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Posts posted by Susanne

  1. Oh boy, looks like I am going to be very busy for the next few years :rolleyes: . I have always enjoyed YA books and I am still reading most of my daughters (or try to as she reads at least twice as fast as me :irked:) She is more and more leaning towards adult fiction now though, so this list will be great for both of us to rekindle our love of YA books :D Thanks for putting the hard work in :friends3:

    PS: Just had a look at the series books - does it mean we have to read all of them, too? :giggle2:

  2. LOL! I just have a book for different areas I find myself in! Currently I have 4 books on the go! I'm quite lucky because I never confuse books or forget what is going on, which means I can read several at the same time


    Wohooo, just like me. I have different books for different places in the house, times and moods. I have been known to read 5 books at the same time and like you I manage to not get things confused. Nice to see that my 16 year old is developing same habits as me, too :D

  3. As I grew up in Germany I thought my fondly remembered list would vary greatly from people in the UK but I don't think that is the case. I remember reading most of Enid Blyton books including the Famous Five series (I just started re-reading them :D) but the most popular one in Germany was the St Clare series with the O'Sullivan twins. I absolutely adored them and I think I still have about 4 volumes at my mother's house. Another author who achieved this warm feeling and wanting to read the same book over and over again was Otfried Preussler. I believe some of his books are availabe in English (The Little Witch, The Little Ghost). I can't vouch for them in translation as I have not read them in English but in German they are just fabulous. Pippy Longstocking is also on top of feel good books which I read over and over and over again. Last but not least were the Alfred Hitchcock and the three investigators series. Loved them. :D

  4. My two eldest and I have read the first six or so and I have to say that they enjoyed them more than I did. Although they are well written and certainly different from other children books, for me they were slightly too repetitive. However, I did enjoy them enough to probably pick the next one up in the series at some point or another.

  5. Sadly due to financial restraints I don't often indulge in buying new books, especially hardbacks. This means that I get most of my reading materials from the local library, which in itself can be a problem as it gets me hopping mad to see how some people treat books :(. On the plus side it also means I don't have a problem with lending as there are not many to lend :D. I prefer not to borrow from friends as, although their books would be in very safe hands, sometimes I end up reading three or four books at a time so it could be a while before they would get it back.


    However, my children, especially the eldest, have got some lovely books on their shelves which either myself or other family members have purchased for certain occasions. And I do tell them that what they do with the paperbacks is their choice, but the hardback books stay put. That was after my daughter lent one of her Harry Potter hardbacks to a friend and got it back all in tatters with bent pages and evidence of all the food and drink she ingested whilst reading it :lol:

  6. I have been known to use anything as a bookmark, even sheets of loo roll (clean ones of course :)). Right now I am using the bookmarks I received as part of the nursery photograph package of my youngest. Nice to see his cheeky little face before and after reading. :lol:

  7. As we are near the end of 2008 I was just wondering how people will decide what they want to read in 2009? Some members have very complex and interesting reading lists at the beginning of the year and I would love to know how you choose your books? And do you then stick strictly to it or do you add/remove throughout the year?



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