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Status Updates posted by frankie

  1. Hiya Nicola, how've you been?


    Congrats on finally finishing Let The Right On In! Sorry to hear it wasn't 10/10 for you (you had me there for a second!). Was it that boring? :/ I hope you've already gotten around to reading a new and better book? I've read Skulduggery Pleasant books (they're really good and bad, very confusing :lol:) and now I'm reading Jennifer Weiner's Goodnight Nobody, it's chick lit with a whodunnit-crime aspect to it. I needed this, I haven't read chick lit in what feels like ages. I'm really enjoying it :)


    How's your Weightwatchers going? My getting into shape has been in a bad way for a few days now and I really need to snap out of it and start making process again :irked:


    Whitby sounds nice, a bit too turist friendly maybe with all the merchandise but worth a visit anyway. You're so lucky :tong:

  2. I think it's also good training for me to get familiar with the Aussie accent which I've found a bit hilarious before. Now I'm growing more accustomed to it and it's really nice :) There's this one competitor who's got a really thick accent! It's not hard to understand at all, but I find it very hard to copy! You have to give me lessons some day :) xo

  3. Ooooh, Fajitas... Sounds absolutely delicious! I love Mexican food... is that drool I see on my chin?


    My pigging out day went okay I think. It seems like I ate a lot because I ate a doughnut, chocolate and nachos but 3 people were sharing the chocolate and 2 the nachos so all in all I didn't eat that much myself. Well there was a bit of drinking involved but I managed to keep that in moderation too and I did a lot of dancing so all in all I'm happy. The scales isn't happy though, no change from last week :( That's a real bummer but I have to get over it and jump back on the saddle!


    May Day? I thought May Day was the 1st of May? Maybe it's different over there. Weird stuff, these bank holidays :) They make no sense and nobody knows what they are for but we sure don't mind having the day off! :D


    Edit: Did I forget to ask you where you at with Dexter??

  4. Funny we should talk about Newcastle/Brit girls getting drunk, I've got the TV on in the background and there's this document where Michelle Heaton is getting drunk in order to see what it does to women and what's normal drinking and what's binge drinking. Apparently more and more young Brit girls drink massively. I'd like to give a piece of my mind to all those people who think that a girl who's tipsy and maybe even flirty is willing to do anything even though she says NO. I hate those bottom grabbers. I seriously want to slap them on the face.


    You have to be kidding me, that can't seriously be your local bookshop!!! I'm so jealous :( You should see ours.... Or even Helsinki's biggest bookstore, it's ridiculous. Maybe you shouldn't come to Finland at all. Ever. I'll just send you postcards =P


    I'm glad you're enjoying Let the Right One In :smile2:


    By the way, I'm going to visit my parents with BF tomorrow and I'll be away for a couple of days. Hold the fort and behave! :lol:

  5. Do you celebrate Mid summer by the way in N. Ireland? Any plans for that? Our midsummer is this weekend on Saturday. In Finland it's a time when you're most likely with your friends/family on a summer cottage or something like that. The cities/towns are empty! Some people also do a lot of drinking. BF is doing his usual thing, going to his friend's summer cottage where he and his friends have been celebrating midsummer since for ever. I'm invited but I'm not going, I don't feel like spending 4 days with BF friends whom I don't really know, not having any friends of my own there. It's also many many kilometers from any civilisation so I'd be stuck there. I have a couple of backup plans but haven't decide yet. It's tough, trying to know in advance what's the most bestest and funnest scenario :tong:

  6. Good job reaching the 7,000 posts milestone, you chatterbox you! :D <3

  7. Almost forgot that I want to consult you on a very particular matter. Now, I know you are somewhat of an expert on reading in the bathtub. I've only ever had one bath in my entire life (!!) (I do use the shower, it's not that I'm a bloody cavewoman you know, and shame on you if you even considered me being one!) but I'm about to experience my second bath probably tonight. My friend moved to an appartment which has a bathtub and naturally I want to take advantage of the situation! So, how do you read in a tub? Do you have some sort of a tray for the book and other things? Because I can't see myself risking it using only hands to hold the book up.

  8. I hope the physio wen't well and left you feeling goooood :D

    I've heard of Stuart McBride but I've never read anything by him. Are you trying to get me to read a book of his so I could tell you whether it's worth a read?? 'Fess up!!


