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Status Updates posted by kay_loves_purple

  1. Lots of purple :) :)

  2. Hi Charm

    Yes, I'm quite settled in by now and I am enjoying the forum tremendously. Not only I have found a few threads talking about books I have read and liked (or not), I have also gotten quite a few suggestion of books to add to my TBR (I'm always on the lookout for new good books, not that my TBR is in any need of new additions).


    In short I'm having a great time here. Thank you very much for asking :)

  3. Hi ii

    You're right, that was a bit dumb from me, I should have sent a private message. Thank you for thinking about it and deleting the post.


    I'm so glad about the books, thank you so very very much. It's like an early Christmas present :D :D


    Have a nice day, and thank you again for both things!

  4. Hi Having seen the thread "Random Books Looking for a Good Home" I just have to ask you, are the Fielding book and the Weisberger one still available? If so, how much do you want for them? Thanks :)

  5. Thanks!

    I'm always happy when people say good things about my blog as I have invested a lot of time and passion in it. I know it's not perfect by far (doh) and I am open to constructive criticism, but I have been really trying and I do enjoy its being appreciated, a lot (obviously :D )

  6. Thank you very much :)

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