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Status Updates posted by lexiepiper

  1. Yeah, it's making me so drowsy, and when I led down to read and have a break from the computer around 11 I fell asleep for a few hours, so now when it comes to bed time I'm not tired enough, and plus when I lie down it just pounds like mad and makes me feel sick, it's a nightmare really but what can you do eh :roll: Howcome you're still up so late? Having trouble sleeping, or just being a night owl? :friends0:

  2. Yeah, you should definitely try it! Late at night, when you're snuggled up with a book is the best time for it! :D Chicken is good, my BF and I eat it pretty much everyday in some form or another! :lol: Cheese salad pittas are very yummy, perfect during the summer when you don't want hot, heavy food, though I eat them all year around because I love them too much ^^ Atm I'm reading The Reincarnationist by M.J. Rose, it was a random pick up and has turned out to be really great :D What are you reading atm? xox

  3. Yes, a huge shock! Just got some pics through and he's gorgeous! Now I have two babies nephews to see when I go home in November, I can't wait! :D My sister's doing great too, thanks for the message x

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