    By the way: I bought this weird detective book about sheep maybe a year ago and I keep meaning to read it. It's called Three Bags Full and it's by a German writer called Leonie Swann. There's a flock of lambs and their beloved shepherd is murdered and the lambs try to figure out whodunnit. Now it sounds really weird but I've heard such appraisal for it I definitely want to read it. And the writing style seems great as well. What do you think? Does it sound interesting? I don't personally know anyone who's read it and who's willing to talk about it so I hope I get somebody interested =P

  9. Argh, now I did the same thing as you did a couple of days ago, I posted on my prof page! :D

    Weird that you hadn't heard about the mosaic, it being in Sydney! And why would anyone not like coffee?? I think it's an inbred thing in Finland, we're a serious bunch of coffee drinkers. You have to be, to beat the long dark winter ;) Heheh, I've been thinking about you a l...

  10. I finished Sweetheart last night and it was amazing! About 100 pages til the end I soo wanted to come here and say "wooooo what a twist!" but I figured if I let myself do it once I'll be coming here to comment on it every five minutes and you'll get mad :lol: I think it's a must read. :smile2:

  11. ... a lot lately, because it's been over 30 C for over a month or so, you'd feel right at home if you'd be here right now :)

    I think it's an excellent thing, me getting used to the Aussie accent, no laughing at yours anymore I swear! I think if anyone's going to laugh at the other's accent it's you :D

  12. Don't worry, I'm as lazy as you! :/ One of these days one of us will snap out of it and write the other one, and then it's chatterbox like we've never seen it :D

  13. Yeah I finally caved in, my friends'll have it easier to contact me. They say they can't get hold of me but I think it's they're own fault, they've stopped using Live Messenger and they Facebook instead :( I'm not gonna get addicted too though, I was already annoyed with the place within 15 minutes of registering!


    By the way I'm going to go visit my parents with BF tommorrow and I'll be away for a couple of days. I hope you have a great weekend!! :D

  14. Hi Nicola! I hope you're settling nicely in Holland! Remember, you've got a whole week, don't spend all your money today :smile2:


    I'm glad your Mom's doing better, meds do really help. I wish meds didn't have such a bad reputation, my Mom seemed really panicky when I told her I'm going to start medication. "Don't start eating them too much!" Like, what..? Meds have really helped me too, and I'm so much better from what I was 2 years ago.


    Why would people drop out of a trip to Holland?? By the way, do you have to pay for the trip yourself or do you get some kind of sponsoring for it?


    I started The Coffin Dancer last night and managed about 80 pages of it, and I'm eager to continue reading today :D


    Have a great day! :D

  15. Just got your PM, and wanted to say that it comforted me so much! I have so many words but don't know how to express them, so I'll just say that xoxoxo my loverly friend :hug: and thank you!

    Talk to you soon luv, and do take your time with the PM, no worries :)

  16. What?! Finns at your work? Cooool :) I'd say that in general the people over, say, 40 years probably have a really thick accent, the younger ones have had more time in school to learn the language and learn the pronunciation. I know quite a few people who you'd probably think are native English-speakers, even ones who don't study English at the uni.I'm gonna send you a good ...

  17. Hi Kate, I haven't seen you around in a long while, is everything alright? I hope you're good :)

  18. Frankie spent a lovely day in Helsinki, shopping for secondhand books! :)

  19. She has been here before? I didn't know that. What we're dealing with here is a very powerful forum indeed! I just hope she's not coming until I've had the time to read The Surgeon :blush:


    I didn't know that about the elephants and raised trunks, pure coincidence. I was just googling animal&love because I wanted to find cute pics of different types of animals getting together. When I saw that pic I immediately wanted to have it as my avatar :) Maybe it'll bring me some luck too, I've had a couple of rough months. But things are looking up now, I think :) But how are you? It feels like I haven't chatted with you in ages which is probably true, I haven't been feeling very sociable lately... =/

  20. You are more than welcome Ruth :) Keep on reading! :D

  21. Nah, that doesn't make you weird at all. I was just exaggerating a bit :) You're quite normal and quite lovable <3

  22. Happy Birthday Abcinthia, have the most awesome day! :)

  23. Hi Inver, and thanks :) I did a little research on play.com and I could get a used copy of Blue Diary quite cheap from there, so I'm probably going to order it from there. A friend of mine is interested in it as well so she'll get a chance to read it too. The postage overseas isn't that cheap. I think the Royal Mail should consider giving BCF book ring deliveries a discount! It would enhance the ... mmm.. cultural diversity and... social dispositions? :lol:

    Thanks for the thought :D

  24. Hiya Tiger!

    Where have you been, I haven't seen you around in what feels like ages! How are you? Getting into the summer mode already? :) It' quite cold here in Finland right now and it's really windy and it seems like it's going to rain sometime soon, brrrhhh! I hope it'll get warmer soon :)

  25. Oooh, nice :) You know, us Finns are not widely known for our good looks, for example it's always the Swedish girls everyone drools over, internationally. So it's nice to hear there's some representation happening over seas :D

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