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Laa Laa

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Posts posted by Laa Laa

  1. I finished reading this book last night and have only just stopped blubbing!

    When Leisel told her Mama's body that she liked it when she was rude to the neighbours when Leisel first arrived is when I started blubbing. Also, when she kissed Rudy.

    What a beautiful book. I loved it and read it very quickly (for me).


    Read it you Saumensch!

  2. Following on from the 'I Remember this' thread, does anyone remember Chocolate Tarmac from school? Oooh, it was fantata! All chocolatey and gooey. Well, I've just found the recipe for it and am always happy to share.


    8oz (225g) Cold Margerine or Butter

    1 tsp vanilla extract

    12 oz (350g) Self-raising flour

    1 oz (25g) Cocoa

    8 oz (225g) caster sugar

    A little extra caster sugar for dusting before and after baking

    Beaten egg (optional)


    Heat the oven to Gas mark 4, 180 C, 350 F.


    Melt the butter in a pan. Sift the flour and cocoa into a bowl and stir in the sugar. When the butter is just melted, stir in the vanilla extract and add to the dry ingredients, with the beaten egg if using. Mix thoroughly and turn in to two 8 in (20cm), greased and lined, square tins. Wet the top of the mixture with a little cold water and sprinkle with caster sugar.


    Bake in the centre of the oven for 25 minutes. Once cooled, sprinkle with more caster sugar and serve in squares.


    At my school we either had it with pink custard or green, peppermint flavoured custard. Yum!

  3. I'm confused! Has this season ended now? This week it was the episode after the tornado but it didn't feel at all like a season finale. The announcer said 'back later in the year'. Oh no!! I can't wait that long! Also, I've heard some rumours about next season and seen the trailer on Youtube but I'm not sure if there's more to come before that.

  4. Has anyone read this book? Do you recmmend it?


    I have just receievd a beautiful, special edition copy (very beautiful) as a gift as I love fairies and my partner thought I'd like the book.


    I have got a copy of Jonathon Strange and Mr Norell but have been put off starting it because of the size and weight of it. Should I read this first?


    Many thanks

  5. Oh, hi Kehs. I'm happy to meet another Faery/fairy fan too.


    I went to a Jacky Newcomb workshop last weekend and bought her book, Faery Treasury, it's lovely!


    *Needs a fairy smilie*

  6. I've read 6 so far and that's good going for me because I read very slowly and have little time to read generally. Si far I have read:


    My Booky Wook by Russell Brand

    The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch

    The Prestige by Christopher Priest

    The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs

    The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

    The House at Riverton by Kate Morton


    I have just started The Book Thief so I look forward to discussing that later.

  7. Hi, I'm new here and very pleased to have found the forum. I actually joined a while ago but have only just plucked up the courage to post :D


    I read lots (well, not as much as I'd like!) but don't really know many readers so I find it frustrating to not be able to talk over a book taht I've enjoyed.


    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.

  8. Thanks for the advice and the welcome. I'm so pleased to have found a friendly book forum. It's great to talk about a book that you enjoyed. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all and having many discussions.


    Back to Riverton

    With regard to the question of whether Grace should have told Hannah that she was her half sister, I feel that it was strongly implied that Hannah already knew. Also, the fact that she gave Grace the locket with the money implies more than gratitude to a lady's maid, to me.


    My favourite character was definitely Hannah because she wasn't stereoytpical - I felt that Emmeline was. I felt that the character of Robbie could have been better defined. We didn't really know a lot about him and I found it hard to 'relate' to the attraction that both of the girls felt for him.


  9. Can I join the circle. This is my first post on here so I don't know how to cover up spoilers etc (can anyone advise?). Therefore, I won't say too much yet.


    I loved the book and got totally lost in it. It kind of reminded me of Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin and I noticed that Kate Morton mentions that book in her acknowledgements.

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