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Status Updates posted by ELQ

  1. Hiya, Team Edward YAY!! My 9 year old daughter bought a poster yesterday...can see the attraction.

  2. I know it is a bit yellow isn't it...keep meaning to change it but haven't be

    been on here since March!! ( it was sunny then)...

    Nothing wrong with a pin up in your room age 40+ Keeps your Mojo alive....

  3. ELQ

    Oh NO! I hope its not too bad where you are....can't say i've missed it one bit!

  4. ELQ

    Hiya, yeah its freezing here too. I live 9 miles from Peebles and 1 mile off the main road so we haven't been able to get out for a week. Council are only clearing the main roads...(with no grit that's a hard job!). Anyway, the kids are happy they have been off school all week, i'm not so happy cause I work there and won't get full pay if its closed. Have been reading loads of books though. Hope all is well with you?

  5. :party: YAY! Its your Birthday....hope its a good one.


    yeah, sounds like the situation we are in with the weather...haven't been out in a week because our house is 1 mile off the main roads and the council aren't touching it. Its snowing again just now!

    Hope someone manages to bring a Birthday cake in for you today though!

  6. Hello, thank you, the Avatar is a Keith Haring....don't know how I managed it though still working it all out! How are you? Anything exciting happening this wekend?

  7. ELQ

    Hello Cookie, Welcome to the book club forum....we are a friendly bunch here

  8. Greetings from Bonnie Scotland and welcome.

  9. ELQ

    Hi Echo,

    Yeh I know sunglasses required! Don't know what I did actually just pressed a lot of buttons and that's what happened - think I need to tone it down a bit.... wish me luck!

  10. Oh Flippin Heck!! I went and deleted messages from February because i wanted a nice clean page for 2010 and now it looks a right old mess...got a touch of COD i'm thinking...can't get them back again...liked it better before

  11. ELQ


    I'm in the Scottish Borders near Peebles. Don't know if I truely qualify for the Scottish Contingency only been living here for 28 years not even considered a local yet!

  12. Great Stuff! Where abouts was Carole Matthews signing??

  13. ELQ

    Hello, Where abouts in South Lanarkshire are you? I'm in the Borders near Peebles....

  14. Hello, how are you getting on??

  15. Hi, love your profile page..how do you do that?

  16. I can change colours ok but can't find a way to upload background...will keep trying - thanks

  17. ELQ

    Your house looks beautiful...i especially love the windows

  18. ELQ

    yes we built it ourselves 10 years ago, if we could do it again we would change A LOT... but its been up for sale since September because we are pretty isolated and its not good for the children..

    yes been on the book club forum for most of the day (on and off), haven't left the house in a week...cabin fever setting in.

  19. Have tried every combination, obviously doing something wrong...thought the url was the www. or the photo number?? sorry being really thick here.....

  20. ELQ


    Keeps snowing on and off here today - my flippin cast iron gutters all fell down yesterday, i'm not happy. Love your Calvin and Hobbs Avatar - they're great wee dudes aren't they. How are you getting on?

  21. :wine: Good old JD...life wouldn't be the same without it! :D
  22. Oh yeh, oh yeh, thanks Cali i did it...whoppppeee. Had to copy it into my albumn first....

  23. ELQ

    Hiya, The weather isn't great, we've been snowed in here (near Peebles) for a week!! Getting a little fed up with the white stuff now....how about you?

  24. ELQ

    yeah its the 3rd week for us too. Have both of my children off school...they were supposed to go back tuesday and so was i (i work at the primary)...haven't had any snow today - fingers crossed.

  25. ELQ


    How are you?? How come you had to change your Avatar?? Or did you just fancy a change?

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