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Posts posted by flowersarah

  1. Maybe it's a sign that these things are so hidden in society anymore.


    I think money is an element in it. But writing is a powerful thing and telling your "story" can be a real healer. And if you can get paid for that then why not?


    Hopefully it makes society more aware too. They are definitely popular.

  2. Awful books. They are beyond belief. When I'm reading those kind of books I always think to myself "Why am I doing this, it's depressing me silly" but once I've started I can't stop. It's always good to know they have a happy ending - as happy as they could be anyway.


    It's interesting how the trilogy is something that is read by people that don't usually read. After the reading the books by Dave Pelzer I read A Brothers Journey by Richard Pelzer and in some ways I found it a more harrowing read because of how he'd been left behind and not rescued.

  3. Exactly! Without different opinions, there would be no point in discussions.


    Have you read the Devil Wears Prada? Given how much you like shopping (I assume from your comment abour Radley bags, which, by the way, for some reason I've never really liked. Again, different tastes and all that. I'm sure they have nice things, they have just not hit me.) this could be a good read for you.


    Absolutely! :lol:


    I do have a soft spot for Radley. Some are nicer than others.


    I haven't read The Devil Wears Prada, sadly. I've watched the film (and loved it) but I can't watch a film and then read the book - it has to be the other way around. That's why I've not watched PS I Love you because I want to read the book first. I have another book on my "to read pile" by the same author of Devil Wears Prada, though.

  4. I never really liked Keyes, don't know why...


    What's with all the Babylon's? Sounds odd.


    I did find Can You Keep a Secret? funny, which was a positive surprise after the Shopaholic series.


    Hotel Babylon is a brilliant book. I loved it. Very funny. And as I enjoyed that one so much I figured I'd try the others.


    You didn't like the Shopaholics series?

  5. me too sarah!


    that book is good I've not read yet Rachel's holiday! I've still to read that one!


    have you read that?



    I was wondering if it's just as good as her other work?




    I've not read it yet but it's in my cupboard waiting to be read. If it's anything like Anybody Out There? and Angels it should be great. :lol:

  6. I have "Anybody Out There?" but I've been put off reading it because I haven't read any of the other books in the series :lol:


    I didn't actually realise they were a series at first. As I said before I read "Anybody Out There?" before "Angels" but it didn't really matter. I just thought once what happened when the main character in "Anybody About Out?" was mentioned but didn't ruin the book. It's not a series where you need to read them in order I think.

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