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Captiva Dreaming

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Posts posted by Captiva Dreaming

  1. I do like his books, and agree that the short chapters help to keep you going in the early stages. I particularly like to take them on holiday - so you can pick up and read and put down whenever - as they flow quite nicely and seem easy to read with other distractions around.

    I found it amusing reading that article where it was said, he didn't recognise excerpts of one of his books, :D but having said that - he would have to have almost a photographic memory to remember all the plot lines and script, to all his (and his co-written) books now, wouldn't he? haha!:D

  2. I have read To the Nines -- and it made me laugh out loud at times! I also cannot think about (why would I, you ask)..or see a tin of vaseline in a chemist's shop, without thinking about Punky Balog :D ...or come to think of it, see tight and bright lycra outfits without thinking of Lula! :D

    Ranger vs Morelli -- hard to decide, really!


    Anyway, I would definately get another book by Janet E... at some time in the not too distant future! I like her sense of humour.... and light hearted style of writing. Easy to read - and enjoy.

  3. I loved this book -- a friend of mine sent it over from the States last year, after she read it and enjoyed it so much.

    I read it cover to cover in a couple of days. It was very poignant...and at times had to wipe a tear away.


    It did put me in mind of a film called *Fried Green Tomatoes* (at the Whistle Stop Cafe) - somehow -- not sure why though :D Great movie!

    Maybe, it was the scene with the bees....and the bee charmer, and it was in the south.

  4. Today I *acquired* 3 new books - they will go onto my TBR pile.

    Nora Roberts - Northern lights and Midnight Bayou

    and Alan Titchmarsh's Animal instincts...(wasn't he a gardener??):D



    I did enjoy reading Nora Roberts, Montana Sky - so her books should be ok....not sure about the gardener's efforts though :D

    I'm game, so what the heck- they were cheap!

  5. Being a lover of books,(even the smell and feel of them) and having no-one in particular to discuss them with, started *Googling* to see if there was a nice group to join... and here you were -- all I had to do then, was be brave enough to click *register*

    done!!!...easy peasy!!! :D

  6. I have a huge collecton of bookmarks. I just can't resist them, although I guess at any one time there are only half a dozen in use. But it annoys me to see pages turned down at the corners. What do others do about keeping the page marked?


    Oh dear.... I have thought about this question - and quite honestly - if I have borrowed the book from the library or from a friend - I will treat it with the utmost care - cherish it almost, as I like my books to receive the same treatment when I lend a book.

    However, after saying that, if it is a paperback - for holiday - say for instance, and I am at the beach (in the pool on a lilo) then I am afraid that If I am really into the book and cannot put it down for long - the corners do get turned down. *sigh*

    My hardback books are all still in their prime condition, loving stored in a bookcase, but some of the others (only paperbacks) are dog-eared and are what I call, well loved after several reads. Sorry to admit this.

    I guess I just get too involved and if I am doing the housework, with a book in hand:tong: its not always possible!

    I always start off with such good intentions, and have lots of bookmarks scattererd around - but.....

    you know what they say about good intentions..:D

  7. Most of my books come from either Waterstones, W.H. Smith - Tesco - and our local hospital outpatients department.

    they have a great selection of used books - (you have to be quick) but all proceeds go to Breat Cancer support.

    I also recently found a copy of a great book, *Trace* by Patricia Cornwell whilst waiting in my Dentist's waiting room! (ouch) -:D

    The books are handed in by patients and the proceeds (they just ask for a donation) go to the local Isabel Hospice, which i like the idea of.

    I do love finding a bargain book, but have been known to pay over the odds for something I really wanted and didn't want to wait for the paperback edition.:D

  8. Birthday: 6th June *cough* -- some time ago!:D

    Age: - {quote}You can only be young once, but you can be immature forever.{unquote}

    Starsign: Gemini


    Single/Married/Other? married 35 yrs!

    Children? grown up...2 one of each kind...both married -

    Grandchildren - one of each kind... (ages 2 & 6)


    Where do you live? Hertfordshire


    Do you work? not as such -- housewife - so, in fact... yes!;)


    Favourite author? Wilbur Smith, Marian Keyes, Ken Follett - (lots really)

    Favourite book? Angels - Marian Keyes, recently - but yonks ago - Eagle in the Sky - Wilbur Smith - and all the Courtenay books....


    How did you get here? just surfing for a nice place to join in a discussion group.:D

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