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Status Updates posted by frankie

  1. I don't think a wee ciggie with a drink does us that much harm, it's one of those quilty pleasures one needs. Or doesn't really need but can't avoid ;) I always say it's better to smoke when drinking than to smoke all the time. I know I couldn't resist smoking when drinking so I just let go. As long as I don't get used to smoking all the time. Let's watch ourselves on that, right? :)


    I'm feeling so much better than yesterday, but still not me normal self. I hope you have a great day and have woken up refreshed. Did you get sleep? Is OH better than yesterday? :friends0:

  2. PM received and returned, and don't worry hun, it's still all good :friends0: Some other time, aye? :D

  3. Thanks Pixie, I couldn't listen to the song in full, I became too sad, but I read the lyrics and that was so nice of you! <3

  4. All them restrictions and matching curtains make me think of an X-Files episode where some people on a similar kinda suburb died under suspicious circumstances. There turned out to be some kind of a monster who killed the people who didn't live according to the many, many various rules and restrictions.... so good look to the people of Celebration :tong:

  5. Morning! No, you didn't wake me up at all! The little birds woke me up at 5.30 again but then went straight back to sleep and have just gotten up. I kinda like the birdie wake up call. So is all good :)

    I thought I'd just stay at home and read today, if I go to town I might given into buying smokes and I don't want to risk it. I have to make a real effort at quitt...

  6. quitting smoking. A good day to yourself, and I'll be seeing you later!

  7. Hello!


    I'm so pleased you finally had the time to carry on with The Coffin Dancer! It's a real pageturner isn't! Just you wait till you get the end, oh boy! :D I got the next 3 books this week and I can't wait to read them.


    I'm glad that you presentation went well. I never understand those tasks when you first have to write something and get it marked and then you have to do the same thing only with double the word amount. It's like they want to mess with your head just for laughs. That's uni for you!

    I'm an English major Swedish minor so practically all the presentations in uni were in a foreign language. But I don't speak Swedish nearly as well as English (in Finland we usually start English in 3rd grade and Swedish in 7th) so it was really intimidating especially as I hate doing presentations.

  8. Armstrong's story was so heartwarming, it sounds very Gilmore Girlish & Stars Hollowish! I googled it and you're right, the place is amazing! I can't believe it's in the middle of the city! I'm so envious of you Brits, you have so much history and so many old+historic+beautiful castles and places you can visit. The Lake District and whatnot... We don't have anything like that here. But I'd like to visit Jesmond Dene someday :D


    You finished Dex already! I'm really glad you liked it, I see it got 9/10 so you did really like it because that's the highest you'll give to a book :lol: I also noticed you're going for The Empty Chair next. Good times ahead, aye? ;) I'm still reading the 2nd Dex. I don't understand what's gotten into me lately. I used to read 10 books/month and now I've only read 2 books this month and can't seem to find time/be in the mood for reading. I feel like I shouldn't be apart of any reading group right now because it seems I just can't make the deadlines :blush:

  9. Hiya Nicola!


    I've been really lazy with the forum lately, I've only been popping in to see the Book Activity Today thread and such, but haven't felt like contributing much. I guess that's the Finnish summer for you =P I'm going to try to be better in the future!


    How are you? I've missed the people on the forum and the forum itself quite a lot :) I've noticed you're not enjoying Let the Right One In as much as you would've hoped? Is it because of the writing or the issues in the story? I hope you get over it and enjoy it, which ever the matter it was.


    (I hope you understand what I meant, I've had "a couple of" beers with a friend since it was a really beautiful summerday and the weather forecast says it's the only sunny day for the next how many days I don't know :P)


    I hope you are well!

  10. I got a PM from Kylie and she'd forgotten she would have to book two different legs (?) because the flight doesn't go to Sydney and so it's not that cheap after all, so it's a no show for her :( But we'll meet some day in the future, right? :D

  11. As long as you're not having Robert Pattison or whatthehellshisname as an avatar I'm thinking you're okay(ish). :tong:


    Daddy Dexter becomes more human in 3rd book? Wow... Hm... Now I'm intrigued! I think it has to do with Rita or Cody. I think. I cannot wait!!


    I was wondering about Hunchie because you didn't post anywhere that you'd finished it so I was guessing you were putting it off till you'd finished Dexter. I was right, haa :D (Do you feel incredibly guilty about not reading it sooner? I mean you had no way of reading it earlier because you didn't get your copy until just recently, but are you still feeling guilty? I'm feeling incredibly guilty, you know because of the conversation that took place in the forum... :blush:)


    After you finish Hunchie are you going for the Sookie books? (I want you to do as you please me lady, but that would give me time to catch up!)

