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Status Updates posted by lexiepiper

  1. I discovered the first one in September or October I think, and I loved it so much that I've spent like

  2. I have to admit, I am DYING to read Penitence after watching that video, any chance of a desperate fan being able to buy an advanced copy!? :lol:

  3. I haven't no, but I've seen the film, and it made me cry! Is the book any good? If so I'll have to pick it up :D

  4. I hope you enjoy it when you get around to reading it :) x How are things going with you btw?

  5. I know me too! With huge comfy chairs to snuggle into and a big fireplace, would be heaven! :D

  6. I love it! It must be so nice to live in such a lovely house, and even better to know you did the whole thing yourself! I can't wait to see more pics anyway :D I've been pretty good, been struggling with my mojo lately, but started reading Dexter last night and I can barely put it down, it's so good! :D How are things with you? Last night was really fun, we went to a friends new place, it was also gorgeous, I'm so jealous of all these lovely houses! :lol: But it's just made me really want to get our own place, wish the money situation was better so it was possible, but we'll see how it goes I guess! :) Weekend has been really good so far, tonight will just be relaxing and reading, so it's all good :D How has your weekend been? :) x

  7. I really did :D Do you know anything of what the next one will be about?

  8. I think I'm going to start Hannibal as soon as I finish doing my review books, I can't wait to read them as I love the films. Same goes for Dexter, I really like the series, is it similar to the books? I'm definitely going to get them at some point, I think they're definitely my kind of thing and I'm sure I'd love them. I really want to get the Deaver series that starts with The Bone Collector, I've wanted to read them since I watched the film, but seeing you all talk about them has just made me want them even more! :lol: This forum really is terrible for my bank account :D Is there anything you're looking forward to reading or buying atm? How is Kookie enjoying Twilight? :D x (sorry it's over 2 posts, it was too long for one! :lol:)

  9. I think so too Paula :D

  10. I totally know what you mean, I walked to the shop which is like 4 minutes from our house and I thought I was melting, it's just awful :lol: Being a Brit, I just cannot handle the heat :lol: I'm not sure what we're doing yet, maybe a restaurant meal, or I'll make him something special, but yeah, we're both really surprised being that we both come from badly divorced parents, neither of us expected such an intense relationship, especially as we're only 22 now, so we're pretty young, but it's all good :D How long have you and Raja been together now? x

  11. I was the same, I didn't have them all before I started and so I kinda had to buy them as I went along and read something else while I was waiting for them too be delivered. But I got the last 4 and read them in a row, and I found it got a bit draggy reading them one after another with no break for something else now and again, but that's just me :D You should probs read the ones you have just to make sure you like the series, as the books flick around between people it's not too hard to get back into them if you've read something else :D

  12. I will :D I love her books and have almost all of them now ^^ Do you like her books too?

  13. I will do, thank you so much :D I'll post yours out tomorrow, second class too, so it'll hopefully get to you before the end of the week :D:friends0:

  14. I will do, you'll have to let me know what you think of Bitten, Elena is my favourite character, so her books are always my favourite :D And that's awesome, congrats on 3 years! Me and my BF will have been together 4 years this July, can't believe it! Still seems like yesterday :lol:

  15. I'm fine thanks :) How are you?

  16. I'm fine thanks hun, how are you doing? I hope you're okay, I noticed you've not been around much the last few days :friends0:

  17. I'm good thanks :D And yeah! I swear I spend more time on here than I do reading now! :lol:

  18. I'm good too thanks, just waiting for my boyfriend to get off his bum and make some dinner! :lol:

  19. I'm loving it :D There's a passage I love in the film and I didn't realise it was in the book too, and I was really happy when I read it :D Atm, I think I'm going to really love it when I'm done, I adore the film, so I can see me loving this too! Have you read it?

  20. I'm okay, have got yet another migraine, so I'm just quickly flitting through then I'm going to make a cuppa and go to bed with some DVD's :) How are things going with you? xox

  21. I'm pretty good thanks, and yourself?

  22. I'm pretty good thanks, had a quiet day as me and my BF had our valentines meal out earlier in the week so as to beat all the crowds today. I had planned to do some more of my cross stitch, but ended up on here pretty much all day chatting to people :lol: I haven't done any reading yet today, will do it when I get into bed, hopefully manage to finish Prisoner of Azkaban so I can move on to Goblet of Fire tomorrow, but we'll see I suppose :D Do you know what you'll start reading next?

  23. I'm re-reading Harry Potter series at the moment, but hoping to finish them by the end of february!

  24. I'm really enjoying it :D I love the way it's written and I can definitely see how you all love Dex so much! I will be getting stuck right back in as soon as BB finishes :D How are you enjoying Cause For Alarm (if you've started it yet)? :)

  25. I'm soooo tired, I've spent all day cleaning and sorting things out, suprising how much it tires you, so I'll be crashing out soon, just came for a quick check in! :) Other than that, life is as normal pretty much, how are things going with you and Raja? Did you decide about the Singapore thing? Hope all is well with you guys :) x

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