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Posts posted by Dogberry

  1. I began reading it! My first impressions were that someone had poorly translated the book. But then I realized that accents are given to people from the "old country", which I found to add definition to the characters.


    Now, to answer one of Polka Dot Rock's leading questions:

    If this is your first time reading a graphic novel, how are you finding reading the format so far? Do you find it 'easier' or more difficult than reading a purely text-based book? What do you think of Art Spiegelman's style of writing and illustration?


    Even though I knew it would be a graphic novel (because you told us in the description of the book), surpisingly, at first, I didn't really pay attention to the illustrations, I was just reading the text and consepualizing it for myself. Then, all of a sudden I realised that there were differen't animals. I reamember glancing at one of the pictures and seeing a pig and thinking...either Spiegelman can't draw, or that's a pig... . I'm still reading, so I don't know exactly why Spiegelman would do this, but it does seem significant.


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