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J Singh

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Posts posted by J Singh

  1. OK, thanks all and i have considerd some of your input above and have come to consclusion that I personally feel dissecting for example supermans key super and non-cuper chracteristic (his profession, his type of girl friend (brunette), an alien etc) traits and puting specifically a majority of them into a comic, graphic novel or storyboard for cinematic/tv presentation would be taking it too far. 

    The opposite would be for example if you take a an autistic savant/or saint with mystic qualities who`s life is torn a appart by doctors who experiemnt to on him to find out about more about him and he becomes well known something he does not desire as a result movies, novels and creative art etc are created leveraging and plagiarising his rhetoric to make statements etc.

  2. Thanks all and very informative, so if I understand correctly if i were to dissect supermans super powers and give them each to a character in my comic for example x-ray vission and optical beams to "one ", freezing breath to "two",  flight to "three" all in the same ccomic this would not taking plagiarism too far.

  3. Without deviating from my opriginal question below, i am not asking for comparisons but clarity with the analogy below, as i am still unsatified with how far one can take plagiarism as in the context below of a comic super hero.

    Thanks for the detailed reply, what about if for example we take superman and another comic writer creates another hero with similar characteristics like x-ray vision, super hearing, optical beams, faster than light, bullet proof, gets his energy from the sun had a red cape....etc, but had blonde hair or no hair at all. That would be blatant plagarism and I take it, it also is never acceptable???

  4. Thanks for the detailed reply, what about if for example we take superman and another comic writer creates another hero with similar characteristics like x-ray vision, super hearing, optical beams, faster than light, bullet proof, gets his energy from the sun had a red cape....etc, but had blonde hair or no hair at all. That would be blatant plagarism and I take it, it also is never acceptable???

  5. Hi, all not sure if this is the correct thread to asking this question as it is my frst post, but i found it to be the most relevant as i do have access to the writers thread.


    I am just getting to writing and would like to know if there are any living good writers that have had their work plagiarized knowingly and accepted as there seems to be many cases where one author sues another? Also is lagerism accepted upto a certain point where there is an obvious line where one should not pass and thus keeps thier work unique.


    Many thanks in advance for your prompt reply to my first questions here.

    J Singh

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