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Status Updates posted by BookBee8

  1. That's what I love about Jodi Picoult though. Each book is focused around a completely different topic. So two people can be fans of her yet like completely different ones. A few were very forgettable for me though; like Keeping Faith. I can't actually remember that one at all! As for The Host, you should have bought it! Hehe, it's very good.

  2. The film made me cry as well! It's so sad. I actually thought the film was better than the book but it's definitely worth reading if you enjoyed the film. :)

  3. Well it was Nici and Gyre's reviews that made me want it in the first place. It must be an amazing feeling to have your work rated so highly :). I am good thanks, how are you? Other than over the moon :D

  4. Wow, thanks so much. That means a lot considering there's so many awesome people on here! :) I've got to say that the same goes for you. I know if a thread has a post from you in it, it's either going to be hilarious and/or insightful.

  5. Wow, you've read 8 books in Jan?! I've only read 2! I need to step it up a bit if I want to get through my TBR pile :). As for Melissa Hill - She does write chick lit but it's usually something a little different. They're less predictable and there's always twists in them. Just hoping that this one turns out alright, coz I'm sick of it!

  6. Wrote about it on my 'Bee's Books 2009' thread, if you can find it! :D Overall, such a beautiful book but I wasn't overly keen on the ending! Still made me cry though!

  7. Yeah, exactly. I liked the romance aspect quite a lot, and liked how it existed alongside all of that. But it had hardly any in the last one. Which is your favourite in the Twilight series?

  8. Yeah, I was thinking maybe I should try them first, just to make sure that I like them. But like you say, as the characters change it shouldn't be much of a problem. I might read them next actually :)

  9. Yeah, it was fine! I'm off to the library to analyse them all tomorrow :). Well good luck with the job search, how did that course go in the end? .xx

  10. Yes, I think I read it at some point last year. I thought it was really good too :). I like the film as well. Have you read A Walk To Remember by him?

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