood. Excellent novel. I'd be interested in seeing if you agree with my review (Mac Reads, first entry, I think).


    Hope you're enjoying it and that you're very well.

  5. Morning! I've started my own reading thingy. I've finished Norwegian Wood if you're interested in having a look.


    Hope youre okay, mate, and that sleep gently wrested you away from consciousness and took you to Dreamsville on a gently idling rowing boat.



  6. It's that time again, Sarah, where I zoom by with a quick 'Hellloooooooooo...' and wish you a lovely weekend.


    How's your week been, chum of mine?


    Nice new photo, by the way. I can't bring myself to change mine, as all the others I have of me look sh*t. That tells me something...:lol:

  7. Mac

    Hiya. I like your new avatar. Who is it of? She looks (or rather, the photo looks) familiar.


    Or am I just being mad?


    Hope you're very well, chum.

  8. Morning. I hope you've had a good week and have an even better weekend!

  9. Hi Kat. Hope you're well. Check out the thread warning about a possible computer virus, mate. It's supposed to be a bad one.

  10. Mac

    I'm sure it will be. They're all switched on round these parts. I notice you're a running man. Myself, I'm a walking man, but over hill and mountain, so consider myself reasonably active.


    Saying that, I'm pretty sedentary at the moment!

  11. Mac

    Yo, Nicola. How's things?


    (How is things? Terrible grammar...)


    How are things? x

  12. Mac

    Good morning to you. I certainly hope you have a smashing weekend planned, friend of mine.

  13. Mac

    Ah-ha. Thank you. I'd have gone mental wondering about it. Have a great...erm...afternoon? Evening? Heck, I don't know...I'm such a dork!

  14. Hiya Kelly. How're you doing? x

  15. Greetings, on this foul Monday morning, Noll. All is as can be expected, thank you. I'm so sorry to read that you've been so under the weather! Glad to hear you're picking back up. Have a great day. xx

  16. Ah, and yuletide doth approach fast. Too fast, some might say. In fact, I am one of those people, for I have been tremendously disorganised this year. Shocking, really.

    How are things with you? All set for the big push?

  17. Hey! Happy birthday! Woohoo! :sign0072::balloons:

  18. Hiya, CW. J A Kerley has his first three books published as Jack Kerley. Start with The Hundredth Man. 'Tis excellent. I hope you are very well, my friend. Enjoy these books.

  19. Yeah, a bit grim it has been. Two of my friends died within two days of each other of cancer - one we knew about, one only told his wife. I had to grass on some of my colleagues the same week as they were telling each other the most appalling racist jokes to each other and extolling the virtues of being a member of the BNP. In a school. Where kids are. You wouldn't believe it.


    My brother sent me the entire collection of Buffy on DVD for my birthday last year. Brother's can be really nice sometimes, can't they!


    (I hate the way it says 36 in brackets in that info box - it just rubs it in!)


    Have a good day. X

  20. Excellent books in your 'About Me' bit, Lady. Good work.

  21. Mac

    Woooooo! Hoo! Happy birthday, Jessi. Hoping you have a smashing day, even though it's LASHING it down and it's windy and grim and poo. Ta dah! TTFN. xx

  22. Dammit, no! I've not had a chance to pop into town, but am going to give it a damn good try tomorrow. I've promised to read a Jeffrey Deaver book next, anyway, but I have to get Dean Koontz' new novel in hardback, otherwise the world will end and it won't go with my collection.

  23. Yo, Rach! How's it going? La la la la la (that's me doing my little 'Hey! It's Rach!' song)


    That's all, folks!

  24. I do indeed know Belper - I grew up in Holloway (the other side of Ambergate to you). I used to take some of my patients to the gardens by the mill quite a lot. Good chippy by the petrol station, n'all! x

  25. Mac

    Harper Connelly? I don't think I've heard of him/her. How do I join the book ring?

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