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Status Updates posted by Nollaig

  1. Nollaig

    Good good!


    I'm alright, but I'm sick!! Ive been sick all week, through exams and essays. Coughing, aches, sore throat, yada. :roll:


    I have this Mr. Men thing on facebook (don't ask, it's like a chain picture going around.) It's a bunch of Mr. Men characters with silly names (like, The Pimp and The Little Church Girl and The One Who's Always Up To No Good, and people tag their friends/classes/etc. I stole it and made a BCF version. I couldn't decide between two for you, so you are both 'The Stylish One' and 'The Tiny Dangerous One' :lol: I thought they both suited you :D



  2. Good morning! :D


    I see you're liking Inkheart so far.. least thats what I think you said in a thread! :lol:


    Its Monday... don't you have school or something?

  3. Haha 6 weeks - I saw Kell post a status update on Facebook about summer hols being too long at 6 weeks - I used to get 12 when I was in secondary school! And I always thought it was too short :P

    Oooh, you know I've still not looked at ANY sonic screwdriver. But I might today. :P Is the new one Smith's green-light one?

  4. Haha awwwhhh thats so sweet! Reading back over it now I think it's rather inarticulate and clunky, I may revise it (and various other rambles) at some point :roll:


    Still, it's a compliment coming from you, because you always write fantastic reviews of what you read :D


    And hopefully. He can be a very difficult person to read... I just wish I had something to work with! Some idea of what he likes or doesn't like... oh well :roll:

  5. Haha it's quite alright! Yeah, it's basically a double major. I'm not sure what I want to do. Ideally I'd love to be a book critic! Hence my work on the BCF blog and my own blog. And then study/write philosophy in my spare time. Since I will probably only be able to afford one grad course, I'm going to go for the one that needs further study - Philosophy, and write articles/books/masterpieces etc in my spare time :lol:


    What do you do?

  6. Haha no problem! I'm a **** student like that too - I can't handle major partying at ALL! :lol:


    Wuthering Heights isn't TOO bad to read in terms of writing style, but it IS pretty depressing material - I'd recommend something a bit lighter, and maybe more recent to tone the language down?


    I have two class tests (Tuesday and Thursday) and an essay due (Friday). :thud: I've not made as much progress as I'd like, but the essay is pretty much ready to be written, I've a good bit of one exam reviewed and the other class exam, the Tuesday one, will hopefully be easy.


    But I'm still reading! I'm 168 pages into The Shakespeare Secret (started yesterday) and I'm loving it! Just going to try hit 200 now before going baking, and then back to study later! :thud: and I say again: :thud::lol:

  7. Haha which review did you read? They're all different lengths! (Thread has short, BCF has a bit more, my blog has novel-length :lol:) But thank you all the same! I emailed the author last night and was chatting a bit - he's lovely! And working on a sequel to the book I read :D


    And ooooh yess, the spinal op! Sorreh, I'm terribly forgetful! :blush:

    :friends0: Poor thing :(


    I think the title-changing is relative to post count. Go into 'details' on your CP, and scroll down a tad to 'optional info.' It should be the first thing there. I think i got it when I hit 1000 posts.

  8. Haha, thank you. I'm still hoping by some miracle I'll pull a Harry Potter outta my ass but it's looking less and less likely. Plus my plot wasn't very original anyway. (It was original when I was 12!!! Then Buffy did an episode years later with the very same plot. I was gutted.)


    You're up quite late tonight! Being all rebellious coz its Saturday eh? :lol:

  9. Haha, thank you. That was a nice message to wake up to this morning. I'm still wrecked but I had such a creepy dream about killing vampires that I need to wake up now.


    Did you ever dislike the main character? I've spoken to a couple girls about her and they've said that she's a bit too self-loathing, she should get over it and move on, but I really liked her.


    I'm also guessing you had no problem with the computer/machine code stuff :D I've always been fascinated by the thought that thoughts are things that affect reality, when you taken Heisenberg's Uncertainly Principle into it (affecting where atoms are by observing them) it makes sense. So I love that whole machine code, and stuff and Einstein creating relativity and so on. :D


    Also, what did you think of the epilogue? A lot of people I've spoken to thought it was lame or a cop out, using religious imagery after questioning the nature of existence itself. Coz to me it wasn't any more than a metaphor, and I thought it was superb.

