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Status Updates posted by Kookie

  1. I am fine thanks for asking. I hope that cold will decide to leave soon :lol: So what have you been up to lately?

  2. Hello again. :)

  3. No have i have npot read P&P is it good?

  4. Hello long time no talk. lol

  5. That is a good score i have not tryed that quiz yet. lol

  6. Yes i am fine thanks 4 asking. What about you.

  7. Aww. boy or girl?

  8. Thanks for the tip I get it from my mum she said she does it all the time.

    Thanks for the welcome to it was nice of you thank-you.

  9. Hello,


    how was your day?

  10. Aww poor you i hope you like it here and you probably will. I know how you fell i can't get on it from school.:(

  11. hello i have not talked to you in a long time. Do you have messenger?

  12. Hello nice to see you again. lol

  13. Hi just dropped in to :welcome2: you to the forum and hope you have fun here.:)

  14. Hi i see you have msn so do i.


    I was sitting beside my dad and he told me to move because i was blocking the screen to the TV when he was playing the PS3.:motz:

  15. Hi, haven't seen you in a while , well i talked to you at three but anyway. :)

  16. Hi just popped in to welcome you to the forum and hope you have fun. :smile2:

  17. Sorry about your loss hope you are doing ok.

  18. Is still trying to figure out how to work the knew forum lol

  19. I know i like it here to. We are all a friendly bunch and you are very welcome. I hope you make lots of good friends and i will talk to you soon. I have to go. Bye

  20. Hello again. How are you?:smile2:

  21. Hi and welcome to the forum.

  22. I love your new avatar it is so colourful. ;)

  23. Not really my dog (Piper) was playing in the snow it was really funny. The cat did not like it at all. lol :)

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