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Status Updates posted by bethany725

  1. Absolutely on the music.. as we get drunker, we can even wail along.

  2. This sounds great! Thanks for the info.. I'm going to sign up for this right now. I can't believe the predictor has never been wrong for you -- What a cool little tool they have!

    Hilarious that it told you you'd hate "Eat Pray Love" by the way.. dear goodness, if only I'd had that prediction before I started it ;)

    Thanks again for taking the time to send this to me!

  3. Just an abstract painting :)

    I am settling in nicely.. There's always so much activity here so it's never boring! Thanks for the nice message :)

  4. I'm noticing the matching thing as I add books now.. it's much less confusing, being able to pick the one that displays the cover I have.

  5. Oh, and is it okay that I don't actually OWN these books, but have read them? I used the library a LOT back in the US, so don't actually possess many of these books. Am I messing anything up by doing it this way?

  6. Definitely add me! Same username: Bethany725

  7. Hi Mac :)

    How are you? Things are good here! Work is really busy but good, just keeps me off the boards more than I'd like!

    How are things w/you?

  8. Ooooh I started The Surgeon today... very good so far! I've missed suspense.... :) Thanks again for the reco. Will probably finish it over this next wk while I'm on vaca, so I'll report back when I get in! :)

  9. Thanks, C! We are here and doing well.. It seems like a really fun city and should be lots to do. :) Today we're going to the tailor and looking for new cell phones, and tomorrow we're handbag and clothing shopping. All the usual moving to a new place stuff.. ordered groceries today, got subway passes yesterday, etc. So far, so good :)

    Thanks for asking!

    How are you doing??

  10. So glad to hear your vacation was relaxing and stress-free. I usually opt for the relaxation vacations as opposed to the hectic touring.. I like both and they both have their pros, but there's nothing for me like relaxing, taking it easy, and reading while on vaca. :)

    Ooh.. you're over halfway done with the prep for the French reception! Yey! What kind of appetizers did you guys pick to do? I'm sure there were lots of yummy ones. :)


    Raja is hopefully on the mend.. thinks it could just be some neck pain from staring at a computer so much at work. We're trying heat and new monitor height and all that stuff, so we'll see how it goes. :)

  11. We're cramming as much as possible in before we leave India.. This isn't the norm for us, I promise! :)

  12. omg.. how did i end up posting on my own wall? seriously..

    so it tells me i need to search by email address. what's your email address?

  13. FOUND YOU! I added you :)

  14. Afternoon here :) Thank ya!

    Walked inadvertently into any trouble lately? Any funny stories to share with me? ;)

  15. I'm on it! I'm going to take "Little Earthquakes" by Jennifer Weiner and possibly one other also.. I'll have a thriller, a light chick-lit read, and I'll make my last choice tonight for the 3rd book. Thanks for the well wishes :)

  16. Haha! I'd say the bulls-eye is quite fitting. ;)

    Weekends good.. just moved to Hong Kong this weekend so we're getting settled in and finding our way around.

    How's yours?

  17. Hi BookBee!

    Quick question for you, since I know you like Melissa Hill.. I read her book "The Last to Know" and loved it. Now I'm reading her "Not What You Think" and not liking it nearly as much so far. Have you read this one by any chance?

  18. Back again, BookBee! :)

    I finished "The Last to Know" today actually, and ended up really liking the book.. Just wanted to update you. :)

  19. I bet you are resting now, finally.. :) You must have been exhausted! Cleaning will make you so tired, but the end result is worth it. I'm a big fan of organizing and tidying -- it makes things feel so much more "together," at the risk of sounding like a major dork. ;)

    We haven't decided just yet about the Singapore thing.. Well.. WE sort of have decided that he'll go to his boss and see if there's a way to work on some of the Singapore projects FROM Hong Kong via internet conferencing and possibly flying back once in a while, but not sure how that will work.. We're going to look at some apartments here today in the area just in case we end up having to stay. I'll keep you posted. :)

  20. Hey guess what? :)

    My husband was searching today for some info on "Pillars of the Earth" since he just finished reading the book. He came home and said "Is someone on your book club named Louise?" And I said yes and he wanted to see the picture/avatar. So I showed him, and he'd recognized your avatar from BCF (he's sitting with me a lot when I'm on BCF in the evening), and saw it again on another book club forum today while he was at work! Isn't that funny? :)

  21. Sounds interesting.. I'll definitely check those out! I've never read a rom-comeby a male author, so this could be good. :)

    Yey for your slew of books .. which ones did you get?

  22. Thanks for adding the spoiler tags to my post, Echo! I'm sorry I forgot to do that.. I appreciate that. :)

  23. Oh no! I'm probably going to be super confused then.. It's been years since I read the Little Women novel, but I almost know the movie by heart. I'm in for some confusion, I am sure! :laugh:

  24. I agree completely! I totally told one of the most pivotal part... Whooops!!

  25. Haha! I'm so glad your BF understands your need to watch Marines naked in the shower.. That's a true connection you've formed there! :) I've seen previews for it here in Hong Kong recently, and thought of you.. Now you can watch it anytime you want! :)

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