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Posts posted by bartleby

  1. Borders was my favourite book place (apart from local library) - they opened their only Irish store just down the road from me in 2007. But now it's going:weeping: but not before a whopper of a closing down sale where any item could be had for 1 euro!! Needless to say a field day was had by one and all.


    Waterstones & Hodges Figgis in Dublin city centre will fill the void in terms of a place to browse paper & ink but to be honest, I cannot see how The Book Depository can be beaten for buying books. One of the only(?) internet book shops with free postage worldwide!!



  2. Thanks for that Gyre. I was wondering when he would follow up with another fiction gem. Looks like there might be a follow-up or -ups to 1Q84 in the making already!


    He did release a sort of biog last year centring on his love for running marathons - What I Talk ABout When I Talk About Running. (Note the homage to Ray Carver's 'What We Talk About When We Talk About Love' in that title... but don't get me started on Carver.)


  3. A quick survey of the 6 books in close proximity to my keyboard would lead me to believe that page numbering in books is somewhat arbitrary. However, you can get you perfect start if you're willing to dig deep!!


    Of the 6 books,

    3 have the text starting on Page 1!! (The Film Club by David Gilmour , The Gift of Therapy by Irvin Yalom and The Book of Tea by Kakuzo Okakura)

    1 each then start on Pages 3, 4, and 9.

  4. Another Irish person!


    Hi RoxiS.C. Howz she cuttin'. Interesting ainm by the way.


    Isn't Bartleby in Hitchhiker's guide?


    Hi Lucybird,

    Are you mixing me up with Slartibartfast?? Not sure whether there's a compliment in there? :lol: Anyway, I trace my lineage firmly to Melville's original life and soul, Bartleby The Scrivener; to wit

    "Imagine my surprise, nay, my consternation, when without moving from his privacy, Bartleby in a singularly mild, firm voice, replied,

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