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Status Updates posted by frankie

  1. Pps. To give you an idea of how light the Finnish midsummer is, I can tell you that this week I've been able to read without any lights on, all night through (can't have any thick curtains infront of the window, of course). :D I love Finnish summer!!

  2. Oh, I thought it was just a different spelling of 'hun'. Well we live and learn! :D

  3. Yep Finland is an okay place to visit, I've already convinced Nicola to come and visit though she was pretty willing even before I made my points :lol: You are quite welcome to visit as well and my crib's door is always open for you :) I think you'd enjoy the sauna and the nightless nights in the summer (summer's definitely the best time to visit unless you're totally into snow and winter activities). You'll find that Finns are quite a nice and friendly folk and they are particularly nice after a couple of pints which gives them the courage to speak English :P Too bad your kids can't grow up any faster so we'll have to wait =/ :)


    Good thing you mentioned Erica Spindler, did you hear that I didn't find any of her books in the library or the bookshop? :irked: I'll keep my eyes open for her books during my bookshop tour!


    By the way, I'm probably going to forget about Mon weigh in so don't worry, be happy :lol:


    I should go to bed now, goodnight luv! :friends0:

  4. Hi Abby, how've you been? I've just come to Joensuu and have my own lovely laptop again <3 Parents move was okay, pretty stressing for the first couple of days but Thursday was good and it was nice to hear them say they couldn't have managed it without me :)


    Do you guys celebrate Midsummer in the US? Over here it's quite big, especially Midsummer Eve. Lots of bonfires, people going to their summer cottages, BBQ and all that (a little drinking as well ;))... Very lovely! And like I told Kylie, it's so light now that I can read without having any light on all night through if I want! :D That's Finnish midsummer for you! I'm soon off to meet with friends, to have a liquid picnic (;)) and to play m

  5. Hi Paula, I'm good thanks, I sent you a wee PM just now :)

  6. You're a regular trash lady today from the looks of things on forum! Just goes to show how amazing this place is: even the trash is brilliant and needs to be given back to people! :P Thank you for your utmost absolute brilliance in Moding :)

  7. Charm! I just finished the Chelsea Cain book and it turned out great, at least for me! No match for Deaver books but still a great read. I'm gonna start the second book in the series tonight I think :) So yeah I would recommend you to read it at some point :)

  8. That was a horrible show, one of the worst reality shows ever (not because it was Australian, I've quite enjoyed Australia's Next Top Model :smile2:). Did you not get the stick tit part?? :D Kylie Booby, Stick Breast. ! Stick tit :lol: I don't know what that would look like in real life though.


    BTW, you'll be quite happy to see Book Activities thread today and learn I got five new books today ;) Just to let you know you're not the only one.

  9. Happy Birthday Alison! I hope you enjoy your day :D

  10. Different words have different meanings sometimes, don't worry, I know where you're coming from *hugs*

  11. Hiya Charm luv,


    how are you doing? I just thought I'd pop in and say hello :) Whatcha doing this weekend? How's the weather? It's awesome here, the whole week has been sunny and really really warm, if not hot. Superb :D


    Am I imagining it or is the forum really quiet nowadays?


    Have a nice weekend :friends0:

  12. Hi Janet!


    I hope you didn't order The Graveyard Book already! The paperback I was talking about was the oversized version, I didn't realise it's not what you'd call a paperback! :S I'm visitor messaging this so you'd notice as soon as possible. Sorry for my mistake!

  13. Hello!


    I hope you're settling in just nicely! I have to brag a little: the forum here is the bestest ever, people here are so friendly! :D

  14. Yeah I did think to myself you cannot be as daft as not to get 'stick tit' :lol:


    I posted in Book Activity thread after I'd messaged you so you couldn't have seen it but it's there now. I'm so pissed off because that one book was in such a bad condition :(


    You're right in that we don't get a lot of Australian TV here in Finland, maybe 1-3 shows per year and that's it. At least I think so. But when there were no new America's Next Top Models they decided to show the Canadian and Australian version's, I really liked those shows :) I do remember this one Australian series that was shown when I was a teenager, it was called Heartbreak High and I absolutely loved it :smile2:


    I'm enjoying Ladies Detective Agency to a certain point. I'm just a bit confused that there's a lot more going on, it's not like there's this one case per book that gets solved.

