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Linda Gillard

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Status Updates posted by Linda Gillard

  1. Hi Michelle


    It's a nerve-wracking time! Allison & Busby have expressed interest but said they want some minor changes. That was several weeks ago and since then I've been waiting for A & B to get back to me with instructions for re-writes. (They won't make an offer before changes are made.) She's been on holiday, then it was the London Book Fair. I just have to wait and hope she doesn't go off the the idea. So I'm not celebrating yet.


    I would be very pleased to be taken up by A & B. They don't pay much but they are renowned for looking after their authors. They say they think I will fit well on their list and I think I might.


    Meanwhile novel 5 is predictably stalled after 27k words. I just can't concentrate!


    Thanks for asking anyway!




  2. Thanks a lot! I just posted my thanks on the main board. Seriously - I owe you a book. If you'd like a copy of any of them - for circulation, BookCrossing or your own use - just let me know.


    No. 4 was done & dusted a long time ago but I can't find a publisher for it. I'm well on with book 5 now but it's coming very slowly, I think partly because I can't sell no. 4. It feels like unfinished business. :-(


    A small Scottish publisher (Strident Publishing) is looking at no. 4 now but I'm not very hopeful. It's a very bad time to try to get someone to take you on.


    So I'm doing guest blogs here & there and hoping the Robin Jenkins award might boost sales of SG.


    Thanks for your interest!

  3. I can't find an address for you. Maybe I never had it. Would you like it inscribed for Inver or Diane? (I think it's Diane??)


    I now own the copyright to EG and ALB as Transita let them go out of print so I'm hoping if I can find a publisher for book 4 or 5, they might reprint either EG or ALB. (Would love to get a different cover for ALB!)

  4. Was it for sale? Or was it lying around because someone was reading it? It's not often you come across ALB. I once walked into a caf

  5. Hi Rachel and welcome


    I'm an author who posts on the forum. You might like to take a look at 2 of my books - STAR GAZING and EMOTIONAL GEOLOGY. They might fit the bill, esp. SG. There are lots of reviews and comments on the BCF site.


    Happy reading!


    Linda Gillard

  6. How nice. Perhaps they were stocking it because of the Aberdeen connection. It would be nice to think so.

  7. Hi Inver


    (I hope this is how you reply to private messages...)


    I've heard of Jennifer C's books but I've never read any. They sound v appealing. I'll check out her site.





  8. Hi Inver


    (I hope this is how you reply to private messages...)


    I've heard of Jennifer Chiaverwotsit's books but I've never read any. They sound v appealing. I'll check out her site.



  9. Thanks for your comments on my photos. :-)

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