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Posts posted by WillowFae

  1. I feel that way too, but I cannot afford new books at the moment so the library is great, plus I like taking Katie to choose her own books and I take her to the baby groups too.


    Must admit the only books I get out of the library are for my son.



    Dale claims I'm the only wife he has, so unless he suddenly got VERY good at lying, I'm inclined to think we just happened to end up with guys who have the same name and a similar attitude to the book-buying habits of the women in their lives. :lol:



  2. DH actually won't let me go into a bookshop if I'm with him simply because I always end up spending money. Sometimes I sneak into one when he's not with me, but it is SOOO hard to resist those lovely new books!



    Actually, I've ended up reading some excellent books that way, but it's still a breach of the book embargo and I have to smuggle them into the house so Dale doesn't see them!


    Hmm, my DH is called Dale, and I have to sneak books into the house. Are we both with the same person?!! :)

  3. Toto was definately an animal. There are no Animals in our world and he is from our world. However I don't know if Belina was an Animal. She didn't show any signs of being one, and surely by the time Return to Oz is set then all Animals would have forgotten how to talk?


    Wicked --> Wizard of Oz / Son of a Witch (they happen at the same time) --> All other Baum books (including those that make up the movie Return to Oz

  4. The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova


    I enjoyed this, but I know a lot of people who didn't. Yes, it was a bit far-fetched, but it's just a work of fiction :D Slightly tedious in the middle.


    I picked up The Little Friend


    I gave this away on bookcrossing as the cover photo was freaking me out!


    Has anyone read 'Wicked' by Gregory Maguire?


    Daughter keen to read as we have seen the show (see how desperate I am to get her reading). Reviews on Amazon mixed saying that story is quite different and difficult to get into.


    Many thanks



    How old is your daughter? It's not a book for children. The show is a very family friendly sugar coated version of the book. So yes, it is very different and for that reason a lot of people don't like it, because they are expecting a book of the show. I personally love both the show and the book - but as a story the book is FAR better. Gregory Maguire says that the show is inspired by his book in the same way that his book was inspired by Baum.

  5. Hi WillowFae. A belated welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy it.:tong:



    I have two boys ages 5 and 6 (they're 362 days apart, but who's counting?:welcomeboard:)


    They're both in school now, so things are a bit different. I'm glad you made it.


    Thanks :D

  6. All my children love books which Im really pleased about and I would love to know which authors you would recommend.


    I have three girls aged 5, 10 and 12




    My bestsellers for the older two would be North Child by Edith Patou (and for adults, it is a BRILLIANT book), Marco's Pendulum by Thom Madley, and The Spy Girl books by Carol Hedges.


    For the 5 year old it would have to be the Pony Mad Princess books by Diana Kimpton.


    For the 12 year old: If she likes historical fiction, I went to the launch of "The Raven Queen" by Pauline Francis on Thursday night - it's tells the fictionalised story of Lady Jane Gray, written for young teenagers. Unusually for historical fic it's fast paced and action packed, and is due out later this month.


    Oh yes, forgot this one! I loved it :welcomeboard: See I can make the excuse that I have to read them so that I can advise customers ... but okay, I just like reading them :tong:

  7. I used to read dr seuss stories like cat in the hat and the grinch and green eggs and ham I used to read them as a child. Because I was growing up in the 70's


    Last year the am dram group I perform with did Seussical, a musical based on the Dr Seuss books and it was fantastic! We did a publicity event with our local Ottakars and they had a Dr Seuss theme going on in the children's section.

  8. hy everyone, im brand new :D im pretty stunned that i didnt find out about this site sooner as im a book addict but i thought id say hi ('hi') and get to know a few people on here. and what better way than being nosy?


    id have to say mine was enid blyton's mallory towers series... i cant tell you how jealous i was of those girls and their midnight feasts, ginger beer and parentless train journeys!


    I enjoyed Mallory Towers but have to admit to a preference for St Clare's :welcomeboard: And of course The Famous Five books.


    My all time favourites were The Secret Garden and Ballet Shoes (so excited about the new TV version they are filming).


    I have all of my books from my childhood in the garage and can't wait to share them with my two children :tong:

  9. I tend to do more bookrings and rays than releasing - I've read some great books that way and all it's cost me is the postage for sending it on afterwards. I've also been to a couple of bookcrossing meets and picked up LOADS of books that way :(

  10. Hiya:welcomeboard:Hiya


    :DWaves to you from Aberdeen



    I used to have a yearly Usborne book party many years ago my kids are too old for them now. Is Appletree Farm with Poppy and Sam still on the go!!


    Oh yes. We still do the Farmyard Tales books (find the duck on each page). Unfortunately Stephen Cartwright who did the beautiful illustrations for those and some of the other books died a few years ago so they can't do anymore :(

  11. Welcome. Definitely know where you're coming from on the motherhood front. I have a clingy 7 month old and am expecting my 2nd. Enjoy the forum.


    Thanks :( You're brave having two so close together!

  12. Ahh.. we're following each other around! :D Nice to have you here.


    hehehe. :D Well I did get the link from your librarything page.


    Hello! I'm sure you'll love it here!!


    BTW, was that 2 kids both aged 3 yrs 4mnths, or 1 kid 3yrs and the other 4mnths?




    The later. DS is 3 and a half and DD is 4 months :D

  13. :(


    Hi WillowFae and welcome to the BCF! I'm sure you'll love it here. There are a few mothers here who I believe would understand your lack of reading time.


    Thanks for the welcome :D


    :D Hiya, WillowFae. :) to the forum. What OU course are you doing? I've been thinking of doing one of them sometime. :D


    Thanks. I'm doing Child Development which is one of the psychology courses. This is my 7th year studying with the OU and I'm (allegedly) doing it for fun!

  14. Just saying hi :( I love books so this seemed like a good place to be.


    I'm a SAHM to two children aged 3 years and 4 months. I don't get as much chance to read (at least something other than Thomas the Tank Engine or The Gruffalo) as I'm also doing an OU course. As well as being an SAHM I also sell Usborne Children's books so I have a mini bookshop in my garage :)

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