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Status Updates posted by ii

  1. Yes! I'm not sure if I want to find out the lengths that can go...


    Well, it's worth mentioning... Oh, as you're a friend of mine, he wouldn't wonder. He takes it as the default that all my friends as crazy, too. So no, you can come, no problems. I'm sure he'd be cool with it. Maybe we could get his brothers to help him! ... I'm certain after the first pitcher it'd be hilarious! *cracks up*

  2. ii

    I know! I love that pic, it's so ... him. *grin* And that isn't even the worst I have of him. There's one of him in Cupid's outfit, wings and underwear and very little else, for example. I think it has been established time and time again that my friends are crazy.

  3. You could try to strech them. A gobbler may be able to so something, assuming it's borderline ill-fitting. It won't hurt to ask... Support stockings can also sometimes make your foot smaller. (I've had some serious "shoes slipping off" problems due to that effect.) It doesn't always work, but it might.

  4. It would be so much fun! We'd make the boys get more cool drinks from the inside of the house so we wouldn't have to get up. Maybe music? Something summery, like Beach Boys... Good thinking about the binoculars, there is a safety zone that needs to be in place. (splinters, you see?)

  5. ii

    Oh, that's wonderful. Enjoy your well-earned day off. How's the apartment hunting going?


    I'm good, thank you. Started at my job a month ago, and slowly getting used to showing up at work at 9am Monday to Friday. *laughs* I bought an apartment, and now need to decide on the decorating. Just iced all plans on Saturday as I fell in love with a new color. BF's laughing at me.

  6. ii

    Oh! Well, all the better, then! *laughs* It's a pain, I know. But be patient, you'll find your place.


    Thank you. I'm really fond of it, it's a good real estate investment. As for the full time job... gosh! So odd. *laughs*

  7. ii

    Laugh all you want. It wasn't funny. My grandmother is scary! Seriously! *laughs* She moved to States when she married grandpa, somewhere years pine cone and cow, back in the Iron Age, but she still insisted that first dad, and then eventually me, learn Finnish, her language. So, I always had a Finnish nanny. No matter where we lived. Because of Grandmother. *laughs* So her having an opinion about my choice of university was small.


    You lived in England? That explains your English, then. It's very good.


    Autch, I'm so not the backpacking type. But I'm planning on going to Argentina with BF as soon as he finds the time for it.


    Ach, it's a bore. But it's a course I have to complete. What kind of report is it? ... You'll just have to learn how to multitask. Keep one eye in the book, the other on the Net. *grin* Then again, you probably shouldn't take advice on effective study methods from me, I've always believed flying to Paris to go shoe shopping is a perfectly good reason to skip class.

  8. ii

    Oh, that's wonderful. And I'm glad everything worked out with the flat. Don't mock the parisian life, it produced me after all! *cracks up* What are you doing these days?


    They're both going fine, thank you. In more interesting news, I'm meeting up with a hockey exec here in Finland on Friday to talk about hockey! *laughs* That made my week last week. And this week, too. I'm so easy it's embarrasing.



  9. Aww, that's wonderful! It's good to get back to routines, isn't it?

    You're looking for work? What kind?


    I'm still doing that, wrapping up the last bits of school work, believe it or not. I don't know if you heard, but my thesis supervisor passed away a while back all of a sudden. He was also a good friend, so that was pretty devastating. But, I'm getting things done... BF's fine, never better. Same old wonderful BF. He was asking about you the other day, actually. Perfect Morning-After Voice suggested I should contact his team about a job. He just wants me to cook for him. *laughs* What else... I think DD has a new girlfriend. Like, serious girlfriend. But nothing too amazing happening here, really.



  10. ii

    *laughs* happens. Especially at 2AM.


    Oh, she's the real Grand Old Lady. She makes you go change your outfit if you try to wear trousers for lunch. I love her to bits. ... As for Finland, it was my decision in the end. And it's not like I live with her, or ever that near her. I was interested in EU issues at the time, and basically came here because of this one professor who's really really good in EU economics. (Of course after doing my Bachelor's Thesis in EU issues, I got totally bored with the whole thing, and decided to focus on game theory and Economics of sport instead.) But yeah, it was my call to come over. I also didn't want to do the social circuit so much, but to have a few years of "normalcy", so it was good to move away from dad.


    You're probably very right about that!


    It's the last minute fright. Seriously. Just like nothing would ever get done if there wasn't deadlines. It's human nature to do things at the very last minute. So at 2AM, you know you need to get to bed soon, so you force some productivity in order to acieve something still "today", i.e. before going to bed. I know I do that. I wrote half of my Bachelor's Thesis at the early morning hours. Good thing I like coffee!

  11. ii



    Yes, that's one thing business schools teach you! *laughs*


    It is! It's now 5.56AM and I'm out of my warm comfortable bed. This is wrong. Will go and blog about this shortly.