  15. Hi!


    Why would you be jealous? Don't be, because the town I live in is a really small one, we hardly ever have anything going on for us, just something little every now and then :)



  16. Charm!! I just read your e-mail about the best machine in the world :lol: Am I supposed to think that all this time I've characterised myself here on BCF as 'lean mean reading v*gina*'??? :lol:

  17. Hiya Charm luv,


    how are you? I haven't been in contact with you in ages, I hope you don't hate me for that :blush: I'm gonna write to you this week, but I was wondering if I could write to you in FB, in private messages? My BCF PM box is like 99% full and I can't really delete anything so I have basically no space left :10_confused: It'll be easier in FB anyway, because we'll be able to see what the other person has written while we're writing ourselves. Just like chatting, only in private. ;)


    I hope you are well hun! :hug:

  18. It seems like a quite scary bunch, all them black and white stripes. Are you sure they haven't just escaped from prison and forgotten their prison undies under their suits??

    No I'm not due!! It isn't June yet :irked:


  19. Phew, good thing :)

  20. :giggle: I would do the friend request thing to you right about now but I'm a bit tipsy and don't know how to do it :giggle:
  21. Hello Gyre,


    I'm great thanks, how are you? :friends0: I've been pretty busy lately but I'm still able to read every now and then. No, I have definitely not recovered from Bill Compton's revelations!!! I'm on Facebook and took the Which vampire is for you -test and while Charm and Nicola got Eric, I got stupid Bill Compton!!! :motz: Are you on Facebook? Have you taken the test?

  22. Yeah I've noticed the discussion on HP thread. I think you not using a spoiler tag was a newcomer's slip and you did apologise. Even the girl herself said that it was partly her own fault for reading those threads before she's finished the series. I think the discussion that evolved from that was just general discussion on when to use spoiler tags. Don't take it too personally :friends0: Besides, if I had just started reading HP I'd steer clear of any threads that were even the slightest bit related to HP, just in case. Because accidents do happen.


    Yep BCF is really addictive and might get in the way of, say, studies... ;) I think there are several stages to becoming an active member. (In no specific order:) there's the mount TBR accumulating, staying on the forum instead of doing housework/homework/etc., and reading the posts on the forum (aka reading about reading) rather than doing actual reading. I think people should be warned about these things when they register. :irked:

  23. I've been hearing about the K Armstrong books on the BCF too and couldn't resist getting the first two. Have you read Adrian Mole before? Their just awesome+hilarious :D


    My TBR (on goodreads) is currently at 412 :roll: (That's somewhat due to Rory List and the fact that I've added about 100 books that I want to read from the 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die -list. Otherwise TBR might be 250-300. I happen to know your TBR is huge too, wasn't it something like 460 now? :lol: Sometimes I'm envious of those who have only like 5 books on TBR. What's that like??

    (The only thing I'm afraid of counting is the amount of books I've actually bought and not yet read. There's about 200 of them... Am I right to assume you are the same way?)


    I'd like to have more variety on TV as well! I think we have more American+British series combined than Finnish series :S Although I have to confess, American TV can be really superb.


    I'm off to get more coffee and read, sleep tight :D

  24. Oooh, spooky new avvie!!


    Okay I'm not going to take all the blame, but I am going to take most of it because it's been my turn to write you a PM!! There are so many things that I've wanted to comment on your last one, and so many things that I've been wanting to write you about, but I don't know why I haven't written to you already!! I'm a bad bad girl!! :( (BTW, my MSN isn't working at the moment and don't know why, so I haven't been able to be online there :()


    I'm sorry to hear you haven't been that good lately, any particular reason? Or would you rather talk about it in private? :friends0: I've noticed you haven't been online on here that much but I've just figured maybe you prefer FB to BCF at the mo? If there's anything you want to talk about I'm here for you :friends0:


    Have a nice night with your hubby! Catch you soon luv!!

  25. Thanks Kookie :) How've you been doing?

    Awww poor horsie, what a sticky situation :(

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