  10. Haha, your mom is too nice about me=P


    Hmm I may have a look through some of my old book favourites from when I was your age and give you some ideas! :D

  11. Haha! Thank you, that comment made me feel much better about the whole thing!


    I think I'm largely nervous about the idea because I have no experience, and I'm not really very aware about 'development issues' as they call them. But really, it's just about developing an approach and using it over and over, tailoring it slightly to deal with questions/attitudes. I know I can do that, because that's exactly what I did in supermarkets.


    If all else fails I'll just keep saying to myself, '€455 a week, €455 a week'. :lol:

  12. Hai hai!


    Hahah what did Phoebe say? I rediscovered my good copy of W.H. the other day, which was nice :D I'm pretty good. As you know, bought new shoes and a top today - and yes, the shoes are gorgeous! Very simple, comfy for day to day use, but cute.


    The Shack is interesting. I've only just met God. And he's making a couple of interesting points, and some lame ones like 'I am love' - but at least the author is making an effort, and its brilliantly written. Jesus is in it too - the author (fortunately) had the sense to make Jesus a dark-skinned Hebrew carpenter who notes his actual name is Yeshua. Theres at least a wiki-search gone into researching this book! :lol:

  13. Hai Tom!



  14. Hai! Thanks! Haha. I post a lot on here, I know.


    That just shows that I like it here! =D

  15. Hai!


    I'm just lurking.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Only kidding :D


    I thoroughly enjoyed "Angelina's Children", btw!!

  16. Half-way is far enough!! And I'm glad you're liking it so far. :D


    My day is alright ish.... Have an english seminar I have to go to, which I really want to avoid because I hate sitting around trying to discuss material I don't actually care about.... Better run for that now actually.


    Talk later :D

  17. Hallo Dan!


    Sorry I've not kept as good contact as I should, just been stressed. I got my SWA, as you know, which is good, and now I'm debating the ethics of getting gerbils.


    Hows all with you? I see you finished The Crimson Petal And The White, if that's the correct title. Worth the long slog?


    And what's the most recent update on that townhouse? :D x

  18. Hallo dear,


    yes, my msn address is 'onewingedangel@oceanfree.net' You should have asked your mum for it!

    Anyway I won't be on it for a while as I must run to the shop, but I'll be back later.

  19. Hallo good sir.


    Just thought I'd drop in and inform you that you are a LEGEND.



  20. Hallo m'dear! How are you?


    Yup, slowly plodding through I, Lucifer. I'm reading a lot of books lately and it's one which really requires attention, but yes it's fantastic. I've saved a couple quotes about Adam and Eve. It's just crude and blunt and in-your-face, it's fantastic. I've not read any of his other stuff, no, but I'll definitely be checking out more!

  21. Hallo Mac! Yes, I was wondering where you'd gotten to :roll: What you been up to?


    I think I'm going to re-read Perfume over the summer, even though I only read it a couple months ago :roll: I like prose-heavy books like that sometimes, it's like studying a painting :lol:


    I'm quite well, still worrying about things relating to keeping my house, but they're looking pretty good I think. Additionally, I'm being distracted by a boy, which is always good for my natural inclination towards procastination :lol:

  22. Hallo my dear!


    Backlog indeed, I'd been meaning to catch up and I've been doing nothing the last couple of days. I read two books this week, the rest were catchups, on my thread, my blog and the BCF blog. I just really got into review mode! I still am, I want to write more!


    How are you keeping??



  23. Hallo,


    Just a quick note to say the books arrived today, so thank you! :D And the card was awesome haha, I've never gotten a card with chocolate on before and when I saw it I actually went 'ooo yum!' Made me smile so it did :D



  24. Hallo!


    How're ye getting on round the forum? Good I hope! :D


    I liked Garth Nix's books. The Abhorsen trilogy didn't go down well with a lot of people, and I do think they can take a bit of effort to get into, but I think they're rewarding. If you're really into fantasy type things, give Sabriel a go and see what you think.


    There's also legends that all his books other than that trilogy suck - and for the most part they probably do. I'm going working on another one he wrote called 'The Ragwitch' - so far I'm finding it hard to get into, same as with Sabriel, but I'm gonna stick with it too :D

  25. Hallo!


    I always get a bit suspicious when Mods drop by... am I doing something wrong? :D

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