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Status Updates posted by frankie

  1. Charm!

    I'm thinking it might really be time to do that social group thing about Dexter like you suggested ages ago, whadda ya think ;) Go on! Lead us! :D

  2. I think it's really good, but then again I think it's down to whether or not one likes classics.... :shrug:

  3. Oh you've been naughty on Saturday night, what fun! A party party or perhaps BBQ or just a little nightcap with a book? Though on the other hand it's probably not the latter, as there's no good book for you at the mo :irked: I knew it was Sookie's fault you're not reading now!! She's bad that way :( I think that you are entitled to buy a new book now, no matter how expensive it is, if it's good enough and enticing enough, just to get you reading again. No matter how many books you already have waiting to be read! I think you should treat yourself to a book that you've wanted to buy& read for ages. I hope you recover soon :friends0:

  4. Tut tut, Kylie!! :D

  5. Hi Charm, it feels like I haven't seen you around in ages! How are you, and what's up? <3

  6. Aa okay they're not coming all at once, your previous message gave me the idea that they were. Phew :)


    Don't worry, you didn't spoil anything!! I've read maybe 20 pages but then I had to do the dishes and eat and now I know I have to go move my friend's stuff soon so I don't know if I have time to do any reading before that. It looks like it might be starting to rain, I don't like that :( I hope it rains after we've finished the moving!!

  7. I've been going through BCF's unread posts and bloody hell (don't I just love that phrase?) Ruth's just written about that "BABE" book I mentioned to you!! :lol: Read her review, at least? Aye? You dear N. Irish gal?

  8. I'm okay I think, my flu's gone but I'm just not able to do heavy exercise yet as I get tired easily. Including normal activity like bikeriding :roll: BTW, I didn't have a hangover on Sat, I had a pretty great day. I watched a lot of TV shows I'd taped and just enjoyed my sofa+TV time :)


    I sure know what it's like not having the highest motivation to weigh yourself and do the thing you know so no worries :D (But if you'd like me to kick your butt let me know! Otherwise I'm not gonna harrass you.)


    I'm off to make meself a cuppa coffee, first cup of the day :D

  9. Loopyloo100, I certainly am :) A bit too much sometimes, I think. This place is veeery addictive... ;)

  10. To be quite honest I'm absolutely terrified of the idea of going abroad to work. The idea of having to organise the whole thing (the job, the living arrangements) all by myself seems overwhelming. I'm also in a point in my life where I lack self-confidence so much and feel so incompetent and incapable of doing anything, that I have no idea how I'm going to do all this. (I suffer from depression at the mo which effects things) I know that it's the opportunity of a lifetime and I'll surely enjoy myself when I get there but I'm dreading the whole thing beforehand =/


    I'm quite decided on coming to England though, and one of the reasons is that it's closest and cheapest to travel to and of course I'm interested in the country itself. Other than that I don't know, I'm quite open for different locations. I guess the location doesn't matter as long as I get a decent job somewhere.

  11. Somehow that sounds familiar to me :D

  12. Aww, thanks :) I can't say yours is pretty, but I can say that it is pretty handsome! That's a new one of Ian Rankin isn't it, this picture is so much better. In the other one he looked older, this one shows he's actually quite young and not bad to look at :P

  13. How are you doing Tiger? :friends0:

  14. Hi Nicola! :D


    I'm okay, though I've been watching too much reality TV today, it got in the way of real life I think. That's one of the stupid reasons why I haven't been able to read more of Dead to the World.... I know, I'm such a 'ooh, that's rude'! :blush: How you been doing? Whatcha reading at the mo? You still have a whole month to do whatever, I'm so jealous... !!


  15. Morning, Kate! :) We were discussing Candide yesterday and I thought I'd come here and add that it might not be the sort of thing you usually like to read, there being killing and raping and all, but these events are not described too graphically imo, because the narratives are so fast paced. I still think you could try it out, just because it's a classic and on the Rory list and whatnot. If you find it too vile, you can give it up :)

  16. TGIF!!!! Party on :) Have fun with Scrubs, I miss the series :) I'm going to readreadread. *hugs*

  17. I'm really bad at recognising different dialects but I love them all the same. I might not always understand what people are saying but I love the sound of different accents anyway. We had a course on cockney a few years ago, that was fun. Don't remember much about it though. If I'll come to work in a region that has a very distinct dialect I suppose I'd need to find the kind of job that doesn't involve me talking to local people :lol: I think I'd be in trouble in Newcastle :D My accent/dialect leans more towards the American accent and I feel most comfortable with it but I have to admit that as soon as I'm talking to a Brit I tend to mimic their accent and it happens quite unconsciously.