    I haven't had the time, unfortunately. Once again, my stock response: it's on the list. *cracks up* No no, seriously though, I'll get to it as soon as I can, I can't really wait. But I want to be able to focus on it properly, and most of all, I don't want it to fall victim of my crazy schedule like so many books have in the past. I pick them up, start them, then don't have time to finish them, leaving them on limbo of "I'm so lost on that book, yet I don't want to start over" for months. So as soon as I can give it the time it deserves, I'm on it. It's on the list!


    Have a nice day at work!



  12. ii

    Imagine what it was to type it! *laughs*


    Awww... mornings suck!


    No, it's not in the limbo. I'm saving it. For a special occasion. *laughs*


    Well, I have a ton of plans for the weekend, too, so... But it's getting better. Less hectic.



  13. Sorry! hahahaa... Well, at least it's different, no?


    And sorry about the lack of pics, I don't like posting my pics on the Internet...

  14. ii

    Hahahaa... Well, yeah, you have a point there. *cracks up* ... Sounds good, though. And yes, permanent job is a scary thought.


    In the ii-world, that is exciting. Just like the fact that I was able to pick up a copy of An introduction to Game Theory by M. Osborne today on my way to work. It's not part of the Big Plan, but it's a step in that direction. It's in the Big Plan, Reality Version. *laughs* But mostly it's just about the fun of talking about these things. If a job should come out of it, all the better. And they do say you should start with baby steps, so the Finnish league is a natural stepping stone for the NHL. (and then the world. *laughs*)


    Must check out Le Petit Nicolas, I remember loving those books.



  15. ii

    Happy New Year!

    Thank you, it's good to be back, even if only little bit. I've missed you all.

    I'm still in States, flying down to see BF and to do some decorating around his place (WITH his permission this time!) before heading back to the Old World.


    How was Christmas?

  16. ii

    Thank you! It's good to be back, even if briefly. I had a good time, thank you. Did you? Did you make it to your parents in the end, despite the snow?

  17. ii

    *laughs* I've been working on school stuff the whole day at my dest, so I've kept my computer open, taken care of email and kept an eye on the forum at the same time. It's been a surprisingly productive day!


    It's wasn't me! It was bev! If you're talking the naughty bits. The funny bits was me. *grin*

  18. ii

    Thank you! I took a look around the thread, and I'm pretty sure I'm not missing out much, as far as my tastes are concerned. Thanks for reminding me about the thread, though! It was kind of you.




  19. ii


    Thank you for the Friends-request. I more than happy to accept.


    How are you today?




  20. ii

    Oh, Hello!


    It's nice to meet you. How are you? And shouldn't you be at school?? *laughs*

  21. ii

    *laughs* I know. Thank you, I'm pretty happy about that myself. I'm just worried that this will put people off the CC as this is a difficult book.


    For me it's this particular book that's the problem. I'm reading Les Liaisons dangereuses at the same time and loving it, so it's not the "old style". It's just Hardy. I don't like the guy.


    I've ad a good weekend so far, thank you! I'm feeling loads better, so I can actually do something other than watch TV and drink hot chocolate and listen to the calories have a conference at my hips. And I found a perfect cure for my red nose, so I'm a very happy little elf right now!


    How was your weekend? Just lazying around, I hope?

  22. ii

    Awww, you survived! I'll throw you a party. There will be arches erected to celebrate your achievements, avenues named after you... *laughs*


    Ski Guy joined forces with BF, I can't go watch the World's unless I've turned in a draft. He's evil.


    I get sidetracked a LOT. Because Economics of Sports is a relatively new area of study, I need to do a review chapter, just an overview of what's been written in the area and especially about the NHL. So I'm reading through studies that aren't really about my focus but need to be mentioned. And they're interesting beyond description! So I'm checking their references, further studies, studies that quoted them and took the issue further... I'm off on a tangent with nothing useful done the whole day, just hours wasted reading on how game theory can be applied to tennis serves. (fascinating, theory and practice are totally compatible there!) See??? *bangs her head to the wall* It's coming... I'll be very effective tomorrow, I promise!



  23. ii

    "a woman of the world"?? *laughs* What?? I'm pulling a Lost in Translation here, I'm certain...

  24. ii


    I meant to ask before, did you get the report done? *smile*


    Did I understand you correctly, do you actually live in Paris? No need to answer, if you don't feel like it, though, as I can fully understand if you're reluctant to share private information over the Net...




  25. ii

    You should at least get a medal!


    Oooh, good idea! And I'm awfully good at bribery, too. And with Ski Guy, it would be my pleasure... Only thing is, I'm not sure BF would quite approve of my methods of bribery being used on Ski Guy... Could I plead French heritage here?


    So true!! It doesn't feel like wasting your time at all! And even more, I'm constantly drawing hockey-links in my mind, thinking "ooh, that could be applied to hockey, if used this way that could be used to explaing this-and-that in hockey" so it feels even more like real work. Only, it has really nothing whatsoever to do with my thesis! It's infuriating! Tomorrow I'm going back to theory. I think I solved a problem I had earlier today, about theory applications. Fun fun fun!

    Thank you!

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