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Posts posted by brooksy0507

  1. Wuthering Heights is great. I reckon she wrote it deliberately as she looked into the future and saw Kate Bush...ah well...:D


    :tong: My Mam loves that song, Kate bush does have quite a unique style of dancing...:)


    I didn't realise I'd get so many welcomes so thank you all for welcoming me :welcomeboard:

  2. Thanks for the warm welcome! :welcomeboard:


    Welcome! How are you finding Lisey's Storey.. I had trouble getting into it, so it went back onto the shelf! What else do you like to read? :tong:


    I'm having trouble getting into it as well, but i'm not very far through it so i'm hoping i'll start enjoying it more in a few chapters.

    I really like a lot of things, i'll try reading anything once! i've just recently finished Wuthering Heights which I really liked.

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