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Status Updates posted by frankie

  1. I hope the weather lasts for you guys! And yeah I got your e-mail but I haven't had the time to respond to it yet. I hope I'll have the time at the end of the week :) It was long but the longer the better! The more I read about what's going on with you guys and how things are like where you live, the more excited I get, every single time!! :D And I can't wait to meet your friends as well, they sound really nice :)


    Twitter is creeping me out, I haven't been on since that day I joined :lol: I still need time to adjust and get the hang of it, I thinks. And I guess I'm still hesitant to tweet anything, being a newbie!

  2. I've been meaning to ask you, how did your weekend go and how have you been feeling? I hope you're alright :)

  3. I'm nervous too, I think all of us new-comers are. I'm sure you will do great! :) And at least you have ideas, plural, I only have one *rolling my eyes* Hehe.

  4. Hi Nicola!


    What's been happening, anything important I should know forumwise? I've been busy for a couple of days, I've been missing the forum! Why LibraryThing and not Goodreads?? You need to take a break luv, so as not to keep hurting your head with it :lol: What are you on LT nicknamewise?


    Everytime I watch some costume drama from Britain I'm amazed by the scenery and I keep thinking to myself, those places actually exist and some of them can even be visited! It just blows my mind! Finland's nothing like that. Finland used to belong to Sweden and Russia and Soviet Union in turn and they were waging wars against each other and sorta tossing coins to see who gets Finland. We became independent not until 6th December 1917!

  5. Kylie, how've you been? I was reading the weight loss thread and the book activity thread and it seemed like these aren't the best of days. :friends0: I wish I could help. I'm thinking of you :friends0:

  6. Also looking forward to going to this 3-storey bookstore in Hki, the English lit section is fab! I love the atmosphere, it's like going abroad! 5,6% of the Finn population are Swedish Finns and they live mostly in West/South of Finland and I never come across them where I live (East). Everytime I go to the bookstore half the customers speak Swedish and it freaks me out in a good way :) I always eavesdrop them but then I get used to having them around and well, they're just like normal people who talk about normal stuff :lol:


    I must tell you about 'eavesdrop'. I learnt the word from TV before it was introduced in school. For sometime though I thought it was 'earsdrop'. I thought it sounded very logical: you drop your ear someplace convenient where your ear hears what you want it to hear! I'm glad I learnt the correct spelling before it came up in school :lol:


    Let me know when your letter to Lindsay is finished and when you'll be sending it. I'm eager to know if he'll reply! :D

  7. :D It's still double the amount of mine :P But hey we have a good team to back us up and give us/me ideas if we/I need them, thank goodness for that :)
  8. Thanks Kylie! :D I had a nice birthday with a couple of friends, activities including going to my favorite charityshops to look for books :lol: Today I'm throwing a little party and I'm getting quite nervous, I don't particularly like playing hostess but I'm trying to remember that the people that I invited are my friends and it's really not that serious! :blush:


    Have a really nice weekend!

  9. Wow, your BF actually finished a book and enjoyed it!! :D Terry Pratchett works wonders doesn't he. Keep him at it and don't give up! And remember the old saying: the water won't boil any faster if you stare at the kettle. So when he's reading, try not to goggle at him in awe and anticipation!! :lol: Good luck!


    I've got Maiden's Grave as well, I bought it right after reading Bone Collector and deciding I'll buy anything I can find on Deaver in the charityshops :lol: Well I guess you can read one book on your own, without me reading with you, side by side :roll::tong:

  10. There are only about 5,3 million Finns. I think foreigners perceive us as quiet, shy and reserved but nice and friendly lot nevertheless. I think Finns seems shy to foreigners mostly because we are a bit "afraid" to speak foreign languages, we are scared of making mistakes and losing face. When we get a little bit of alcohol we become very fluent in English ;) I admit that even I am a bit timid at first when I need to speak English :roll:


    I think Finland is really beautiful especially because of the four seasons that vary greatly here. Winters are cold (although not as cold as say 5 years ago), there's lot of snow and plenty of wintery activities are available! Skiing, ice-skating, snowboarding, you name it. And Santa Claus is from Finland of course. He lives in Lappland, the northern part of Finland.

  11. Kylie,

    you've just totally ruined the name 'Kylie' for me :lol: The boomerang part didn't do it, you did it with the plain 'stick' :lol:


    I can never think of Kylie Minogue the same way again... Some director of her music vid once said that directing her vid was awful because she can't dance (I disagree though). Well can you blame her, with a stick in a place where you can't see it??


    I'll answer your PM later, I need a bit of time to copy from it :D

  12. Thank you chesilbeach, it was mostly a quiet day, due to the celebrations the evening prior :) xo

  13. Yes I was the first to read Dexter but you are the one doing all the promoting! I'm really happy about that :D And if I remember correctly, I didn't suggest Dexter to you, it was you who asked me if it was any good, then I did my recommendation bit. Sometimes I wish I'd manage to write reviews on my blog so people would have a chance to get into the books I read (like you do, for example) but I think I'm just too lazy.


    Awww that was truly nice from Ceinwenn to do that :smile2: Like I've said before, I will never stopped being amazed and surprised at how wonderful, warm people there are here in BCF.


