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Posts posted by emjays

  1. Hi Sedge

    Still trying to fathom how to get anywhere on this site. Received an email that mentions Sedge but the purpose of the message remains a mystery! Anyway, Like you I am a new member. I look forward to mastering this technology. Happy reading. Mike

  2. Ah'm always suspishus of folk wiv four stars. An' who told you I was ill? Mike


    Hello Carm. I've been days on the bookforum site but have not yet talked much about books! Have just received an article from a Scottish newspaper about Peter Carey's home in New York. I have just read "Theft" and looking forward to his latest. There seems to be some hostility in Oz to natives, like Carey, who prefer to live elsewhere. Maybe we still suffer from colonial cringe.

    Publishers' Blurbs. Critics. Book Reviewers. To fall readily into cliche, is he, she reading the same book, seeing the same film, hearing the same musician? Should we read blurbs with more than a grain of sodium? I want to write more but I am a model of restraint. Mike

  3. March! How good of you to write to me from so far away! I rejoice daily, in the magic of the Internet that has shrunk our world. I once dreamed of sailing around the world. Now I can just sit at the computer. No sweat. Thanks for your post. Mike

  4. Hi Karen

    I'm breathing! Not sure of the etiquette here. I want to thank everybody for their kind messages. Maybe a few at a time? Is that ok?


    Kell. Scotland, O Scotland. Frozen or not. Long, long, long ago, I drove from Edinboro to Glasgow to meet a girl. No! No! I can't go on! Play the Bruch Violin Concerto, very loudly. Mike


    Kylie, Cloudstreet is such great writing. Dirt Music seems, to me, a much lesser thing. I do so like the wide imagination of his writing. Something like the West Australian landscape. I'm a Pete Carey fan but he's becoming a bit precious of his public. Why can't he just write and let the rest of it go, I wonder. I would! Mike
    Sorry. I've messed up big time, In an interview Carey "attributed the muted critical response in Australia to his latest fiction to laziness on the part of local reviewers."
  5. Kylie, Cloudstreet is such great writing. Dirt Music seems, to me, a much lesser thing. I do so like the wide imagination of his writing. Something like the West Australian landscape. I'm a Pete Carey fan but he's becoming a bit precious of his public. Why can't he just write and let the rest of it go, I wonder. I would! Mike

  6. Hi from Queensland, Australia


    Currently reading Martin Amis, Peter Carey, Tim Winton, Hilaire Belloc and the greatest little entertainer I received for a birthday prezzie: Skylarks and Scuttlebutts - a Treasure Trove of Nautical Knowledge by Lorenz Schrotter. I was a potter and now paint, read and read and keep a Journal. I read just about anything. A bit of a dustbin. I look forward to meeting you, when I have learned about how to travel on this site!

  7. At least three times in this book Amis refers to a character as the "Barnardo boy". Does any reader know why? As a 'Barnardo Boy' myself (wivvout any hangups), I am curious. Are there any Barnardo Boys out there?

    PS I haven't a clue how to use this site - but I can type with all my fingers.

  8. Sonya Hartnett's book "Landscape with Animals" was slammed by a senior critic in Oz. Sonya had thought him a friend. A friend? Have just read the book and must agree with the criticism. Does any one have a view of this particular book?

  9. Hi Emjays, :lol: to here

    Is there somewhere I can go that will enable me to find my way around an interesting site? I feel I am in a maze. It must be the Aussie winter - our coldest ever. Warm regards.

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