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Status Updates posted by Esiotrot

  1. Hi Tiger - Hope your well? What have you planned for the summer?


  2. Hey Diane -

    Hope you are well? Thanks for the heads up about the spelling mistake - what a numpty I am lol!

    Karol x

  3. Acchh here and there ~ added an extension to the house, got a puppy and been caring for my 89 year old Granny. Somewhere in the middle I went back to school and did my English and History highers - bit scary being twice the age of everyone else in my class. Reading for study sort of killed reading for pleasure and it took me ages to get back my mojo back.

    Its so nice to read a familiar name as I doubted anyone would remember me.

    Anything new with you?

    Karol x

  4. Hi Janet -

    Thanks for the message, lovely to see an old friend - didnt think anyone would remember me so tried to sneak in!

    Been busy ~ added an extension to the house, got a puppy and been caring for my 89 year old Granny. Somewhere in the middle I went back to school and did my English and History highers - bit scary being twice the age of everyone else in my class. Reading for study sort of killed reading for pleasure and it took me ages to get back my mojo back.

    Anything new with you?

    Karol x

  5. Yep pretty sure that English schools do A Levels and the Scottish equivilent are Highers - I did enjoy it but had to go back to my old high school and join the 17 year olds as there is no college here. I stupidly droppped out of school at 16 while doing my highers first time round so am pleased I did it.

    There are loads of new faces here - missing a few oldies though - does Paula (happyanddandy) still come on?

    K x x

  6. Hiya,

    Glad the link was of use - the jiffy bags look great, I want some even thought I dont need them!

    What genre is your book?


  7. Not my kind of thing :lurker:

    But I really should try to broaden my horizons - if I ever get Mount TBR to a managable level that is LOL!

    I wish you every success with it


    K xXx

  8. I like a story I can believe in - if I doubt it could happen then I just cant get into it. Contemporary Fiction is a wide genre but probably covers all my bases!


    I actually find it easier to say the books I avoid - Chick lit, Romance, 'stories of my tortured childhood' white cover books, historical fiction, war and spy type books - I am soo fussy LOL!

    My favs this year to date include The Kite Runner, Book Thief and The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox.


    What do you like to read?


  9. Hi there Missy - looking for my reading mojo, just thought I would check if you have it LOL! I have it bad, just cant concentrate on reading anything.

    Hope your all well


  10. oooocha bright page LOL! I am back! Nice to read you - Its going to take me months to catch up on all the posts since I have been away. Hope all is well with you and yours


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