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Posts posted by tilly_felds

  1. Yes I thought it was a long shot but just wondered if anyone here had on the oof chance had come across anything like it! It's no big deal- just thought it would have been unusual. But I know of a lovely (expensive but very hardwearing- just that sort he'll need when writing up all his patient notes!) pen he'd love so I'll get that and present it to him at drinks after his 1st day!

  2. Hello all. A good friend of mine recently qualified as a psycologist and I'd like to buy him a gift. He is a BIG fan of crime novels, favouring Patricia Cornwell but reading anything, so I wondered if anyone knew of any crime novels starring a psycologist/psychiatrist? Preferably not a CRIMINAL psycologist consultant- I'm looking for a professional that gets embroiled in the crime through no fault of their own. Anyone know of anything like this? I know it would be an unsual way to welcome him to his new profession but I know he'd actually like it. lol

    Thanks in advance!

  3. I took my son to the doctors with a white blotchy/bumpy rash which thankfully turned out to be heat rash. However I always say if you're at all worried see the GP- if the rash is still there try to take a picture of it incase it has gone before the appointment.

    Good luck- hope all turns out well!

  4. Thank you so much everyone- just check the progress and there are

    21(!!) signatures already! Fantastic.


    If you want to lend your support to this please sign here:




    Anyone can sign- you don't need to add any personal details, just chuck you name on the list and you never have to think about it again (until it hopefully re-airs and then you do have to think about it so much as to say you have to remember to watch it! lol). Tell your friends to sign too- they won't be bothered by junk mail as they don't have to enter any contact details, they'll simply be helping a friend see a great adaptation.


    Thanks again!

  5. Well I've re-read Memoirs of a Geisha, read Crime and Punishment for the first time (which was amazing!), re-read sevral books I loved as a child (The Worst Witch and 12 R. L. Stine books), re-read The Shining, read my first James Petterson novel, plus numerous short books to my children. Currently reading The Timer Game.

    Not an incredibly long list but in that time I've also organised and executed 4 large parties, 2 charity benfits, written several short stories, and maintained a household for seven! So I think I'm doing well! Haha!

  6. yet another celebrity has been fast tracked to the book shelves:





    'The WAG who was previously only famous for her shopping sprees has also signed a deal with Harper-Collins to write two nonfiction books, plus a series of children's tales.'


    i know they'll be ghost written by a pro (as so many celeb books are) but i just wish real writers got the credit and the chance they deserve. i'd much rather read a childrens story by jill murphy than coleen any day.

    even fergie had more credibility with budgie- at least she actually did write those herself.


    it drives me mad when i walk into waterstones and see the likes of jordan and kerry andnow coleen grinning back at me simply because they were already famous.

  7. Not being cruel as I too am a fan but please leave JK Rowling out of this post, otherwise she'll be every other message! lol


    Who are your favourite authors in each catagories? Try to only chose one!


    Classic/Deceased: Beatrix Potter (although dickens is a close 2nd)


    Adult Modern: Val McDermid


    Childrens Modern: Jill Murphy (with R.L Stine and Jez Alborough in joint 2nd)


    Author of your favourite book: Arthur Golden

  8. Just finished reading James Patterson’s 'Kiss the girls'. I did enjoy it and I am interested in reading more of Patterson’s books but I found the bit with Anna Miller and the snake very hard to read. Do any of his other Alex Cross novels contain anything as horrific as this scene? I’d like to avoid those ones. If not I’ll have to develop a strong stomach.


    Or maybe someone could recommend an author like Patterson but perhaps a little less sexually sadistic?

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