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Status Updates posted by Kylie

  1. I only have an hour left :D. I don't really have any plans to do anything other than read. I'm really pleased that my current read is going quickly and I should finish it tonight so hopefully I'll start GwtW tomorrow. I'm really excited but also a bit scared because it's just so big. :lurker: And I plan on starting Macbeth for the reading circle too.


    I'm still on for Hawaii! :D It's not quite as hot here as it has been. I think we have a few days of rain coming up so that will keep the temp down a bit hopefully. I hope it rains all weekend. That would give me a perfect excuse to stay inside and read all day long!

  2. Kylie

    Happy Birthday Ben! Do you have any special plans?

  3. I'm well thanks, Tiger! How's yourself? I saw that someone mentioned Jean M Auel on the forum recently and wondered if you had read her work? She writes historical fiction (and I mean historical - her books are set in prehistoric Europe :lol:) and I know you enjoy that genre. I have a few of her Earth's Children books but haven't read any yet. They're rather large and intimidating-looking!

  4. Hi Val! Is that Kerouac in your pic?


    I like old music mostly. I have a very big thing for The Beatles, and pretty much anything from the 60s. I like anything older than that as well: Frank Sinatra, Elvis etc. I was definitely born in the wrong decade! :lol:

  5. Sounds like you had a lovely day :) What a good haul of books! Lucky gal :)

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