  18. Hiya,


    guess what! The third season of the US version of The Office started today and I was thinking of you when I watched it. Remember when we talked about the show and the whole Jim & Pam deal? The season's started and the plot thickens!! :smile2: Pam's chucked her fiancee-what's-his-name-who-cares but unfortunately Jim's started working in another office. Oh man that first episode was golden, Michael outed Oscar and then tried to make it all better and teach the staff about tolerance and he forced himself on Oscar, hugging him and kissing him :lol: I was laughing my ass off, it was sooooo awkward!!! :lol: Goodness gracious I love this show!! <3

  19. Hi Nicola!


    The weather was fantastic wasn't it? It felt like an actual summer =P Is it still good in England? Our sunny days seem to be over for a while, it's pretty cold too. I think it'll do good for my BCF activity and I'll hopefully be more ready for exercise ;)


    Have you been reading tons? I've also got The Blue Nowhere, I'm glad you liked it, it seems like it was the usual Deaver, can't be put down. I think you are going through the HP's now? I'd like to do that as well at some point but there's just too much other stuff to read. BTW I nicked my own copy of Good Omens from BF this week :lol: I'm not sure if he was actually aware of me taking it but I don't care!! =P


    I hope you had fun at Alton Towers! Too bad you don't like camping, it's so much fun to giggle in tents into the wee hours with good friends. But you musta had fun anyways.

  20. I'm good, how are you? The weather seems really nice for a change, we might be able to have some picnics over the weekend and play some outdoor games :D

  21. That's a great combo, I would't mind that at all :)

  22. I hear you about the toilet thing... It ain't the best things about nature... Especially doing a number two. I don't think I'd manage that, I'd just refuse to do it :lol:


    Oh my you're actually going to go to London!! I'm so jealous!! Bloody hell you must be excited!! How's the list of things you want to do there coming along? I wouldn't know where to begin, there's just too much stuff to do and see. Do you think you'll have time for shopping? You need it!! For clothes too, obviously. When I was in Helsinki (which is soooo much smaller in comparison to London) I felt like there were so many shops I didn't know where to start and then felt frustrated and exhausted and didn't do any clothes shopping :lol: I'd love to visit vintage stores and secondhand boutiques. Oh my. Joensuu seemed like a really really small town when I came back :roll:

  23. Well as we have nothing very interesting on TV, I've made my BF download me Daisy of Love (Daisy as in Daisy from Rock of Love where Poison singer Brett was looking for love) and Megan Hauserman wants a millionaire (Megan's been in Beauty and the Geek, Rock of Love and I Love Money). Megan's show got cancelled because one of the contestants is sought for murdering a playboy model who he was married to, and wow I just searched the Internet and apparently he's been found dead. Wow these things have really taken a turn :icon_eek: I think the whole thing is really upsetting :( Last week I was happy to find out the show had begun and now it's cancelled, an innocent woman is dead and the suspect's apparently killed himself.


    I gotta say the books you said you have don't really sound like much after reading Sookie! I hope you get your mojo back, you really need to find something that's in the same league as Sookie!!

  24. That episode was definitely genious, I've never laughed so hard watching that series! Oh well there was that one episode about the different ethnic backgrounds, I think I need to see that again... And it wasn't scripted?? Well in a way I'm not surprised because Steve Carrell is really talented and the other actors as well. I don't know how they do it, the deadpan faces... Jim especially, it's so cute when he looks at the camera looking all "didn't I tell you??"


    Yeah I saw Pam's ex's mugshot... Boy has he gotten all beardy and dishevelled looking after Pam ditched him. And I think Jim took the other job before Pam and BF broke up, otherwise it wouldn't make any sense?


    Seeing Jim's new office was really weird! Andy did have a bit of a temper tantrum when Jim 'hid' his calculator in jello :lol: Boy he was pretty scary, Jim looked like he was a bit afraid! Nothing like that bonehead Dwight.

  25. Yay, mail for me! :D I don't think I have the time and the energy to reply to you today, but rest assured you'll be hearing from me soon anyhow ;)

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