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Status Updates posted by Ceinwenn

  1. Wow! Congratulations! That's brilliant news! I've been good, thanks. Haven't been up to much, really. Have finished at work, thought I am still technically employed by them for the next 3 weeks, but they have put me on Garden Leave, so I get to sit home & get paid for it!

  2. Hey you! How's things?

  3. Welcome! How are you?

  4. Hey you, how're things? Been up to any mischief?

  5. I know Waterdown very well! It's actually part of Hamilton (much to the disgust of those who are from there), since 2001. How did you two get to know each other?

  6. Happy birthday :bestw: Hope you have a great day!

  7. Happy birthday, Janet! :bestw: & Congrats on being made an admin!

  8. Hello! Well, it's never been bad going, I'm just not hooked like so many others seem to be. Maybe I just have a thing against German authors? I've read 2 Bernhard Schlink books - 1 was ok, hated the other & now with The Book Thief, it's kinda like, meh, can't be bothered!


    I will finish it, though & I really do hope that when I finish it I am able to say that I am really glad that I did!


    How are you? How goes the prep for the move? When do you go?

  9. Happy birthday peachess! :5birthday:

  10. Just passing through, thought I would say "Hi!". Hope all's well with you & yours!

  11. Hello my dear! Hey, did your Mum pass along my "thank you" for picking out such a beautiful bookmark for me? How was school today?

  12. Hi Beth! Hope your move went smoothly & that we hear how great Hong Kong is once you're settled! Oh yeah, also hope you're feeling better soon.

  13. I do have msn if you'd ever like to chat it's leysimpson @ hotmail.com (had to add the spaces because you can't send email addresses via visitor messages.)

    What kind of soup were you making? I was chatting with your Mum this afternoon & she made me mess up my recipe of banana bread :motz: (joking! though I did mistakenly double the butter, so I ended up having to double the entire recipe!). Luckily it turned out ok!

  14. Yes, please do add me! Leek & potato soup is my absolute favourite soup! I haven't made that in a while, though. Was it as beautiful there today as it was here? I was out in town without a jacket, it was that warm!

  15. I wasn't thinking that at all! I know loads of people who have met their partners off the internet & a lot of them are now very happily married! Do you get to see each other very often?

  16. Hi Kylie, thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm sure I'll have a lovely day (even though I have to go into work later - oh well!) - Beverley

  17. You can relax, cyberworld did not let you down! I have started reading it & will continue it over lunch (am on my way out to run a couple errands). I figure I should have it finished by tonight & I'll let you know my thoughts asap (read: probably weekend, if that's not too late? If it is, say so & I'll bump it up a notch)

  18. What does he do that he's able to have all that time off?! So it sounds like there might be another Canuck emigrating to the South in the future, huh?

  19. Thanks Inver! Somewhat feel like my pride was hurt worse, though! To be fair, I'm pretty sore all over - falling on tiles, banging your head off a wall & mashing up your wrist isn't really something I would recommend! The oddest thing was that a couple times through the night I had a nightmare about the fall, that I ended up with a double compound fracture of my arm & I bled to death! How horrible is that?!? lol!


    How are you?

  20. Hi Charm, Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm sure I'll have a lovely day, but you know what would make it even better? SNOW!! lol :D:lol:

  21. Reading it now - shall skip ahead to the requested section!

  22. Hey you, how're things? Anything exciting happen today?

  23. Nice! I can't imagine too many places being that accepting! Especially in light of the current economic situation, lol. I'm currently trying to convince my OH that we need to move back home to Canada. Not having much luck, though.

  24. Thanks for the kind words! I am feeling so much turmoil about work & have no idea what to do about it! Being short staffed for the last 5 months certainly doesn't help! I'm sure I'll get through it, though & hopefully it'll get better when our new General Manager starts at the hotel next week.

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