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Posts posted by Tintin

  1. Tintin, the post is about a review of a book, it's not appropriate to start a religious discussion, especially one that questions the poster's beliefs.



    My question was whether the post was in the correct forum since non fiction is defined as "the branch of literature comprising works of narrative prose dealing with or offering opinions or conjectures upon facts and reality"


    Ok, it was a provocative response and would surely lead to a discussion but isn't that what a forum is for? :D There are many other threads where the subject material is debated in depth - why would this one be different?


    My comments were directed at the content and were not a personal attack. Please do not think or suggest otherwise. Using that logic you could argue that the original post is equally responsible for starting a religious discussion which questions my beliefs.


    Chimera, I guess it's really a question of how strictly you want to define fiction and non fiction.


    Ice Cream, I don't have any other type of comment, on any subject, other than my personal opinion.


    Perhaps I don't fit in here after all :D

  2. As a newbie to the forum and at the risk of being controversial, I feel that I have to ask whether anyone else would agree that this post is in the wrong forum (non fiction).


    Surely the assumption that this has some factual basis is, at best, a topic of contention since it assumes that the character god exists. This presumption also raises a far more fundamental 'hinderance' than whatever 13 are listed inside. If you're already of a religious bent I'm sure this will be of interest but if you are looking for answers can I suggest that you also read Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion" for balance.

  3. Interested to know if there's a correlation between last-page-itis and sneak-peek-achoo when it comes to wrapped Christmas presents?


    A very astute question!


    My ex (who's now buried under the patio) used to read the last page of books I was reading and 'drop' it into conversations :D


    She was, apparently, an expert lock picker of the Xmas suitcase from an early age :D


    ps Just kidding about the patio..

  4. I love the sound of that! :D Can't say I've ever heard of anything like it, but would love to go.




    Does sound pretty good doesn't it?


    The Storyteller would be the single most important part of this and would have to be someone with 'presence' and suitable vocal skills. The rest is relatively easy to sort out.


    Perhaps if we keep the thread going we may find someone who knows of such an individual and we could get something organised. Some of my other interests (ok, bikes) organise various meets and I don't see why we couldn't try something similar given the right incentive.


    Either way, post here if you know or have heard of someone like this. Personally, I'd be prepared to travel a fair distance to find an evening like this!

  5. ... I dont read as quickly in english as in french (though that could change soon as I seem to be reading mostly in english these days) and definitely slower in spanish when I get a book in that language.



    Well done, I struggle with English..:D


    For me the main factor is how good the book is. I'm more likely to skim over a dull section or re-read a good bit. I find a big difference between looking and reading :17:

  6. Some very interesting responses here :lol:


    In the original post I also asked if anyone knew whether 'storytellers' still exist - perhaps I should have made that a separate thread.


    I'd love to find something less formal than a launch 'reading' - I'm thinking 'round the fire', 'feet up in a comfy chair', 'nice glass of wine', 'chill out and listen to a really good story told by a master storyteller' :D


    So, anyone know of such events or is it only children who have these opportunities (less the wine, of course)?

  7. I think all the other questions have threads and it got me wondering about why I read.


    To be honest, a large part of the answer is to pass the time :lol:. I listen to audio books on frequent long car journeys and read books at home because I can't bear to watch (most) telly!


    I'd also have to say that a good story together with the peace and solitude to escape into it is a big draw, although I'd be happy in a reasonable sized crowd if there was an old fashioned storyteller weaving a good tale (do such creatures still exist?)


    Lastly, there's learning. Providing it's not totally incomprehensible or mind numbingly boring, I'll give it a go - most commonly science and technical material. I once tried a cookery book but found rocket science made more sense :roll:


    So, for curiosity's sake, why is reading your thing?



    ps I once asked my mum how you know when potatoes are ready.


    She sighed heavily (as if talking to a simpleton) and said "You just stick a fork in them".


    "Well mum, I've news for you. I can stick a fork in a raw potato..how does this help?"



    Logic is nothing without intuition :blush:

  8. I've always thought that he was quite an unusual writer in that he wrote for such a wide range of age groups but I do like some of his material.


    I remember thinking that The Jungle Book in print was a much more grown up book that the Disney version we see on screen. I do like both but the film is best enjoyed with a rowdy bunch who are prepared to sing along :roll:

  9. For books at least.


    Think about it - other people buy your books and you have loads of free time to settle down to read them. So far I've finished the Vampire Chronicles, (the last 2), listened to Carl Sagan's 'Contact', read Piers Anthony's 'On A Pale Horse', Yann Martell's 'Life of Pi' and I've just started one of the generic Asda/Tesco pulp books called Pharaoh by Valerio Manfredi (who is apparently going to show Dan Brown how it's done).


    I could get used to this life :roll:


    How's everyone else getting on with the Xmas reading?

  10. Hmm, odd one out methinks :blush: But probably cos I'm older and a bloke!


    Aside from reading and the net my main interests are (motor)bikes and science/engineering. I always need to know how things work and feel a terrible compunction to take things apart. My mum (who I see only rarely since she lives a long journey away) has always collected broken things for me when I visit :roll:


    Years back when pc's were new and very expensive I couldn't afford my own so I figured out how to build one. Before that I was into an assortment of sports but never been interested in TV or watching others have fun.


    When I was at school there was an 'initiative' to teach guys to knit :lol: but we just used the wool as friendly weapons.


    Do you think guys should be banned from the forum? :lol:

  11. I'm Scottish and was born at home in Partick, Glasgow. My parents returned to the Outer Hebrides when I was 2. Brought up there until I moved to Aberdeen after engineering college. Stayed there for 20 years until moving to the Borders area earlier this year.

  12. A blonde went to the appliance store sale and found a bargain. "I would like to buy this TV," she told the salesman.

    "Sorry, we don't sell to blondes," he replied.


    She hurried home and dyed her hair, then came back and again told the salesman,.... "I would like to buy this TV."


    "Sorry, we don't sell to blondes," he replied.


    "Darn, he recognized me," she thought.


    She went for a complete disguise this time; haircut and new color, new outfit, big sunglasses, then waited a few days before she again approached the salesman. "I would like to buy this TV."


    "Sorry, we don't sell to blondes," he replied.


    Frustrated, she exclaimed, "How do you know I'm a blonde?"


    "Because that's a microwave," he replied.

  13. If I started counting at 30, I'd still be older than you Tiger..I'm 30 14!


    Do Amazon do large print?




    Oh and Belated Happy Birthday Gyre :lol:

  14. I read The Alchemist some time ago having picked it up on a last minute 'fast raid' before going on holiday.


    I remember thinking, "How did I pick up a childrens book?"


    The impression left was of a simple moral tale padded out in order to survive the rigors of being inside a lunchtime goal post. :roll:


    Either that or I'm just too dense to appreciate the style and deeper meaning (easily possible). :lol:

  15. Hi Chimera. Yes, I used to love the adventures but haven't read any for years now. I got the nickname at school when a friend said, "Hey, you look just like him" :lol:


    Where does Chimera come from?

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