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Status Updates posted by lexiepiper

  1. Hey Paula, they just came today and look so awesome, can't wait to read them :) I keep meaning to pop over to HAH, but it isn't on my drop down menu for some reason so I always forget :roll: I'll try to stop by later or tomorrow :D How are you doing hun anyway? How is work treating you? x

  2. Hey Paula, your lovely card and bookmark arrived today, I love them both! Chocolate and edward, what more could a girl want?! I'm going to be using the bookmark as my main one from now on, so thank you! :D How are you doing? Nervous about Monday? You're going to do so great hun, good luck with it all! x

  3. Hey there :) Just wanted to say hi and welcome to the forum! I was born and lived in Bath until 3 years ago, it's always nice to see someone from home :D

  4. Hey there, how are you doing? :) I just dropped by to say I just reviewed a book that could be enjoyable for Kookie if she's interested, it's called Evermore by Alyson Noel. Just wanted to let you know incase you missed it in the thread as I know you're always on the lookout for books for her :) x

  5. Hey there, thanks for the friending :D how are you today?

  6. Heya hun :) I'm fine thanks, about to have some pizza for dinner, yum! :lol: How are you hun? x

  7. Heya hun, how are you doing today? He's getting a little better I think, he managed to keep down some water last night, and had some toast about an hour ago and so far, so good! I really hope he's on the mend, it's been awful seeing him so unwell and not being able to do anything! Thanks for the concern anyway hun, it's very kind of you x

  8. Heya hun, I'm doing pretty well thank you, and yourself? Just about to write my review on Max Tivoli, which I enjoyed very much, so thanks for letting me read it! :D It's no bother hun, it's probably one I'd enjoy enough to keep, so it's easier to just buy it anyway!! Beauty is a fantastic book I think, I'm a massive fan of Beauty and the Beast though :D It just brings the disney movie which I adore to life, more 'realistic' if you like (as much as possible for a fantasy book anyway! :lol:) I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when you get it :D How are things going with you apart from Martins night of snoring and talking? :lol:

  9. Heya hun, I'm not bad thanks, been feeling down a bit the past few days, but now just thinking 'screw dad' and just trying to get on with things! I hope you didn't think I was nagging at you to send them, I was just worried they'd gotten lost so wanted to double check they were still safe with you! How are you doing hun? x

  10. Heya hun, I'm not too bad, got an absolutely cracking migraine, have had it for a few days now and it doesn't want to shift which is annoying :( So feeling pretty run down and just plain ol' knackered! How are you doing hun? Looking forward to xmas? Saw your tree btw, looks great, and evil plotting cat was funny too :D xox

  11. Heya Mac :D Long time no see, so I thought I'd drop in and say hello and see how are you doing bud? :) Hope you are well and looking forward to xmas! xox

  12. Heya Mac, how are you? Saw that you're feeling poorly, so I hope you're feeling better soon! I'm okay thanks, getting ready for xmas and all that, so nothing exciting really! I love Belle too, she rocks! :D Take care x

  13. Heya Mac, I'm not bad thanks, how are you doing hun? :)

  14. Heya Paula :D I'm fine thanks, feeling much better with my tooth now, it's almost pain free (still hurts when I eat though) but still it's good enough for me! How are things with you? Enjoying your new heating? x

  15. Heya Paula hun :D How are you doing? I'm feeling okay today, still have the migraine though annoyingly, but have popped to the chemist and bought some (very expensive) migraine tablets, so fingers crossed they will work! The CD is fab, I love listening to it, every time I do it of course reminds me of you! Nice to know I have a friend that cares so much :D Ooo I hope you enjoy the HON books, I'm dying to read the new one, typically it releases while I'm in Bath, so I'm preordering it to come here to Michael's mums so I have them when I get back and can lock myself away with them :lol: I just wanted to say again, I'm terribly sorry about Michelle, please pass my condolences onto Martin :friends0: I really hope things pick up for you and your family, it's all been a bit cac of late for you all hasn't it :( Big hugs to you hun, take care xox

  16. Heya, not too bad thanks, I'm just catching up with last weeks eastenders while surfing and it's so sad! Do you watch it? How are you doing hun? x

  17. Heyyy :D How are you doing today? Looking forward to the weekend? I got another Michael Marshall book today, The Intruders, looks really good :D Hope you're well x

  18. Hi :D It's called Bone Cold by Erica Spindler, she's a great author, I'd recommend See Jane Die and Copycat by her too :D Take care x

  19. Hi back to you too :) Welcome to the forum!

  20. Hi Kelly (it always feels really weird to say 'Hi Kelly' being a Kelly myself :lol:) Thanks for the Facebook add :D How are things going with you these days? x

  21. Hi Mac! :D I'm good thanks, how are you? Hope you have a great day! x

  22. Hiiii there :D I am doing very well thanks, I have hot chocolate with baileys in, yum! And I might possibly finish that with a glass of my favourite wine ^^ (I sound a bit boozy, but I'm not I promise haha). Mash sounds good, did you have anything to go with that? I'm going to make some cheese salad filled pitta breads soon, they're veryyyy yummy :D Hope you're having a good evening also! :D

  23. Hiya hun, I'm fine thanks, how are you? Thanks :D I hope you enjoy it if you read it next, I found it to be a quick and easy read :) Did you get I Am The Messenger back yet, I posted it Wednesday, so I hope it's got there/will get there safe and sound! xox

  24. Hmm, I loved the ending to season 3, all the "will he, wont he go to hell", I was positive that he would somehow get out of it and then he didn't! I was so surprised, so I'd have to say, perhaps the last episode of season 3, but then again, I also liked the beginning episodes with their dad. How about you?

  25. I actually haven't! I didn't even know he had other books/a series out, it was an impulse pick up at Asda so I don't actually know much about it, but I thought it looked good! :lol: I'm glad you enjoyed it, I'm sure I will now we seem to have similar tastes when it comes to this genre! :D

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