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Status Updates posted by Mac

  1. Pretty good, thanks. I've been gardening all weekend, I'm counting down the days to when I leave work (Friday, 21st August - whoopee!) and I'm out playing tonight. So, things are okay. What's the weird allergy thing you've got going on?


    Ooh, hey. Have you read any of Henning Mankell's stuff? It's great crime fiction. I think you'd really like him.

  2. Sarah. Hello, pal. Not caught up with you for a while. How're things going on the old job front? Do you want mine? It's rubbish, so I wouldn't bother if I were you.


    I'm thinking about doing something radical. Maybe. What about yourself? How're things elsewhere in Sarahville? xx

  3. Sarah. Hello. It's been about...hmmm...yes, about ONE THOUSAND YEARS since we last communicated. I have been remiss. For this, I apologise and wish to seek forgiveness. In order to achieve this end, I wish to tell you a joke that might hopefully make you chuckle. It is as follows:-


    Q: How does one know that elephants have been hiding in one's fridge?

    A: There are footprints in the butter.

    Q: But why is it that one can never find elephants hiding in one's fridge?

    A: Because they're really good at it.


    How are you, Sarah? How is life treating you at this time? Me? I've been hiding from almost everything. Even books. Yep. Crazy days.


    Take good care, my friend. :friends0:

  4. Sigh.


    I have had a busy week, my friend. I'm tired, a bit fed up and hungry. And a bit fed up, to boot! My life seems to be most chaotic. I wonder how people would feel if I sold up and cleared off to the Orkney's or the Shetlands or somewhere like that...you know, started a walking holiday business in Scotland, only taking my books and my instruments and my CD's with me.


    Did I mention I feel a bit fed up? Big hugs, Giulia, dear lady. Big hugs. :friends0:


    How's you? ;)

  5. Mac

    So, Beef, me old mucker. Here's a question. I assumed from the start that your claim to be female was, in point of fact, false. That wasn't the question. That was a preamble to the question. Here's the question I wish to pose. Why make such a claim? Is it to do with wishing to rain confusion upon us? Is it to do with maintaining anonymity in any way you possibly can? Is it that you have a worrying fascination with shoes and feel that making this claim excuses this? :lol:


    Actually, reading back over this message, I appear to have asked many more than one question, and for this (and for lulling you into a false sense of security pertaining to the number of questions being presented to you) I humbly apologise. I wish not to offend, merely to seek knowledge, for is it not true that knowledge is power? And what does power make? That's right! Prizes!


    Oh. No. It's pets that win prizes...no, I mean points, don't I?!? :crazy:

  6. Mac

    Steve, mate. Have a look throughout the site. This isn't a forum full of your standard whack-jobs. Everyone here is very well read, very bright and very friendly. You could check out my thread named McRecommends (the hilarity of it's name!) for some other recommendations, if you like. Or if you want to read some reviews, have a look at Mac Reads (started 2009). There's tonnes of guff on there to get your juices flowing!


    Also, you could check out Nollaig's blog for her reviews, which are always excellent. Chrysalis_stage reads similar stuff to me, as does Lexipiper.


    Hope this helps. :D

  7. Strange about it's reputation. It is said that the light that shines upon the streets of Doncaster is the light of the Angels, and that this contains mystical healing energy with the power to start engineless cars...


    It is said that the inhabitants possess a beauty comparable to that of Paris and Helen of Troy.


    It is said that Stephen Hawking dares not visit this town, for fear that his intellect should be dwarfed...

  8. Mac

    Surely it must have been The Lord Of The Dance that made you feel off colour? Having experienced this and found it not to my taste, I would have run for the hills, cousin's wedding or nay! :lol:


    I hope you enjoy a tr

  9. Mac

    Thank you, fella, for the sound advice on the bilge that I spew out like black bile from my festering insides...it's very helpful. I've never really done anything like this before, having concentrated on song writing most of my post-adolescent life. I will make sure I take it all on board as I re-write and progress with said bile.


    What's the book you're reading in the picture?


    Hope you're very well. Thanks again.

  10. Thank you, Pip. It's appreciated. :D


    How're things with you? I'm very busy this weekend, working on the sound desk at a festival - there's only two of us to do the job-lot! Still, it's quite good fun. It's better when the good bands are on.


    Hope you're alright. :friends0:

  11. Mac

    Thanks Janet - that's ace. Sorry to read that you were a bit dodgy over the hols, but am glad you feel rested and raring to go. Thanks for your help.

    Pip pip. :D

  12. Thanks, Roxi, although select people may disagree with you! :lol:


    How are things going at Uni? You're probably nearly finished now, aren't you?


