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Status Updates posted by LucyD

  1. Hi Stephanie, thanks for your nice message - I am so pleased you liked AWYWM - hope you enjoy Over You too. And what a brilliant question as well... I love thinking about such things! Okay, so for the film version of Any Way You Want Me, I'd want Sarah Parrish as my heroine (Sadie) as I think she's fab and only a British actress would do! For the men... hmmm... I'd quite like to see brooding Colin Firth (wouldn't we all) as sleazy Mark or maybe David Morrissey (I'd watch him in anything, frankly). As for nice-guy Alex... maybe the very lovely David Tennant?? Or John Simm? Ooh, decisions decisions... Now I'm in a quandary!

    Did any faces spring to your mind when you read it? I'd love to know!

    Thanks again for your nice message anyway! xxx

  2. LucyD

    Thank you for your message! The wedding was fab - the happiest day of my life. I am still smiling in a rather stupid way about it!

    (Sorry for delay in replying - I have been on holiday!)

  3. Hi again and thanks so much for buying my book - twice!

    We've seen a lot of the pigs by now too - didn't get a holiday this summer so I took the kids on quite a few pig-hunts around town for something to do, and we've been ticking them off our map. I think all the pigs are going to be on display together in Queen Square one weekend in October before the auction - I've got the 18th in my head but could be wrong. It's going to be quite a sight, all those porkers in one place!

  4. Have only just seen your message - sorry not to have replied before. The wedding was fab, thank you! I am really enjoying being married. :)

    Love your new pig avatar by the way - I will miss those pigs when they get auctioned off next month!

  5. Thank you so much!

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