    Do you mean those special groups? I don't know anything about them, I've steered clear of them so far so I don't how they work. 3 seems like a small group though, I don't know. But there are a couple of people who are reading their first Dexter or wanting to read it soon, so I'm thinking there might be more people eventually...

  14. Because the winter+spring+fall are not very warm here the summer always seems very short+warm to us and so we have to make most of it! The change in people seems unreal! We shed our clothes, spend time outdoors and party :lol: The midsummer is awesome, in the most northern part of Finland the sun doesn't set down at all and where I live the nights are very light as well. It's so funny that the Finns all know that this'll happen each year but every time it surprises us how warm+light the summernights are :)


    If you ever want to visit Finland you're welcome to stay at my crib! I live in Joensuu which is in the East, a uni town (72 000 people). It can be a bit boring+depressing in the winter but the summer is so amazing here. We have our own rock festival in July and the streets are filled with people smiling & music playing. I'm so looking forward to it! I think that the best time to visit Finland is definitely the summer unless one's into snow and all of the wintery activities.

  15. Hi Charm, how are you? Are you back behind the wheel already? Making up excuses of needing to go to the store so you could drive drive drive? :lol:

  16. I'm not happy, I'm trying to get into shape as you well know, having visited my thread :lol: I don't even particularly like that Geisha bar and still it sounds so good right about now :D

  17. Definitely too late to go back and edit!! :D


    Hm although I have to say that seeing this reality show Australian Princess I do get the Kylie thing on one person. I don't know if you've seen it but on one season there was a Kylie on the show and she was pretty whack in the get-go, rather annoying (she improved though). But then again, her surname was Booby so she was cursed right from the birth. Who'd like to be called a stick tit? :( (she has a good sense of humour about it though :))


    I think you're a trendsetter with Minogue, I couldn't see it any other way ;)


    Edit: Forgot to add, I suppose Kylie is a quite popular name in Australia? I've noticed quite a few Australian Kylies..

  18. Hi Kylie! I'm back for good, it's so nice to be back and get a chance to talk to you guys finally. I've missed you lot :hug: How have you been, and have I missed anything? I had a couple of stressful days with the parents moving, I felt like I did everything wrong and was only in the way. But the last night when we were finally almost all settled in and were going to sleep in the new house for the first time, my Dad said that they would never have pulled it off without my help. And my Mum called me a 'slave driver' (?) but only in a positive way and I took it as a compliment because I was aiming to mean business and get it done as fast as possible :) I just came back to Joensuu and now I'm getting ready for 'juhannus', Midsummer :) It's Midsummer Eve today and it's a big thing here in Finland (you can google it if you're curious). I'll be pretty occupied today but I'm hoping to get into the BCF mode tomorrow :D

  19. No I don't mind it, I actually really like it how people in the UK use that word, I wish us Finns had something similar, but it doesn't really 'suit' our reserved characters. I use the word myself on the forum however sometimes, I just comes naturally when talking to English-speaking people :)) I remember having asked you about your sp of it but you told me it's your dialect...

  20. Hiya Charm, how's things? I've missed BCF so much this last few days :blush:


    The move went well! I can't help it, I have to "brag" a little: I was very helpful! My friend was having trouble with her washing machine: it was too big to fit in the new appartment and she couldn't find anyone to buy it. I found her a buyer in 1 hour and she even got the 100e she was initially asking for it, she said she'd be willing to settle for 50e. Also, her uncle was supposed to come and help move her stuff in his car at 6 PM. At 4 PM he announced that he wasn't available until 7 PM. I got frustrated and managed to get a friend of mine to help with his car and we did a couple of carloads by the time it was 7 PM. That way we were done already by 8 PM and at least 2 hours sooner than we'd thought. Plus, as I'm trying to lose weight I declined from the pizza+cider my friend wanted to offer me. It was definitely a dream move for her, very easy, quick, painless and cheap :lol:

  21. Wow, that's really great to hear, I'm really pleased for you :D I'm fine as well, I've been enjoying going to the gym. The weather's still awful but at least I'm having a good excuse to stay inside and read :D There's a copy of that M

  22. (oh why do these messages get cut in the middle?)... that it's your dialect. I like it! :) I had figured that you must've meant 'hun' by 'hen', I know you're not the kind of person who'd call someone a chicken :D

  23. Hi Kylie, how are you?


    I have to ask about your avatar. I was watching an episode of the Gilmore Girls (which I happen to remember you like a lot from the old Willy Wonka vs. the new Willy Wonka debate here on the forum!) and there was a picture of your avatar on a wall in April's room. So I got curious about it and I want to know what your avatar is :)

  24. Also, because I stayed behind after the others left I realised that I couldn't get a lift home! Well it was only 7 blocks so I managed but a lift after the move would've been nice. And guess what, it started to rain the minute I got out and started to walk home :lol: It was so ridiculous that I couldn't stop laughing!


    By the way, I finished Dearly Devoted Dexter, it was gooooood :smile2: I didn't jump at the chance to read Dexter in the Dark because of my lack of mojo though. Instead I picked up one of my favorite books from my teenage which has been due for yet another reread for ages! I'm almost finished with it already :) Are you still on Hunchie? Oh and yeah I noticed you got the first three books by a certain vampirechic called Meyer :lol: Oh boy you have so much reading ahead of you!!

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