  12. Good morning, how are you :D I'm better, I think flu's getting weaker and weaker!

  13. Hiya CW, how are you? Hope you've had a great time during the hols :)

    Me, well me and BF have been sick throughout the hols. BF had already recovered once but he's having some kind of nasty relapse :( I have no fever anymore but I'm really lightheaded and weak still. I stay on here to read the posts but am usually too tired to write anything myself. Being sick is really getting on my nerves!!

  14. My Mayday was pretty quiet and relaxed with BF, we didn't do anything special this year but the students in his neighborhood started celebrating Mayday 2 weeks beforehand! When I arrived to his building there was this minisauna that could hold 1-2 people at a time, people were in and out of it and drunk as a skunk! There was this one lad who was totally naked except for his graduation cap and maybe socks, and he was peeing quite happily all over the place without using his hands for direction. You should've seen his face. There was this other naked lad behind him who'd found a waterhose and was nice enough to oblige the other naked guy with a bit of a hosing! :lol:


    I finished Making Waves days ago and picked up Vampire Lestat. I'm struggling with it a bit :roll: It just doesn't grip me like Interview with the Vampire did. But it's early days, I'm hoping it'll pick up!

  15. Charm! :friends0:


    I've just been out with a friend, it was a really wonderful sunny day at last and since the weather forecast says it will be raining for the next goodness knows how many days we did a little beer drinking :blush: I miss the forum so much and I'm finding it very weird that I've been so lazy with it the last week. I hope I get my BCF mojo back!! :tong:


    I don't even know what you're reading right know! Did you start Twilight?? Or did you go with the next LR book. For a regular Joe it would seem weird to KNOW what the other person's reading but for me it seems weird NOT to know what you're reading, you know? I'm not saying I know what everyone on this forum is reading but bloody hell you and I have a quite similar taste and whatnot and I should know, you know? :lol: (I guess I'm a bit tipsy...)

  16. Hiya Charm,


    how are you on this wonderful Monday morning? :) I read somewhere your mojo's left you, that SOB :irked: What's that about? Do you think you just don't feel like reading or are there not interesting enough books to keep you intrigued? I hope you recover soon :friends0:


    Now how about that weigh in? ;) I already complained in my Shape section that scales disappointed me today but the hell with it, I'm feeling pretty good, I lifted weights yesterday and whatnot and muscles are a bit whiney today :mgreen: Feeling good!



    yours truly

  17. Just in case your e-mails go straight to junk files unless you've approved of the sender, there should be one waiting for you from me :D

  18. I just realised that it's Monday, I hope everything went okay :friends0:

  19. Phew! I knew I should've never expected you to have a Twilight avatar never ever, because you have more sense than that! Besides, you have taste :drama:


    I figured Hunchie might be boring :roll: And I totally agree we still have time to read Hunchie, and I was a bit surprised to be called out for not having commented on the Hunchie thread on the 10th of May or so. Yeah I suppose they say in the rules that you should read the book before the month is up but I don't think you can really expect that from everybody because situations vary! Like you didn't have your copy until recently. I think that's a very good reason for not starting earlier. To be honest I didn't feel like reading Hunchie at all after reading that thread...


    There are nine Sookie books on their way??? I know they're not the thickest of books and I suppose they are quick reads but still! Are you really going to read all of them and nothing else?

  20. I've just done research on Book Activity thread and seems like your mojo is AWOL!! :irked: Now why is that? Haven't found an interesting enough book to read? Or is it just general lack of mojo? Poor Charm :( I hope you find your mojo real quick!

  21. I've been checking out BCF of course and reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, it's pretty hilarious! Have you read the original P&P, and do you think you might read the zombie book? :)

  22. Yes really and honestly :D I'm pleased to hear you find this thing so positively amusing :D I wouldn't call '

  23. Hello TDL teamer o/ My BF's stubbie holder is one of those Tassie Devil ones which says 'Tassie Devil Love Team' and him and I are always talking about the team and the lovely Tassies. He suggested I should put that under my avatar and I agreed :D It's been there only less than a week so don't worry luv *hug* :)

  24. OMG, you really did fancy that boy if you were into him for 9 years!! I can't imagine. And the way he treated you! That must've been so annoying. The awkwardness of teenage boys in romantic relations :irked: But that guy must've really liked you, for being so resilient in asking you out even after being dumped everytime. Have you seen him now that you're adults? It would be interesting to ask him what the heck he was thinking!!


    Floozies :lol: I know what you mean, there were many of those in my class. They didn't only have different BFs every month, they didn't mind going after each other's BFs! This one group of 4 girls in particular, they all dated these 2 boys in turn for 3 years! Some of them even ended up with those guys twice or even 3 times! That's just wrong on every level. Especially since I never had any luck with boys :irked: I was 17 when I had my first BF.


    Now must stop ramble and quit harassing you with endless messages :blush:

  25. Hiya Kylie, I see you're up! What time is it in Australia? I'd guess noonish? :) I'm just coming home from an outing with a friend, beer was involved :/

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