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Posts posted by philippajudith

  1. i saw the soldier son books on amazon, and i was going to buy them, but i was put off because the trilogy isnt finished yet, and i like to read them all in one go. I really can't stand waiting for books, such as harry potter, and the song of ice and fire books, because i usually have to re-read just in case i've forgotten something.

    when the whole triolgy is completed, i'll definetly read them.

  2. I read the Farseer trilogy, and then i started reading the Tawny man trilogy, halfway through reading the first of the tawny man trilogy i found out about the liveship traders, which is set before tawny man. Ive finished the tawny man now, and i dont think i can go back and read the liveship traders because ive probably ruined the ending for myself, although i do know its actually quite seperate from the other two trilogys.


    I thought the farseer trilogy and the tawny man books were really good! i was reading them practically non stop until they were finished. The last book, i think its called fools fate, was a bit tough to get through, because it felt like it was going to end, you know when it feels like the climax at the end of the book, but it felt like that about half way through, and it kept feeling like that for a lot of chapters, it was a bit exhausting. But i suppose in a story which has lasted three trilogys, its fair enough to have a long ending!

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