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Posts posted by Jaelk

  1. Due to problems with depression and drinking, I haven't been reading for the last few years but was still buying and collecting books that appealed to me.


    Now that I've turned the corner I suddenly find that I have a lot of books, classics and new novels that I can't wait to get stuck into.


    A rough estimate would be around 120 books in my TBR pile :). Most of these I have had years and never read them.


    And due to the discovery of this forum, I am branching out to new genres so I can see my TBR pile increasing.

  2. I tend to listen to short stories on my way to and from work. At the moment I have Classic Tales of Ghosts & Vampires on my iPod and am loving the different stories.


    I find an audiobook on the way to work takes my mind off of the stress and problems that await me there.

  3. I read Heroin Diaries and loved it! the content is intriguing. The world of drugs and rock and roll is not anything I can relate to but he described it painfully real in his journal entries. I felt like I was living his life. And to top it off, the book is just esthetically gorgeous! Glossy coloured pages, i loved it! :lol:


    I couldn't agree more. I'm a big Rock fan and grew up loving Motley Crue, I have Dirt (the biography) but Nikki Sixx Heroin Diaries is so personal and quite sobering to read. The CD that accompanies it is well worth a listen too.


    I've bought Slash but have not read it yet, have you read Watch it Bleed, The Gun's N' Roses Story yet Nici76 or whitegold?

  4. 2008 was a very bad year for me reading wise. I think I only managed to read 4 books, one of them was a Ghengis Khan biography and another was Nikki Sixx Heroin Diaries.


    I did manage to finish my Selected Stories by Edgar Allan Poe though.


    A new year and a new me, I have seriously cut back on my drinking pursuits and plan this year to re-discover the love for books that I used to have. I plan to read a few classics this year as well as books that are recommended on here, starting with the Reading Circle choice for February.


    2009 should be a good year!

  5. I've just bought 100 Classic Books for my Nintendo DS, so I've got 100 there to be read straight away :lol:


    Other than that I have :-


    Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill

    Three Men in a Boat by J.K. Jerome

    The Host by Stephenie Meyer

    Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro (for next months reading circle choice).

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