    Have a great weekend. :D

  13. Mac

    That is a seriously cool avatar, dammit. I want it...*sighs*


    Where do you get groovy pictures like that?


    *hears in head "I'm sorry, Dave. I cannot allow you to do that, Dave...Mary, Mary, give me...your...answer...dooooooo..."*

  14. That made me really laugh! The word 'pleb' just does it for me. It reminds me of Basil Fawlty.


    I hope you're having a brill Saturday, my magic friend. Have an even better evening.

  15. That read much worse than it was supposed to. :lurker::blush: I meant that my laptop wouldn't allow me back on the web. I really need to vet what I type prior to stabbing the 'go' key...:lol:


    Hope you're excellent, my friend. :friends0:

  16. Mac

    That's a great result, chap. What was the A* in? I got 2 B's and 8 C's for my GCSE's - I never picked up a book to revise once. I was too interested in playing in my band, writing songs and spending time with an extraordinarily hot girl.


    Just imagine the results had I worked at all. I'm an idiot!


    Glad you did well, mate.

  17. That's great news! It sounds like you're sorted. I used to play in Doncaster. I wonder if the Kebab shop we used after the gigs is still there...it was called 'Abrakebabra'. Magic stuff. We only went because of the name. Genius! This was years ago, mind.


    Why Wales? I can understand wanting to move away from Doncaster, don't get me wrong, but why Wales in particular? It's funny, because I have this yearning to move to Scotland, the middle of nowhere, for no solid reason other than I want to get away from all of this round here. I guess it's the mountains and environment that attracts me, but if that's the case, why not Wales for me, too? It'd be closer to my family, certainly...ah...there we go then...:lol:

  18. The curry was excellent, thank you. I felt a little rough around the edges this morning, though. Finished what I'd started, didn't I! Still, I've got loads of jobs done. I stuck some stuff in the slow cooker for my dinner tonight, I've cleaned my house, I've ironed enough shirts and stuff to last for more than two weeks and I've read the Sunday Times to a satisfying degree. Nice.


    So, how are you? xx

  19. The hangover is slain and I am feeling groovy. Last week I worked (including the voluntary stuff) 74 hours. So anything less than that this week is a bonus. It doesn't look half as crazy at the moment, anyway.


    Good luck on Tuesday, dear friend. I shall pop on to ask how it went. And I hope Friday's move goes well. New apartment, Lady. Woo Hoo!

  20. Mac

    Things a re reasonably good, thanks. Tomorrow is my final day at work (with people with learning disabilities), I then have a week off where I'm going to record some new tunes I've been tinkering with, and then it's the New Job In Secondary School chapter. So I'm okay.


    How're things up there? My Uncle owns a number of restaurants round your neck of the woods. Have you ever been or heard of Oldfields?

  21. Things with me are reasonable, many thanks. I'm busy doing many different things and finding less time to read, dammit, but it's my own fault for volunteering for so much stuff.


    Injuries??? What injuries, my friend? Has someone harmed you in any way? Send me their address!;)


    How do I get to read the stuff you're writing? I'd like to have a look.


    Hope you're not too stressed. Take good care, Giulia. :friends0:


    P.S. Did I spell your name correctly? If not, please forgive me, I mean not to offend.

  22. Mac

    Tip top, thanks, Paula. Not far off beddy-byes, to be quite honest, 'cos I'm tatered. Still, it's been a long old week, so it's to be expected.


    How's tricks in your world? I'm off to see Wolverine on Friday and can hardly wait!


    Did you know that they use me as a body double for Hugh Jackman? No?


    I'm not surprised, because that was a lie.

  23. Mac

    Turning 35...


    What makes me feel really old is all the time I spend with young people. I'm a Scout leader, an Explorer Scout leader, a Duke of Edinburgh Award supervisor and assessor and I teach kids the drums, bass and guitar.


    All this pushes me towards feeling ancient.

  24. Mac

    Unfortunately, football means nothing to me at all. I've never had much inclination towards sports (although my nickname at school was 'Allsports'...because I was dreadful at all sports). What was the score? Who were they playing? What happened? How does one make an orange sauce, without making it too orange-y? ;)


    Things down here are okay, thanks. Looking forward to some friends coming over at Pimm's O'Clock this afternoon, so that'll be fun.


    Where do you go to University? What are you studying? Is it fun? How many questions am I asking??? :roll:


    Hoping this finds you very well, Nic.


    Mac :friends0:

  25. Mac

    Weird. I've found it now, thanks Janet. I couldn't find it before on the 'Find all threads started by...' bit. Like I mentioned before, I can be a bit of a knucklehead sometimes! D'oh!


    Hope you've had a relaxing day.

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