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Status Updates posted by Mac

  1. Well, it's supposed to be a feet-up-reading kind of week. I work 70 odd hour weeks at the moment and I think it's killing me, so down-time is needed. I, too, am at these forks and seem to be experiencing the same quandaries you speak of. I need to make a decision that may involve a little risk and some upset elsewhere, but now is the time.Now is the time.


    Would you like a copy of my Coast to Coast journal? It might make you chuckle... xx

  2. Mac

    Well, the weather is fine and I'm expecting some friends to come round for some booze mid-afternoon, which'll be fun (I've already prepared my dinner. This is because I just know that I won't be arsed to cook after drinking, and I'll need a solid meal so I'm not rubbish at work tomorrow!) so prior to this, I'm going to mow my lawns! Such unbridled excitement!


    Have fun reading, me old chum.

  3. Well, there were a lot of 'well's between us, and I seem to have upped the ante more than somewhat, with the very first word of this message beginning with 'well'. So I shall stop.


    How's life where you are? I have never been to South Africa, which is strange, as I have plenty of opportunity. My Uncle owns a wine estate somewhere over your way and he goes regularly. I should really pop over with him one day, if only to sample the goods! The wine is called Eaglevlei. Have you heard of it?


    Anyway, enough of that. I trust you're having a great weekend. Pip pip.

  4. Mac

    What a curious last message I sent to you. I wonder if I was under the affluence of incohol in any way...Good consternoon afsterble *hic* and what a dorious glay it is!


    How are you doing? All is good, yes?

  5. Mac

    What's your job, working girl? (That sounded wrong - I meant 'girl who works', not the other definition of the phrase...oh...I'll shut up now...:irked:)


    So, I'm wanting to change jobs - you could have mine, if you wanted! I'm not sure what I really want to do. Life has thrown some spanners occasionally which have threatened to derail me, so I'm wanting to make a good decision for once.


    I hope this finds you very well. Take care and enjoy! :friends0:

  6. Whoa! Missed your birthday, too! I'm an atrocious man! Belated :sign0072::hbsign::5birthday::balloons::party: Kel!



  7. Mac

    Whoa! You like all the authors I like! Excellent stuff! Check out my thread McRecommends and see if there're any others we share in common.


    Hope you've had a good day.

  8. Mac

    Will do. I'll give it a go in a few books time (I've got approximately a bazillion to get through, dammit!)


    I'm absolutely grand, thank you. Looking forward to an afternoon of Pimm's and Lemonade with some lovely friends. Jump aboard the Pimm's Train! Choo choo!!!

  9. Mac

    Woo hoo! :woohoo:


    How're things? x

  10. Woo-hoo! Hey Rach! Just popping in to say "Hi" before I toddle off to bed to snuggle up with Murakami (in book form, of course...not the man himself...that would be weird...)


    So, moving on, I hope you're very well and that you are enjoying life at this time. I personally find the December/January thing hard going, but that's because I'm a big old patsy who needs to 'Man Up', I believe the phrase is. There you go. I'm doing it again.




    Night night, chum of mine.

  11. Woohoo! Hello, Sarah. Just whizzing through to go 'yo yo yo' and then crack on with cooking me dinner. I hope you're very, very well, my friend and that you've had a splendid weekend.


    Pip pip and toodles for now.

  12. Wotcha! Have I asked you if you've read any stuff by Michael Marshall Smith? He's one of these guys that writes under different names for different genres (he writes as Michael Marshall for his [excellent] crime novels).


    If not, you simply have to read his debut novel Only Forward. It was published, I think, in 1994 and is one of the best, most surprising novels I've read. It made me laugh out loud once or twice as well! Let me know. I'll give you a list of his stuff.

  13. Yeah, a bit grim it has been. Two of my friends died within two days of each other of cancer - one we knew about, one only told his wife. I had to grass on some of my colleagues the same week as they were telling each other the most appalling racist jokes to each other and extolling the virtues of being a member of the BNP. In a school. Where kids are. You wouldn't believe it.


    My brother sent me the entire collection of Buffy on DVD for my birthday last year. Brother's can be really nice sometimes, can't they!


    (I hate the way it says 36 in brackets in that info box - it just rubs it in!)


    Have a good day. X

  14. Yo CW. How goes it, my friend? What's the buzz in Funksville? Art reet, Girt?


  15. Mac

    Yo ho ho...oh...I'm a bit late for that, aren't I? Anyway, I hope you had a great Christmas (first one as a married couple!) and that you are looking forward to a magic year ahead.


    What's new witchoo? x

  16. Yo, Kelly! How're things witchoo, lady? Not chatted for a while so thought I would bomb in and go woohoo woohoo woohoo! :woohoo:


    What's the beef, chief? Art well? x:friends0:

  17. Yo, Kelly. This is just me, popping by to say 'yo' and to see how you're doing?


    What's new witchoo? Hoping you're all together well and groovy.


    Mac X

  18. Mac

    Yo, Nicola. How's things?


    (How is things? Terrible grammar...)


    How are things? x

  19. Yo, Nollaig. Hope you're still well and groovy. Have you had a chance to check out that link I've PM'd you to the Speak Your Branes (sic) website?


    It's remarkably off tangent today! I love it!

  20. Yo, Rach! How's it going? La la la la la (that's me doing my little 'Hey! It's Rach!' song)


    That's all, folks!

  21. Yo, Rach. Just dropping in to say "Yo!", so - by anyone's standards - I can safely say that I have accomplished that which I set out to achieve. Would you not agree, my friend?


    How are you? What, as they say, is new with you?


    Hoping this finds you super-well. X

  22. Mac

    Yo! How's the week gone, Nic? Any news? Any views? Any blues? Check out this dance move *Mac slides onto his back and does his famous 'Dying Wasp'*

    MM xx

  23. Yo. Kelly. What up, y'all?


    Hmmm...note to self: do not attempt to type in 'street'. It makes one look stupid.


    So, Kelly, my friend. It has been some time since we last spoke. How are you? Everything okay with you? Pip pip, old girl. x

  24. Yo. That's all, my friend.


    That, and of course, a "Hope you're lovely and well!" xx

  25. You guess correctly. If I'm not under fear of death or at least severe hypothermia, then I don't feel suitably challenged. Throw what you will at me, Nature! I am the thorn you cannot remove from the lions paw...


    ...erm, I'm not sure where that came from...


    PM away, dear friend, and I shall email you my dodgy journal from aforementioned walk. Enjoy the painting! x

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