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Thomas Small

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Posts posted by Thomas Small

  1. For a while now I've been trying to think of the name of a book I read years ago when I was probably about 12 years old(?), (I think the book was aimed at this kind of age group), and I would be reading this in the mid-late 80's.


    Unfortunately all I can remember is the concept of the book, which is set in a medieval village. The narrator is one of the gargoyles that sits on the top of the church and sees and comments upon the goings on in the village over the years - and that's about all I can remember! (...but what a brilliant concept?!).


    If anybody could suggest anywhere else I should be posting this I would be grateful...or better still if anybody can tell me the name and title!


    Many thanks,




    (I think the edition I read may have had a brown cover)

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